"Inspiring students to love God, their Catholic faith and learning."
Important News from the Office
The following surveys are important to us.  Please help by sharing your opinions about our school regarding Catholic Identity and School Culture.   Read each statement and choose the response that most closely matches your opinion.  Please answer each question honestly.  Your response will be completely confidential.  We appreciate your feedback.  

NO SCHOOL Friday, September 28th for Teacher Retreat.

Flu shots will be administered on  Sept. 21st by the Cole County Health Department. If your child has a cold or any illness that day he/she will not be allowed to receive. This will be billed through your health insurance. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school office or the Cole County health department at 573-636-2181.  

The school is on lock down during school hours.  All visitors are to check in through the school office.  Office Hours are 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Please call Kelley (Mon-Fri), Jeanne (Mon-Tues), or Carrie (Wed-Fri) with any questions you may have at 636-8922 ext. 326.


Meet our Staff

Mrs. Donna Stuckenschneider teaches music to the students of grades K-8. She enjoys encouraging her students to experience all kinds of music in lots of ways! She has fun making music with our student musicians and Christian rock band at our all school Masses!
Mrs. "Stucky"was born in Freeburg, Mo and went to school at Holy Family in Freeburg then high school at Fatima. She attended Lincoln University as a music education major. Mrs. Stucky has been teaching 35 years - 32 at St. Peter. She feels blessed to have taught so many students throughout the years!   One of her greatest joys is to see our alumni send their children to St. Peter Interparish School.
She's been married to her husband, Curt for 35 years. They have two children, Tasha and Bret. Both attended St. Peter School. Tasha is a physical therapist and Bret is a speech therapist. One of her favorite things to do is plan family outings and vacations with her family.
In 2016, Mrs. Stuckenschneider had the wonderful privilege of being awarded the Lead, Learn, Proclaim Award in San Diego at the National Catholic Educators Convention. She feels it was incredible to be 1 of 11 teachers to receive this national award!
One of her favorite activities is riding with her husband on their motorcycle! She also loves spending time outdoors and listening to live, classic rock music! Her husband's hobby is motorcycle, drag racing. She is the crew chief : )

Active Parishioner Status For School Families
Active parishioners' status is fulfilled by:  
  • Registered in the parish
  • Regularly participating in Mass and the Sacraments
  • Is actively tithing to the parish
  • Is involved in parish activities and ministries, as noted on the annual Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure form
Parents, please make sure you are doing the above requirements to remain a non-tuition paid family. If you have any questions regarding your status, please call the rectory office and speak with Beverly McCracken or Michelle Truesdale.  
The Fund Raising year is off to a good start. The Fall Gift Catalog Sale was very successful. Pick up of items ordered will be on Wednesday, October 17 from 3-5:30 in the school cafeteria.
The braided bread/pastry fund raiser will start on Thursday, September 27 and run through Friday, October 12. Orders must be turned in no later than Monday, October 15 to insure our delivery date of Wednesday, October 24. This product is frozen and must be picked up on the delivery date between 3-5:30 p.m. The school does not have frozen storage space for orders not picked up.
If any 6 th, 7 th or 8 th graders would like to help with either or both of these pick ups for service hours, please let me know. It would be from 3-5:30. There is down time in between parents coming in for pick up in which homework or reading can be done. Help is always appreciated.

VIRTUS Training Required
(for any/all coaches, field trips, summer blast off, lunch helpers, room parent, classroom party volunteers)
Studies show that one in four females, and one in six males, will be a victim of sexual abuse by the time they reach the age of 18.  You can help prevent this from happening.  

The Diocese of Jefferson City will hold a VIRTUS® Protecting God's Children class on  Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at St. Peter parish, Jefferson City.  Class will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Selinger Center. Participants must register in advance at  www.virtus.org.  Please arrive early so that the class may begin on time.  Due to the nature of the subject, children are discouraged from attending.
This program is one component of the overall effort to protect God's children and vulnerable adults.  All employees and volunteers with ongoing and unsupervised contact with children and youth are required to attend a Protecting God's Children session.  All parents, grandparents and other adults in the parish community are encouraged to attend.  To view valuable resources regarding the protection of children and vulnerable adults, please go to www.virtus.org or the USCCB's website at  http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/child-and-youth-protection/index.cfm.

Helias Color Crusade
Helias Catholic High School is having their first annual Helias Color Crusade on  October 20th, 2018. The 5K will be a family friendly, fun, and colorful walk/run. It will start at  9:00 AM and all are invited to join! 

Please register online or at Helias' business office by  October 5th to guarantee your T-shirt! Costs are: 13 and up $15, ages 6-12 $10, and 5 and under FREE (with paid adult fee). 

Mother and Son Field Day
Home and School Association invites you to the Mother & Son Field Day at GotSkillz on Saturday, September 22.  See attached for more details and how to register.
Mother & Son Field Day  You can also RSVP to mrice1221@yahoo.com.  Please include your name, your child and their grade, along with the number attending.
Credit/Debit Card Contributions
St. Peter is now accepting credit and debit cards for school fees and church contributions! If you are trying to build up credit card points/miles this is  a good way to do it!  
Follow the link below to make one-time payments for tuition, lunch fees, church contributions, etc. Follow the instructions on the page, and please be sure to specify where the payment is to go. A convenience fee applies.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact Michelle in the Parish Office or Kelley in the school office.

Library News
We are having a quilt raffle to support the school library!  It is a Queen Size Mizzou theme quilt with a solid black backing and handmade quilt rack.  Chances will be sold until Thursday, October 11th. The winner will be picked at the Chili Supper.  Chances are $2 each or 6 for $10. A copy of chances to print, for purchasing/selling, is included in the Newsletter attachments.  

All proceeds made will go towards buying books and materials for the library!  Your support would be very much appreciated. If you have any questions or need chances to buy or sell, please contact Heather Luebbert at stpeterjc.org or (573)645-2916.

Annual Assembly
Catholics from around the state of Missouri will gather on  Saturday, October 6, at Helias Catholic High School in Jefferson City for the Missouri Catholic Conference's (MCC) 2018 Annual Assembly. This free event provides the bishops of Missouri an opportunity to meet with Catholics to discuss how citizens can witness to their faith in the public policy arena.
Our keynote speaker will be Bishop Joseph Perry of the Archdiocese of Chicago. He will open our Assembly and is expected to give an inspiring presentation on Pope Francis' papacy to date. There will also be a strong line-up of workshops, including one featuring the four Missouri Catholic Charities organizations. Other workshops will address pro-life legislation past and future, immigration law, the death penalty, the opioid epidemic, and a Catholic response to the LGBTQ community. Participants will also have the opportunity to help prepare bags of hygiene products for needy families. The day will conclude with a Mass concelebrated by all the Catholic bishops of Missouri.
You can click  here to register online or find more information about the Annual Assembly.

Chili Super
St. Peter Interparish Home and School Chili Super is coming up on October 11th.  Click  Here  for more details and to pre-order tickets.
Achievement Testing
Achievement Testing  October 1-5
Achievement Testing for grades 3-8 will take place the week of  October 1-5.  It is very important that students arrive on time and are only absent due to illness.  To help your student do their best during testing, please review the recommendations below:
* Encourage your child to put forth his/her best effort on the test.
* Keep in mind that a little test anxiety is normal and healthy.  If you feel your child is overly anxious, please contact your child's teacher or Mrs. Garner.
* Make sure your child goes to sleep at a good time each night.
* Wake up with enough time to have a healthy breakfast and not feel rushed.
* Arrive at school on time, or a few minutes early, in order to have time to get settled.
* Try to avoid scheduling appointments during the school day.
Please contact Mrs. Garner if you have questions or concerns.

Life Runners
Join LifeRunners!
St. Peter now has its own LifeRunners Chapter!  LifeRunners is a Pro-Life team of people across the globe who pray/walk/run on the 1st  Wednesday of every month while wearing their bright blue LifeRunners t-shirt.  Many St. Peter staff members have already signed up to join the team.  We are encouraging students and their families to sign up also.  As a member of the LifeRunner team, you will be invited to join all members on the 1st  Wednesday of the month for a pray/walk/run in the downtown area.  The team will meet in front of Church at  3:30 and pray/walk/run until  4:00. Please follow the steps below to sign up.  If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Garner.

To Sign up:
1. Go to  liferunners.org
2. Click Join Team
3. Fill out your demographics
4. For the T-shirt/jersey selection, pick that you already have a t-shirt.  
5. For Chapter selection, select MO-Jefferson City St. Peter School
Lastly, email Mrs. Garner at  sgarner@stpeterjc.org with your t-shirt sizes so we can get our free Liferunners t-shirts.  The T-shirts are all men's fit for adults and youth sizes for children.


Thank you to all of those who keep bringing in Coca-Cola bottle tops and UPC Codes!  We received a check for $97.07.  Special Thanks to Betsy Lock for taking charge of this, we appreciate what you do!

Can Food Drive
Samaritan Center Annual Canned Food Drive

Please consider participating in the annual canned food drive for the Samaritan Center.   Below are the dates and guidelines. Let's come together for a great cause and feed our community with food and hope!

Dates:  Oct. 8 - Oct. 18th (8:18 am)  The Samaritan Center will begin collecting from schools the morning of the 18th and pick up will continue through end of day on the 19th.  To be consistent across all schools, no items collected after 8:18 am on Oct. 18th will count towards our total. Any items that come in after 8:18 on the 18th can still be donated but will not count towards our school's total weight.

Guidelines: Please do NOT to bring in the following items:   drinks, flour, sugar, resealed items, bulk items, homemade items, or glass items .  
DO bring in canned goods, condiments, and box mixes.

Incentive: The school that collects the most weight per child will be announced at the last Helias home football game of the season on Oct. 19th.  There will be other individual and classroom incentives throughout the week. Information will be coming soon.

If you have questions, please contact Sara Garner at St. Peter:
636-8922 ext. 329

Things Going Home
For questions, concerns or comments related to school please see below for contact information.
If it relates to general classroom instruction, homework, schedules please talk to the classroom teacher.

If it relates to attendance, health, general school information such as calendar items, school uniform, fees, lunch, etc: kbezler@stpeterjc.org, chayes@stpeterjc.org or jjacobek@stpeterjc.org
If it relates to athletics, policy, safety, &/or discipline: mveit@stpeterjc.org 
If it relates to administration: gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org 
If it relates to enrollment or counseling: pwekenborg@stpeterjc.org or gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org

St. Peter Interparish School | | saints@stpeterjc.org | http://www.stpeterjc.org
314 West High Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Fax:  573-636-8410
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In This Issue
Dates to Remember
Fri., Sept 21st C Day Flu Shots

Mon., Sept 24th A Day Make Lunch Reservations L-R

Tues., Sept 25th B Day

Wed., Sept 26th C Day

Thurs., Sept 27th A Day

Fri., Sept 28th NO SCHOOL Helias Homecoming Parade
Click on link to see attachment: