Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Serving Hot Breakfast to our Neighbors at Lunch Break

If you would like to help the UMW serve breakfast on February 2nd, please let Linda Babler know. There are 2 shifts 8:30-10:30 am or 10 am – 12-ish. Sign up to help your neighbors. Contact Linda Babler .
HUBOB Chili Sale for
Super Bowl Sunday
February 3rd

Stop by Fellowship Hall THIS Sunday, Feb 3rd to pick up your chili and cornbread so you are ready for the game. Only $10 for 16 oz. of the best chili in Monmouth County! And stock your freezer for those cold winter nights ahead! 
Remember: It's always time to HUBOB!
Monday, February 4th from 7 - 8:30 PM at the Two River Theater in Red Bank
The God Squad Clothing Drive 

Bring in any clothes/linens/shoes in a kitchen-sized garbage bag to donate to those in need. Donations can be brought in up to noon on February 9th. Any questions on what to bring in? God Squad can help you out, or click here to learn more. ALL proceeds go directly to the youth mission trip.
The God Squad
Spaghetti Dinner
February 9 from 5-7 pm

Join us for a delicious meal of spaghetti, ravioli, or both, topped with meat or meatless sauce. Don’t forget to stop at the bake sale table for your dessert to-go. This all-you-can-eat dinner will be available for $5 for children, and $12 for adults. Proceeds support our youth mission trip. Order your tickets online today!
Worship Sneak Peek
February 3rd
Good News or Bad News?

Join us on Sunday as read what happens next after Jesus' inaugural sermon in his hometown. How did his neighbors take the news of his mission, and why?

For a preview of this week's bulletin, click here. Hope to see you Sunday!
Our regular worship schedule is as follows:
  • 8:15 AM Traditional Worship in Chapel
  • Communion served each week
  • 9:30 AM Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
  • Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month
  • 11:00 AM The Village Worship in Fellowship Hall
  • Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of a pastoral visit 
please contact the church office at
732-747-0446, or

If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact 
Rev. Jessica Naulty at 908-400-2343 or