#170, October 31, 2018

Got a story about wedding vows? Here's mine: (2-minute video)

Let's talk about planning wedding vows and wedding music.

Especially about how to customize them.  

If you or a friend are facing this challenge, and 
you want  to solve it well, let me give you a Tip.  

But First, Let Me Tell You a Little Story:

"What?  No music?"

Right!  My own wedding included no music.  

How could that happen?

Well, I was a graduate student at Stanford.  
Lots of long hair and little of anything else.  
Some books and records, my cornet, a bicycle, 
a VW van,  several shirts, two pairs of jeans, 
one pair of sneakers, and a few tools & dishes.

That June I left my $125/month studio apartment 
in Palo Alto.  I rented a small house in Menlo Park, 
planning to start a commune.

Bunch, my future wife, was already living there, 
back in the converted garage.  She drove an old 
Chevy Bel Air, and early one morning I changed 
the oil in her car and left a red rose on the hood.  

Awwwww... Call me Mr. Romance! 

One thing led to another, and several weeks 
later we drove to a scenic town nearby and got 
a marriage license.

Then the next afternoon we bought two rings, 
checked  the Yellow Pages, called a retired minister 
in  Pacific Grove, drove to his home, and talked 
with him about the beauties and responsibilities 
of marriage.  

Then with his wife as witness, he performed our 
little ceremony in his living room.  And now all 
these years later we still recall the best part of 
our ceremony, which was his phrase  "for what 
you know, and what you don't know".  

Sounded ominous, perhaps, but it's oh so true.  
We still discover something new every day.

These days we recall that phrase so often, we've 
come  to regard it as our own wedding vow.

This story reminds me of so many vows I've heard 
at hundreds of weddings.  Heartfelt promises of the
couple's love and hopes for their future.

As I see it, these vows personalize every ceremony 
and make each one unique and memorable.

Why am I talking about wedding vows?

The same way their vows make their marriage a 
personal expression, the bride and groom can also
personalize their wedding by the music they select.

I LOVE helping Brides and Wedding Planners select wedding music  to add their own personal touch.  Look at several  
popular examples I've seen at recent weddings:
  1. including their favorite classical piece in their Ceremony,
  2. including their favorite love song for their First Dance.
  3. including a memorable song for their Last Dance,
  4. including THEIR wedding songs to honor their parents,
  5. including songs about significant cities where they lived, or met, or will be visiting on their honeymoon,
  6. including a song performed by a favorite friend or relative,
See how my years of experience make me helpful here?

So finally, here's that Tip I promised:
Before YOU begin searching for special music, 
ask an experienced professional for help.

Can you always ask me?  

Yes!  My  insights will help you plan  your wedding 
or party music  to create  the festive mood  you want.  

And now that we're talking about 
planning wedding & party music...
Thanksgiving and the holidays are coming up, 
and you might be involved with planning an 
exciting celebration.

And if you or a friend are engaged to get 
married, you might also be involved with 
planning the wedding.

Perhaps both. 

So the next time you or a friend  are looking  for 
upbeat, elegant music,  played the way you want, 
think of us.

Where can you can preview us?  Here: (see details below)

Friday, November 9, 6:00-9:00pm
"Soup Kitchen Dinner" benefit party
Bellarmine High School,
850 Elm St, at University, San Jose

Caterer?  Wedding or Event Planner?  Bride?  Groom? 
Enjoy the festive mood we'll create.  You'll hear the 
popular standards, jazz classics, and Latin favorites. 
Please stop by and say Hi.

Let's chat soon.

Robbie Schlosser | Magnolia Jazz Band
"Elegant, Upbeat Music for Weddings and Parties"  

P.S. Want wedding or party music?  See our 78 reviews on  Yelp.  
       See photos of us in action on Instagram

Now, for the "fine print":   You're receiving this reminder because you opened my most recent email, or we've worked together sometime in the last 43 years, or you enjoyed our music somewhere, or we met at an event, or you subscribed on, or you read my BLOG, or you joined my friends on social media, or you read our excellent reviews on Yelp and WeddingWire .  Whew!  

However you found me, THANK YOU!

Now, let me ask 3 favors:
1. If you enjoyed reading this note, please forward it to your best friend.
2. While you're here, visit our Reminders Archive for more of my stories.
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