Update Due to the moratorium imposed on the City Of Atlanta for Super Bowl LIII , work on Boone Boulevard will be temporarily suspended from January 21, 2019 until February 11, 2019. In preparation for Super Bowl LIII, contractors will be installing pedestrian fencing alongside parts of Joseph E. Boone Boulevard NW, between Elm Street NW and Maple Street NW. Contractor will monitor traffic control and pedestrian fencing on Joseph E. Boone Boulevard NW during moratorium. After February 11, 2019, contractors will continue work on installation of planter boxes and replacing of water main on Joseph E. Boone Boulevard NW.

This project will provide capacity relief to the North Avenue Combined Sewer Area and water quality improvements using the green infrastructure practice called bioretention, which is a specially landscaped area that captures runoff from an impervious surface and allows water to enter the soil. Proposed bioretention areas will span approximately 1.2 miles along Boone Blvd from Mayson Turner Road to Northside Drive that will collect stormwater runoff from along the sides of the road.

Expected Completion: June 2019

Project Location: Northwest Atlanta

Council District(s): 3

Neighborhood Planning Unit(s): L