We Stand With Christ-Rebuilding Together This Weekend is Commitment Weekend!
To:  All Parishioners

From: Fr. Ian

Subject: This Weekend is Commitment Weekend!

Brothers and Sisters,

Our  We Stand With Christ—Rebuilding Together campaign will conclude this Sunday, September 23 rd with the Commitment Weekend activity.

All parishioners who have yet to do so will have the opportunity to make a pledge “in-pew” during Mass. 

If you have not yet made your gift decision, I ask that you prayerfully consider what you can pledge and return your commitment card at Mass this weekend.  Pledges are payable over three-to-five years and are “good faith” intentions and not legally binding agreements.

While 211 parishioners have already laid the foundation for success, they represent just a small percentage of our parish membership. If we can increase the level of participation, we may be able to meet our campaign’s challenge goal of $7.5 million. Every dollar raised from this point will allow us to establish a Capital Maintenance Fund which will eliminate our extra maintenance collections throughout the year.

Most importantly, this campaign is more than just how much money we raise; it’s about being part of our parish community as we build a legacy of faith and fellowship for ourselves and future generations of St. Michael the Archangel parishioners. Just as we benefit from the legacy of the parishioners who came before us, now is the time for us to prepare a legacy for those who will come after us.  

Equal sacrifice – not equal gifts - is a key factor here.  All gifts, regardless of the amount, are fully appreciated.  We have received commitments that range from less than $100 to six-figures.  Only you alone know what gift amount is appropriate for your situation.

I pray every parishioner will join in this effort.

Thank you for your generosity.  May God bless you and your family.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Ian

Fulfilling your pledge online via credit card or electronic fund transfer (EFT) allows you to conveniently and automatically make payments on your pledge while saving you time and money on postage.
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(203) 869-5421