Moving into Winter
Dear friends,
We are moving into winter. Nature is slowing down and contracting, preparing to rest, so it is good for us to slow down also. 
I am sharing information which will help you stay well during cold and flu season. Also an article on non-hormonal birth control, and why it is important to stay away from these drugs if at all possible.
Methylation is a new buzz word. How does a genetic problem with methylation cause recurrent miscarriage and what can you do about it? This is actually something that over half the population has, and is easily managed with the right supplements.
Please check out my website - where you will find lots of useful information on women's health. Feel free to forward this newsletter to a friend who might benefit.


The ancient Chinese view was that we should live in harmony with the seasons in order to stay strong and vital.  Over the long winter, seeds lie dormant as life slows down, so that we can renew ourselves from the deepest source. In the spring our energy begins to take root again and manifest as new beginnings, ideas and exciting projects.

Winter is associated with the energy of the Kidneys, the root energy of the body. Rest is important for rejuvenating the kidneys. It is a good time to look inward, reflecting on ourselves with meditation, writing, or other inward practices such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong. These practices help us to connect to our inner selves and help to support kidney energy. We naturally feel like cooking warming, nourishing soups and stews and bone broths. Bone broths are also powerful Jing tonics, as Jing is produced by the bones. Jing is understood to be the deepest essence of the kidney root energy, and the constitutional energy we are born with. Jing is depleted by activities such as extreme and prolonged stress, lack of sufficient sleep, working long hours, and excessive behaviors like too much drinking, smoking, and using drugs.

Stay warm, sleep longer hours, wake up a little later if you can. If you eat according to the seasons, avoid sugar, gluten, alcohol and drugs, and get more sleep, you will stay healthy during the winter. I like to use immune support as well, such as cordyceps, mushroom combination formulas, or Chinese herbal formulas like Jade Screen formula on a daily basis to keep the immune system strong. Treat colds and flus right away with Chinese herbs. (See article below)

Chinese Herbs for Colds, Flus,  
Lung and Sinus infections
Chinese herbs are great to take when you get sick with a respiratory virus or bacterial infection. For many years I have used herbs at the first sign of a cold, and they work very well to ward off the illness or greatly lessen its effects. You still need to slow down and take care of yourself, stay away from dairy and sugar, and hit the chicken soup. I have used antibiotics only once during my adult life for a respiratory infection, and I have never gotten flu vaccinations.

My favorite formula for viral infections is Gan Mao Ling. I like Xanthium containing formulas for sinus congestion, allergies or sinus infections. I like Fritillaria and Pinellia syrup for lung infections. I have some great formulas in tincture form that are excellent if you come down with flu, bronchitis or pneumonia. Sometimes if you are really run down, you need to use a formula that will boost immunity at the same time that you are treating viral or bacterial infections.

I recommend using immune tonics during the winter and spring to keep well.

If you get really sick, do call me right away and get on a strong Chinese Herbal formula that will get you well without using antibiotics.

Non-Hormonal Birth Control:
Why it Matters
By Sarah Jane Sandy, master nutritionist and women's health specialist

Although I spend a lot of time talking about how to get pregnant, I'm also a big fan of conscious conception-having your baby at the right time for your family. Some method of contraception is therefore a must, but most of the popular methods out there (like the pill) work by manipulating your hormones, which you can probably guess I'm not a fan of.
So you might be wondering-how do you find a safe, effective, non-hormonal form of birth control?
Before we dive into my favorite contraception methods, let's talk a bit about why staying away from hormonal birth control is so incredibly important.

Risks and Side Effects of Hormonal Birth Control

While most people associate the term "hormonal birth control" with the Pill, there are actually a bunch of different hormone-releasing birth control methods out there that are available from your doctor.
The Mirena, Kyleena, Skyla, and Liletta are all IUDs that use the hormone progestin to prevent pregnancy. The birth control shot (sometimes called Depo-Provera, the Depo shot, or DMPA) also uses progestin.

Methylation and Recurrent Miscarriage

By: Dr. Shawna Darou, ND

Methylation is an essential biochemical process in the body which affects your utilization of vitamin B12 and folate, neurotransmitter synthesis (dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine), regulationof gene expression, processing of toxic heavy metals, hormone activity, immune system regulation, and regulation of homocysteine. I know this sounds like lots of biochemistry, but I will try to simplify the process.
Many of us carry mutations or defects in methylation genes, and there is one in particular that has been extensively researched called "MTHFR", or methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.

This particular gene mutation is implicated as one causative factor in a very long list of conditions, including:
  • autism
  • recurrent miscarriage
  • addiction
  • mental illness (depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia)
  • Alzheimer's
  • fibromyalgia
  • spina bifida
  • Down's syndrome
  • chemical sensitivity
  • migraine with aura
  • atheroscllerosis (cardiovascular disease), especially at younger ages
  • and many more...

Molly offers a free 15 minute consultation by phone or in person. 
 Feel free to contact her at:
Molly Greacen,  Lic Ac, Dipl Ac, CH
3625 Conifer Court,  Boulder, CO 80304

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