January 4 , February 7, 2019JJ2019
Parent Link: Empowering Parents to Build Christian Families
Information, updates and links to keep Parent Link subscribers and CSMSG parishioners current
on Parent Link events and resources(articles, book reviews, podcasts, websites, etc)
Prayer for the Care of Children

Almighty God, heavenly Father, you have blessed us with the joy and care of children: Give us calm strength and patient wisdom as we bring them up, that we may teach them to love whatever is just and true and good, following the example of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen ( BCP #46, p. 829)
An Inherited Faith
The Reverend Amy Bertschausen
Executive Director of Care and Counseling
Have you ever had a child ask you a BIG question that you weren’t sure how to answer—like a question about life and death or why the world isn’t always fair? Or what does God look like? Why did Jesus die?
Have you ever wondered how you can help to instill in a child a love for God and God’s world? 
Have you ever felt awkward having these kinds of conversations? 
Would you like to be ready for such conversations or even start one?
Responding to children’s religious, spiritual and existential questions can be scary.
You might think you need a PhD in theology!! In fact, you only need willingness and
a little confidence. This course can give you both!! You will feel prepared to respond
in an authentic and loving way to inquiring minds from 2 years old to young adults. 
This course will be led by Rev. Amy Bertschausen, Executive Director of Care and
"This class will allow attendees to look at their own beliefs and learn how to share those sustaining beliefs with any children, grandchildren, god children, Sunday school students, etc. that they have influence with”  - Rev. Amy Bertschausen
Sign up NOW for this Wonderful Wednesday class beginning January 23 and continuing
for 5 weeks through February 20. You may attend any or all classes.
Dinner - 5:30 - 6:00 pm
Class - 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Compline - 7:30 pm (optional)
Dinner and Childcare provided with ADVANCE reservation by the Monday
prior to class. E-mail Marty@csmsg.org to register.
Mark your calendars NOW for March 3rd...
The Blessing of Children
Contemplative Spirituality

Teaching and discussion about how to think about, affirm and engage the Spirit of God within children.
Spring Parenting Seminar
Nancy Enderle and Gail Watkins

Sunday, March 3
11:30 - 1:00 pm

Childcare available with advance registration by February 22.
Register HERE


" If there is ever a place that we should be real with each other about what is going on at home, it is at church! "

Listen as Tom Shefchunas talks to us about REAL PARENTING.
PC3 Parent Network - Episode 25 (Pt. 1) Click HERE to listen now! Stay tuned
for Pt. 2 which will be posted next week, or search on I-Tunes or Soundcloud.
Faithful Generations Adult SS Class

 Faithful Generations Adult Sunday School Class - All interested adults are invited to join the Faithful Generations class each Sunday in the Wydown Meeting Room. This is a group of parents, grandparents and interested adults finding community and supporting the faithful growth of our families. We will begin 2019 reading the book  Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren. Feel free to come even if you don’t have or haven’t read the book! We will discuss challenges and successes in parenting in faith.

Sarah Smith, parishioner and mother of seven, remarks:
"This informal gathering is where I've found space to know and be known in the sharing of life in faith. Since it's inception, the Faithful Generations "class", has morphed in form, lending itself to conversations around our lived lives and towards being people of hope, followers of Christ, in relationship and as a community. Conversation throughout the next few weeks will revolve around Tish Harrison Warren's book,  Liturgy of the Ordinary.   In this book she examines and challenges the formative practices we embrace in the small ordinary moments of our lives. For, "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." Annie Dillard"


The Grandparents of Parent Link met on Sunday, January 27, to say our prayers, share our stories, and learn more about great things for Grandparents going on in church this February, including “An Inherited Faith” and Nebraska Movie Night. Did you know that Apple introduced group FaceTime last November just in time for Advent? With group FaceTime, it was easy (once they had installed the latest software upgrades on their Apple devices!) for Grandparents to join with their children and grandchildren at multiple locations on a single FaceTime screen and share a 10-minute service of candle lighting, Scripture reading, and prayers each week of Advent.

The Grandparents of Parent Link will meet again on Sunday, February 17, from 8:15 to 9:05am in the Wydown Meeting Room.  All are welcome, including non-grandparents who serve like grandparents in nurturing the spiritual lives of children. For more information about his group, please contact Bruce Springer, Barb Smith, Tim Smith, or Pam Koprowski. 
Nebraska , the movie will be rescheduled. Please stay tuned for new date!
LIKE MUSIC?? You won't want to miss this podcast!!
Scripture and Popular Music
Steve Turner is a writer, poet and rock critic with "a hipster's eye and a parishioner's faith" who wrote TURN, TURN, TURN - a book that not only describes 100 popular culture songs inspired by the Bible, but also unpacks the context and Biblical context. Check out Steve Turner's interview HERE .
Parent Link Liaisons
Thank you to all who have agreed to serve as Liaisons for Parent Link:
0 - 5 Years Old: Brett & Becca Jagger; Will and Lucky Springer
Elementary Age: Caroline Springer
Middle School: Terese Portell; Kim Whittle
High School: Marya Strand; Kim Whittle
College and Beyond: Jerilynn Palmer; Janet Peterson
Grandparent Link: Pam Koprowski; Barb & Tim Smith; Bruce Springer
Stay tuned for more to come from our liaisons!
How do I keep up with the latest going on with the CSMSG Parent Link? Follow us on  CSMSG Parent Link Facebook page and Instagram . This CSMSG Parent Link Update is published monthly. The Parent Link webpage is updated frequently with service opportunities and new resources.
Volunteer Opportunities:

- Volunteers Needed Cooking Breakfast
Volunteers are needed to cook breakfast at Gateway 180 Shelter. It's a great way for the whole family to serve our community! Click HERE Shelter Sign Up Genius to sign up to volunteer on a Sunday morning.
-Hunger Ministry Saturday Sandwich Making   - 3rd Saturday of every month; Join volunteers of all ages to make sandwiches to donate to Gateway 180 Homeless Shelter. Contact Allison Wiedle to volunteer, or just show up!
-Youth Ministry - There are many ways to serve by volunteering with the YM. Contact Marty Chapman at Marty Chapman if you are interested to discuss options.
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