HMIS Update February 2019
February 8, 2019

Last week's HMIS Users Meeting was a great chance for new and veteran users to review our tricky Income and Non-Cash benefits elements, how to update client profiles, and progress on the LSA, PIT, and HIC reporting periods. Take a look at the slides here to see avoid any surprises running reports!
January's Agenda
Income and Non-Cash Benefits Review
HMIS@NCCEH Launch Update
Reporting Updates
"What's Next" Calendar
Client Search and Community Data Sharing
Your Next HMIS Users Meeting is Thursday, February 28th!
In three weeks, we will have our February HMIS Users Meeting and we'll review this year's process to review, correct, and submit this year's Point in Time and Housing Inventory Count data!

February's Agenda
Point in Time and Housing Inventory Count process
HMIS@NCCEH Launch Update
Longitudinal System Analysis (LSA) Update
"What's Next" Calendar

Durham CoC HMIS User Meeting Details
at Durham's Community Development Dept
807 E Main St, Building 2, Suite 200
Durham, NC 27701

Check out our past HMIS Users Meeting materials on our NCCEH News Archive. If you have any questions, please give the Data Center a call!
Point in Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) Reports
Many of you participated in the unsheltered Point in Time (PIT) Count for Durham two weeks ago - thank you! Here at the Data Center, we know folks experiencing homelessness outside in the woods or in their car are so important to understanding the scope of our community's struggles. And your hard work helps to fill that gap! Thank you!

How to prepare
With all of the anticipation and excitement surrounding the unsheltered PIT, you may be wondering when HMIS Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Rapid Re-Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing Projects will count their clients. You're in luck! You already have everything for the PIT Count by making sure all clients who were served by your projects on January 30th are entered in HMIS with complete assessments. (Hint: check to make sure your clients are accurate by running a CAPER or APR report for 1/30/2019.)

The second piece that we need to report on is the Housing Inventory Count (HIC). You can make sure that your agency's Bed and Unit Inventory is update to date by submitting recent changes to this form. If nothing's changed since last year, then no update is needed!

What to do now
Keep entering, reviewing, and correcting data to keep it up to date. There will be a formal review and submission process once the PIT and HIC reports are available in HMIS. We'll review the process at the next HMIS Users Meeting!
What is new in HMIS?
HMIS@NCCEH Launch Update
The Data Center continues to test the demo sites (a practice copy, if you will) as they are provided. Progress continues and we will let you know as soon as we are able to set a Launch Date. Please continue to enter data as usual until then.

What do you want from HMIS Training?
Part of our preparations for the HMIS@NCCEH launch is to develop our own suite of trainings for new HMIS users.  Let us know what is most important to you through this short three minute survey.
Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting
Have your clients received a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Income?
At your next client meeting or annual assessment, ask your clients about their latest amount of Income or Non-Cash Benefits. It could be there's an increase that needs to be recorded in HMIS! (For step-by-step guidance for updating amounts of income or non-cash benefits, use our January HMIS Users Meeting presentation.)

Do you need help entering data in HMIS? Try our guides online!
The Data Center posts guides with step by step instructions for many aspects of HMIS data entry. If what you're looking for isn't there - let us know what you need. We may have covered the topic in an HMIS User Meeting that can be a reference! Go to our Trainings page for Additional Resources and Guides.
What's new from national partners?
HUD Released the Continuum of Care (CoC) Racial Equity Analysis Tool last week to help communities assess the over-representation of people of color experiencing homelessness. Our CoC is reviewing this and additional HMIS data to identify if there is a difference in client outcomes based on racial or ethnic identities. With this tool and our HMIS data, we can better understand our homeless services system and improve outcomes for our clients. Stay tuned!

The National Alliance to End Homelessness released a Rapid Re-Housing Infographic last month that explains RRH support can do for our clients. Share it on social media to show all of your supporters why Rapid Re-Housing makes a difference in our communities!
What's Next
Make sure you have these events and deadlines on your calendar!
Please note that the recent Federal Government shutdown has delayed the release of exact deadlines from HUD.
January 23 rd -- Durham's Point in Time Count

February 28 th -- Durham HMIS Users Meeting - Event details

March 28 th -- Durham HMIS Users Meeting - Event details

March 31 st -- Longitudinal System Analysis (LSA) Deadline (approximate)

April 30 th -- HUD's Point in Time and Housing Inventory Count Deadline (approximate)

May 21 st  - May 22 nd -- Save the Date for NC's Bringing It Home Conference

May 31 st -- HUD's System Performance Measure Deadline (approximate)
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |