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Volume 7, Issue 10 | October 2018


As you probably know, I send out my monthly e-newsletter towards the end of the month. Well, really, usually the last day of the month. And yeah, I'm usually scurrying to get it out even then :)  But this month I actually started working on it a couple weeks ago. Yet, here I am scurrying again at the 11th hour.
Part of the reason is that, due to recent events in this country, I decided to change out content. Much has transpired on the American landscape in the past two weeks, culminating in the tragedy that occurred in Pittsburgh, PA this past Saturday. So, when I read about a beautiful counterbalance to it (one of many I'm sure), I wanted to share it; you can read the story below.

You may or may not know that after being an atheist until the age of 35, I came to believe in something greater than myself and my whole outlook on life, the world, and people transformed. Still, I never became a follower of any organized religion. In a similar vein of independence, I have never registered for a political party; I have always voted based on the specific issue. And, you may have experienced directly or know that I have a reputation for being objective and fair, and don't often push causes in my communiqués. This month's newsletter is no exception. All I will say is that if you are an American citizen and haven't sent in a ballot, vote on November 6th. Your vote is your voice - express it. Thank you.


Joyce's signature

Inspiration and Contemplation
"Gratitude for what is, provides the strongest platform for expanding into what could be."  - Alan Cohen
God Works With Joy

I figure that all relationships need time and attention, and if my most important relationship in life is with Spirit "theoretically" ("theoretically" because honestly, I often don't seem to live as if it is), I need to nourish that connection at least like other relationships in my life. If I can't find a 30 - 60 minutes throughout the day, at a minimum, to cultivate that relationship, what does that say about me? My commitment, my words? And so, at a minimum, I do consistently sit in the morning and spend time with The Presence.
At a recent Unity of Mesa Spirit Group meeting we were sharing about making time in our life for meditation. Basically, spending time meditating is a loving thing FOR ME, a self-care activity. If Spirit is so important in my life, how can I not take the time, and in so doing, help myself personally?
For me, prayer and meditation are intimately connected. Hence, this writing from New Thought philosopher and writer Emmet Fox, which I read the day after the Spirit Group conversation, seemed most relevant to the prior evening's discussion.
As always, you can substitute another word for "God" that is relevant for you so that you can glean greater meaning and inspiration from the passage.
God Works With Joy
Don't pray or meditate as a duty. Realize that prayer is a visit with God and should be joyous.
Neither must you pursue your secular activities as necessary duties to be gotten over, that you may return to your prayer. In the light of Truth, there are no secular activities.
You must have a regular recreation or you will become stale. Recreation, also, is to be enjoyed - as an expression of God - and not as a task to prepare yourself to pray better. An understanding joy in living is the highest prayer of all.
... in thy presence is fullness of joy ... (Psalm 16:11)
- Around the Year With Emmet Fox, October 12
People Helping People
PeopleWe Are Each a Part of Humanity

"We wish to respond to evil with good, as our faith instructs us, and send a powerful message of compassion through action."

That is what Tarek El-Messidi said about the Muslim American community fundraising effort he organized after the October 27th attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA.

The crowdfunding campaign has raised more than $150,000 for the victims of the mass shooting, well above the original goal of $25,000.

Mr. El-Messidi said that about 70% of the people who are contributing to the campaign have Muslim-sounding names, and that the rest are people from other backgrounds who want to help the victims.

"It's an interfaith effort," said Mr. El-Messidi, a national Muslim leader in Knoxville, Tenn.

Read The Washington Post article.

Reader comments of the article are equally uplifting and touching. Here are several (excerpted):

"Oh wow. This is heartwarming and it brought me to tears. Thank you so much! This is people helping people, regardless of religion, color, nationality or anything else. Bless you Mr. El-Messidi."

"A person shows who they are by their actions. Thank you for seeing people of all faiths as part of humanity."

"Once again i am so proud and glad to be an American... I am not a Jew or a Muslim. I am an American, and i stand up, because by gawd this is what we do."

"Real religion is love, tolerance, mercy and forgiveness. Bless these kind people."

"This is the America I want to live in."

"THIS is the America I know and believe in."

"Good for them! And thanks for the coverage this is worthwhile news that America is filled with goodness."

"You all are shining some light into this darkness."

"What caring loving people we do have in this world. We are all the same."

The air is crisp and it's delightful taking morning walks listening to my mantras, nourishing my soul. 

Trusting you are taking good care of your soul too...
Joyce's signature

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