ARTISTIC INQUEERIES: Artist & Vendor Highlights!
Rachel Marie Castillo- Larriva,
is the lead photographer and creator of Rachel Marie Photography. Her work was recently featured in the Haunted Hands Gallery during our Artistic InQUEERies event!
Rachel's style of photography centers gender, sexuality, fantasy and the erotic---by queers, for queers.
Describing her start, Rachel stated:
"My photography started with queers, drag queens, performers and artists about 15 years ago when I was a baby queer and a baby photographer, new to Tucson, having just met my BFF who was in a drag king troupe. I am still excited about the same stuff: bodies, gender, sexuality, fantasy, erotic, pleasure, joy. I collaborate with artists, queers, friends and lovers to make art that celebrates our community. "
Visit Rachel's Instagram
here. Visit her website and view more of her photography
Queer Conexiones: This Week!
Get financial aid advice at the LGBTQ+ Resource Center!
image description: green flyer with designs featured on American dollar bills. Image text reads: Do you need financial aid advice? Your financial aid peer advisor is here! Mondays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays, 2-4PM; Fridays, 3-5PM. You can also reach out via email at: lgbtqfapa@gmail.com.
Join the Colby Olsen Foundation at the 3rd Annual LGBTQ+ Community Thanksgiving Dinner!
image description: colorful fall-themed flyer with sponsor logos in all corners: The Historic Y, IBT's Bar & Food, ABC Clinics, Miracles Life Care, The Observer, Animal Birth Control, Master Mixx, and Savers. Colby Olsen Foundation logo in bottom center of flyer with logo: we are better together! Image text: The Colby Olsen Foundation: 3rd Annual LGBTQ+ Community Thanksgiving Dinner. Wednesday, November 27th, 2019. The Historic Y. 738 N 5th Ave. 2PM-6PM. Free Thanksgiving Dinner for Everyone!
Call for Participants: Identifying gaps in LGBTQI+ Health Care
image description: White flyer with rainbow-colored silhouettes of people on bottom of flyer. QR code included in bottom right corner of flyer. Image text reads: Do you identify as LGBTQI+ or an ally? Please participate in a survey to help identify gaps in LGBTQI+ Healthcare. Please scan this QR code or visit the link to participate:
all for Participants: Trans Phantom Study
image description: Orange, white and teal flyer. Image text reads: Trans Phantom Study. IRB-FY2019-3565, Trans Phantom Study Team. Seeking Interview Participants: We are a trans/queer-identified interdisciplinary team of researchers studying the experience of trans phantom penis in transgender & non-binary people. WHAT: A trans phantom penis occurs when a trans masculine person has the sensation of having a penis that is not actually present on their body. WHO: If you have ever experienced this feeling and you were assigned female at birth (AFAB) we would very much appreciate your answering a few questions to be considered for an interview. WHERE: Interviews will be conducted by trans masculine team members in person or via video conferencing (i.e., Skype or Zoom). HOW: Please follow the code or link below to take our short screener, or email phantomresearchproject@gmail.com. Link:
Participants will receive 50.00 upon completion of interview.
Share tips and tricks at the BCC LGBTQ+ Make Up School!
image description: lavender background flyer with multi-colored lipsticks lining the bottom of flyer. Image text reads: The BCC LGBTQ+ Make Up School. Let's all bring make up and teach each other our tips and tricks. Dec. 5th, 11AM - 5PM. 3027 N Stone Ave, 85705