February 7, 2019
#GGUSDPRIDE E-newsletter
The #GGUSDPride E-newsletter features many of the great things happening in GGUSD.   
Send your photos to to highlight your school or students in the e-newsletter.
GGUSD Celebrates the Lunar New Year
GGUSD is celebrating the Lunar New Year across the district, with the celebration kicking off during our Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, February 5. Lion dancers from Bolsa Grande High School performed for the Board of Trustees, district staff, and guests.

Cook Elementary School also celebrated the Lunar New Year earlier this week. Students, guests, district staff, and GGUSD Board of Education Vice President Teri Rocco enjoyed performances from Bolsa Grande High School students.  #GGUSDPride   #ChooseGGUSD

Keep an eye out for photos of upcoming events from across the district and look out for the GGUSD "Bus Full of Pride" during the 2019 Tet Parade in Westminster on Saturday, February 9!
Eisenhower Career Day
Students at Eisenhower Elementary learned about amazing and exciting careers last week during Career Day which featured visitors and guest speakers from a variety of career fields that included animal care, law enforcement, fire and rescue, maintenance, and more. The students were able to hear from the guest speakers about their career journeys and what do each day. They were also able to see tools used in various trades and some students even gained hands on experience with them! #GGUSDPride
Run for a Great Cause
Paine Elementary School teacher Terry Shepard is putting together her 12th Annual Team Running with Todd, which runs in honor of her son Todd who passed away at the age of 18 of Ewings Sarcoma. The team will participate in the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation: Reaching for the Cure Half Marathon on Sunday, March 17, 2019.
Sunnyside Family Science Night
Sunnyside Elementary School hosted a Family Interactive Science Night. Mr. Fabian shared his testimony of the importance of STEAM. He is now a first year chemistry teacher at La Quinta High School.  #ChooseGGUSD   #GGUSDPride
CTE Program Flexes Its Muscles!
Our Career and Technology Education Program updated the board and guests on the great opportunities and pathways they have to offer. 

Students from various pathways at Pacifica High School spoke to the Board about their experiences in their course and shared examples of their work, which included a 3D printed magnet and interactive puzzle that a student created custom for each member of our Board of Education!  #ChooseGGUSD   #GGUSDPride
The 2019 Career Fair is Wednesday, February 13!