Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for Mixed-Use Development Project in Downtown Chandler

A groundbreaking ceremony was held on Wednesday, Oct. 31, for New Square, a mixed-use project in Downtown Chandler. The land, formerly known as Site 6, is located directly across from City Hall.  P hase 1 will consist of a three-story, 51,000-square-foot office building; an 8,700-square-foot retail and restaurant building; and a four-story Hilton Garden Inn. 

Phase 1, along with a 930-stall, City-owned parking garage, is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.  Phase 2 is planned to include an additional 70,000 to 100,000 square feet of office space. New Square is a Spike Lawrence Ventures development.
Global Entrepreneurship Week: East Valley Panel Discussion and Networking Event

The City of Chandler, along with Infinity Coworking, Chandler Innovations and the Chandler Chamber of Commerce, will celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week (Nov. 12-18) by hosting a panel discussion featuring women entrepreneurs. The event will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 13, at Infinity Coworking, 2250 E. Germann Rd.

The panelists will address the right time to expand a business, perceived obstacles, pitfalls and potential challenges  that women entrepreneurs face. They also will briefly discuss their journeys.

Introduction: Odette Moore, City of Chandler
Moderator: Terri Kimble, president/CEO, Chandler Chamber of Commerce
Panelists: Denise McCreery, owner, D'Vine Gourmet; Julia Peixoto Peters, co-owner, Peixoto Coffee Roasters; Nandini Srinivasan, chief operations officer/owner, Cactus Semiconductor

Opportunity Zones Program Offers Tax Benefits to Encourage Long-term Private Investment

The Opportunity Zones program is a new federal tax incentive to encourage private investment in designated lower income areas throughout the United States. Investors will be able to defer and partially eliminate taxes on capital gains when the sale proceeds are reinvested into Opportunity Funds. Eligible fund activities include investing in real estate development projects and businesses  in Opportunity Zones.  Tax benefits increase over time, with the greatest benefits available after 10 years. Regulations still need to be established to clarify investor and fund requirements. Proposed regulations were released by the Treasury Department on Oct. 19.

Chandler has two Opportunity Zones comprised of adjacent Census tracts that cover an area of about two square miles. The area, which includes Downtown Chandler,  has seen a significant amount of redevelopment and business growth in recent years. The City has also invested in projects to enhance the area's infrastructure and streetscape. In addition to this new federal tax incentive, qualifying redevelopment projects may be able to take advantage of City programs such as the Adaptive Reuse Program and Infill Incentive Plan. Download our Chandler Opportunity Zones brochure to learn more.
Quick Links
City Council
Study Session
November 5, 2018
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers

City Council
Regular Meeting
November 8, 2018
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers

Global Entrepreneurship Week: East Valley Panel Discussion
November 13, 2018
5 to 7 p.m.
2250 E. Germann Rd, Ste. 6