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CPI is stewarded by Pathways To Peace

Congratulations, Avon!
Avon Mattison Wins Lifetime Achievement Award!

On January 10th, hundreds of individuals and nonprofit organizations, along with businesses that support them, were honored by the Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL) at the 26th annual Heart of Marin awards ceremony.

Among the awardees, and receiving the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award, was our very own Avon Mattison, Co-Founder and President of Pathways To Peace (PTP). Avon was sponsored by Kaiser Permanente, San Rafael, CA.

Due to a recent injury, Avon was unable to attend the luncheon to receive her award. Accepting the award for her was Joanie Ciardelli, Co-Founder of Pathways To Peace.

"It was an extraordinary honor to accept the CVNL Lifetime Achievement Award on behalf of my dear, adopted Sister, Avon.  It is so well deserved, as her dedication and continuing, heartful work of building Peace is unsurpassed.  I was surprised and embarrassed, especially to speak in front of hundreds of people; and my deep love and respect for Avon carried me through." - Joanie Ciardelli

Here is a video recording of Avon's acceptance speech:

Here at PTP, we are overjoyed, honored, and humbled to have Avon's leadership, wisdom, and inspiration recognized so beautifully and generously! Avon is known for her dedication to working in collaboration with others. Over her past 55 years of service, many of you have worked hand-in-hand and walked shoulder to shoulder with Avon to create and nurture innovative Peacebuilding initiatives that have been woven into the fabric of local and global Peacebuilding today. This award goes out to you, as well!

Avon's accomplishments are far too numerous to list here. As you know, Avon is Co-Founder and President of Pathways To Peace (PTP), an international peacebuilding, educational and consulting organization. PTP has Consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and is an official Peace Messenger of the United Nations. Working cross-culturally and inter-generationally, Avon has positively impacted the lives of millions of people around our world. Avon works with Peacebuilding leaders, groups, and organizations on the "frontlines," building Cultures of Peace inter- generationally and inter-culturally for future generations.
Avon has served as special adviser to United Nations Conferences, renowned international leaders, and emerging youth leaders. She serves on the Advisory Councils/Boards of several international organizations and has been quoted in numerous publications worldwide.

Since its inception in 1981 and through Avon's leadership, PTP has worked with the UN to expand awareness of and engage in the International Day of Peace (Peace Day), which is held annually on September 21st.  Peace Day has grown from a single event of a few hundred people into a global movement that reaches hundreds of millions of people. Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.

Through PTP, in 1983, Avon created, in colleagueship with former UN Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller, the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI). This local/global Peacebuilding Initiative unites the strengths of over 4,000 international organizations and focuses co-operative Peacebuilding along diverse pathways/sectors.
Avon, we are grateful for your historic and continued dedication to Peace, Peacebuilding, and Peacebuilders! Peacebuilding is not reserved only for those behind closed doors in "Peace Talks," but rather the power to create peace lives in every human being. Thank you, Avon!
Learn more about the luncheon and award by clicking here:

LiveaMoment is Changing the State of Peace in America and Around our World

In reflection over the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, and in the aftermath of the United States President's "State of the Union Address," Pathways To Peace partner, LiveaMoment, has produced a series of new interviews asking the question: "What is Our State of Peace?"  Deborah Greene, developer of the LiveaMoment app, traveled around the United States asking people about Our State of Peace. Their responses are powerful, touching, inspiring, and informative. 

You can download the intro video here and see more on

Would you like to know more, download the app, and get on the LiveaMoment contact list? Click here:

Pathways To Peace was Selected to Present a Workshop at UN CSW63!
On Monday, March 11th at 4:30 pm, Pathways To Peace will be presenting its workshop, Building a Culture of Peace: Models, Tools, and Technology. The workshop includes panel presentations by some of our core program partners: Ashland Culture of Peace Commission (ACPC)/World Peace Flame, Journey to Your Heart, LiveaMoment, and The Global Leaders Toolkit. The 1.5 hour workshop will be meaningful, dynamic, and informative, and intended to provide inspiration and hands-on information for Peacebuilders coming from around the globe! Stay tuned for more information!
Pathways To Peace Selects its CSW63 Delegation!
Tezikiah Gabriel, St. Paul, MN

From the desk of Tezikiah Gabriel, PTP Executive Director:

Pathways To Peace (PTP) has selected its delegation for the 2019 UN Commission of the Status of Women. This is the 63rd CSW and this year's delegation is stellar! The following PTP delegates will be representing PTP and its mission and values at the United Nations in New York on March 11th through March 22nd. We are honored and delighted to present to you this year's UN CSW63 delegates!

Melissa Amin, New York, NY 

" I have a background in business and International Development. I have worked across public and private sector organizations in Colombia. I have worked with multicultural teams in different countries such as India, Kazakhstan, and Lebanon to provide innovative solutions for social and economic development. I truly believe that the root of many of the world's most pressing problems is the ethical and moral breakdown of society. People tend to pursue their individual benefit rather than the common good. They don't see each other and the world as one system that is interdependent and interconnected, and the consequences of this are corruption, inequality, wars, climate change, and more. I believe that change starts from within. Nothing will change outside if we don't change inside first. There will be peace in the world when more people feel peace in their hearts."

Kayley Anthony,  Middletown, NJ  

"I recall during my middle school years, when I had the opportunity to speak at the United Nations regarding water conservation. My voice resonated with others who believed in the same mission I did, to work towards providing better solutions to this world crisis. Since that time, I have continued to be a voice towards creating positive change and identifying with other organizations who share similar beliefs. I understand that I will be working alongside some of the most powerful women in the world, and it is my hope that I will learn and be able to take back much more than I will be able to give at this point in my life. From Mother Teresa, Peace begins with a smile."

Manju Lyn Bazzell,  Ashland, OR

" There is nothing more important or with greater potential impact than the recognition of peace inherent in the core of all being and bringing this recognition into our human-based systems. Peacebuilding efforts are happening throughout the world in many different ways, levels and sectors. Our support of each other, our curiosity and capacity to learn from each other energizes me more than just about anything else. Peace is here right now, in our hearts.  It grows as we greet each other with delight and curiosity, knowing that we share this invisible secret for creating a world that works for all."

Tess Cacciatore, NORTH Hollywood, CA

"GWEN is a culture-changing organization that harnesses the power of technology and multimedia, to enable people from around the world to share their experiences, lifestyles, and stories. GWEN transforms lives through the power of storytelling, so it is important to share the stories that lead to peace. I am one of three founders of the Women Illuminated Film Festival that launched last year at CSW. We are a bi-annual festival that will be happening again in 2020. Every day I am working in this field. I do the work to benefit others. It is my soul purpose and passion for being on this earth.
Anna Cassilly, Talent, OR

" Creating a more peaceful world has been a major focus of my life for as long as I can remember. In high school when I learned the vast sums of money we spend on war and how many people die due to lack of resources, I thought, wow, if we could just stop fighting, we'd have all that money to take care of people. I have been most drawn to working at the inner and interpersonal level of peacemaking.  Besides teaching the communication and conflict resolution skills necessary to prevent and resolve conflict, I have a strong emphasis on the skills needed to quiet the mind and reach a greater state of inner peace as a foundation to outer peace.  At CSW 63, I look forward to exploring how building a culture of peace can contribute to the well-being of women around the world ."

Georgiann Chapman, Fairfield, CT

" We are that shining star we wished would go so far,
 and the belief in who we are,
waits for us and isn't very far."

"I wish to bring hope for every child, woman, and man who suffer from low esteem to find a place to start over and find what they are looking for right in their own hearts. I wrote a fable as a grassroots campaign for peace. Self love, self esteem, and mental health are all important components to finding peace within ourselves and spreading it out to others."

Rosa Davis, Ocean, NJ

"I have experience advocating for a law in Peru that will benefit the victims of sexual abuse (especially children), and now that the law has passed, I want to expand the fight for justice for the victims into a global awareness message. Peace starts within, and people need to understand that our children must be safe and not subject to predatory crimes like sexual assault. Children are the future and if they cannot have peace then no one truly can. The awareness and justice I am looking for in the world is a long term goal founded by my life's journey and a belief in the ability to change laws and open up new ways of thinking that will benefit even the most vulnerable."

Stephen Dinan, San Rafael, CA 

"The Shift Network has built one of the largest online networks for peace, as well as the World Peace Library. The empowerment of women is at the core of our work and our customer base is 80% women. We have gender equality as one of our core philanthropic commitments. We have sponsored a delegation to Iran, work with indigenous peoples, and the bridging of political divides in a peaceful way. Personally, I feel that my r ole as a conscious man is also to champion equality as good for men as well."
Deborah Greene, San Francisco, CA

"This is my belief: Peace is not left. Patriotism is not right. And human rights are universal.  What if we can truly just take a moment?  What if you were calm?  And I was Calm?  And we were calm?

Step back and remember " I breathe. You breathe. I feel. You Feel." From there we can have a better conversation.  Every moment of calm brings a better choice. One moment can change our world.  I am committed to helping facilitate those moments."
Irene Kai, Ashland, OR

One flame unites people world wide - the tag line from the World Peace Flame Foundation. Seven sacred flames from five continents were flown to Wales and united to become the World Peace Flame, an eternal flame resides in the monument. The Asian flame was from the eternal flame in Gandhi's memorial. I am the co-founder of the Ashland Culture of Peace Commission. In September 2015, I chance encountered the World Peace Flame Monument in Wales, as I gazed at the flame, I knew in my heart, peace begins with me - I am the flame to ignite the sacred flame in others' hearts. 

In three years with grace and a lot of hard work, I brought the World Peace Flame and installed it in Ashland, Oregon on the International Day of Peace in 2018. It has become an icon to inspire and uplift our entire community. A class of middle school children volunteered to be the flame keepers to refuel the lamp with recycled biomass oil every Friday. When they move onto high school, the next class will be the new flame keepers, the flame will be lit in perpetuity. This flame is eternal as Peace is eternal.

Devaa Mitchell, San Rafael, CA

"I have always been deeply committed in achieving gender equality among women and girls, so I'm very passionate about this topic. In my own work I focus on women's empowerment, leadership and spiritual awakening through the Inspiring Women with Soul dialogues, which I founded, in addition to offering classes at our company, The Shift Network. I also I offer ongoing one-on-one mentorship and Spiritual Direction to aspiring leaders around the world. 

That said, some of my most meaningful work has happened in rural communities overseas - so I love the rich international tapestry of the CSW. For example, I recently designed a trauma-based healing workshop for counselors in Ecuador who work with victims of domestic violence. I also spent time working in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DNC) where I offered an arts-based trauma healing workshop that I designed for young-women who were victims of sexual violence."

Marlenis Rosa, Perth Amboy, NJ

"As a woman raised by a single woman and her village, I am proud of where I came from and how I have gotten here. I was lucky enough to have a supportive mother and grandmother that always cheered me on, always demonstrated how to wear the many hats I have to wear now, and how to empower and work for others in need. My ultimate goal in life is to make a positive change in the world, even if it's so small that it goes unnoticed. I also aim to empower women and assist in bridging the gap that continues to exist within the realm of gender inequality." From Eleanor Roosevelt, "A woman is like a tea bag-you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water"
Patricia Sempowich, Ashland City, OR

"During the sixties, I was attracted to the anti Vietnam war movement as a way of expressing my youthful idealism. Sadly, I became disillusioned as the movement became violent and dangerous. Contemplation has always been important to me. As I let go of the peace movement, I developed a daily meditation practice which eventually led me to the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. Through my Buddhist practice, I have learned the importance of peace, not as a reaction against war, but as a path to calm, compassion, joy and love. Through the Eightfold Path, I have been able to commit to a life of peace and peace making." From Zelda Fitzgerald, "No one has ever measured, not even the poets, how much the heart can hold."

Lauren Werling, Westlake, OH

"During my time at the White House, I was a Policy Intern with the National Economic Council (NEC). Within the NEC, I worked to develop economic policies in line with President Obama's agenda regarding healthcare and veteran affairs. I also worked closely with several members of the National Security Council on policies areas of my interest, including immigration and global terrorism. While working for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the office of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), I was able to further develop my knowledge and experience of immigration. 

I have spent years focusing on immigration, migration, and asylum issues worldwide and hope to continue working on these issues in the future. I believe finding solutions to these problems is key for peacebuilding. Millions of people are displaced worldwide due to war, famine, weather, and other unforeseen circumstances. I believe we have to ability to help stop this, to give these people a home and a place in society where they can prosper."
David Wick, Ashland, OR

The peacebuilding journey that brings me to CSW63 includes the following. I am delighted and honored to be a delegate. In 1980 I helped launch the United Nations NGO, Pathways To Peace (PTP) which had assisted the adoption of the UN's International Day of Peace in 1981. I have assisted organizing the celebration of the International Day of Peace since 1984 and continue to serve as a PTP Director today. While working at Stanford University, in 1985 I founded the ten year-long PTP Peace Within Organizations program and in 1995 co-founded the visionary project Peace Building Through Business which led to being a leading member of a five year international think tank on the future role of business in the 21st Century.  I have continued to serve in a leading role of the global Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI), a UN-designated "Peace Messenger Initiative", of which Pathways To Peace serves as the International Secretariat. 

Building upon this knowledge and experience, in 2015 I co-founded the Ashland Culture of Peace Commission (ACPC) with Irene Kai, which has become a leader in embracing a Culture of Peace and an emerging model as a City of Peace. This begins with each of us as individuals and leads to new ways of thinking and behavior which positively impacts all sectors of the community.
Lily Yoseph, Sausalito, CA 

"I believe that empowering and educating girls from a young age is key to a peaceful world. My mission is to change communities' traditional ideas of gender inequality through the education and empowerment of girls. My organization, Tangible Hope Foundation, strives to achieve this by bringing girls from many different tribes in Kofele, Ethiopia out of poverty by providing school supplies and education to girls, and grain and cooking oil to their families. We get support from their families by forging an agreement in which they agree to keep their daughter in school during the program. 

With different tribes participating in the program, we are facilitating peaceful coexistence in an area that has traditionally seen disagreement between tribes. Our approach has effects across generations: girls' parents begin to see the value of educating their daughters instead of forcing them into early marriage, and the girls grow into women who will empower future generations. Life should not only be about living, but also about giving."
 Stay tuned for what is created and learned at CSW63.

Peacebuilding Around Our World: Your Pathways To Peace!

Quote of the Day

Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.
                                                                                               -John F. Kennedy


About Pathways To Peace and the Culture of Peace Initiative
Incorporated in 1983, Pathways to Peace (PTP) is an international organization dedicated to making Peace a practical reality in our world today. PTP is an official Peace Messenger of the United Nations and has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. PTP works locally and globally, inter-generationally and multi-culturally, to promote Peacebuilding, Peace education, and to collaborate with other organizations in initiatives that help further the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI). 

With participants from around the world, the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) is a cooperative local-global Peacebuilding Initiative uniting the strengths of organizations, networks, projects and people to realize a Culture of Peace for the Common Good. The CPI also serves as a vehicle for bringing to light many previously unseen and unheard Peacebuilders working along diverse paths, who are embodying the emerging Culture of Peace within Humanity.  The annual highlight of the Culture of Peace Initiative is the International Day of Peace, which provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations, and nations to work together, on a shared date, to create practical acts of Peace with a year-round impact.
For more information about Pathways to Peace, please visit our website: 

About the International Day of Peace
An annual focus for PTP is the International Day of Peace (Peace Day), held annually on September 21st. Pathways To Peace has worked with the UN to observe and promote the International Day of Peace since its inception in 1981 and has grown International Day of Peace from a single event of a few hundred people into an annual global observance that now reaches hundreds of millions of people. The International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. 


This newsletter comes to you from Pathways To Peace (PTP),  steward of the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) newsletter. PTP is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, whose work would not be possible without our volunteers and your support. If you would like to support Pathways To Peace and Peace Day activities around the globe, you can do so by clicking the Donation Button above. A heartfelt thank you from the Pathways To Peace Team! 

Thank You!

Pathways To Peace, P.O. Box 1057, Larkspur, CA 94977