Calling generations of all nations to the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ!
MOS Connect
On September 9th and 10th we resumed the weekly MOS meetings to disciple men to live simply and purely devoted to Christ. 
We have six groups this year (*three are joining our Gresham MOS 1 group via Video conference call using Zoom). *Driscoll Baptist (Spokane, WA) launched with 15 men in attendance, *North Addis on Baptist (Spokane, WA) continued with 11 men in attendance, Gresham MOS 1 (Gresham, OR) launched with 9, Gresham MOS 3 (Gresham, OR) continued with 15 men, a very *young church plant in Salmon Creek, WA launched with 2 men, and Open Door Baptist (Troutdale, OR), continued with 12 men. We had a total of 64 men at the launch and 75 expected to participate this fall. Excellent start. 
Pastor Josh Moore at Driscoll Baptist texted after the MOS Connect, "Our men really enjoyed [MOS]! God definitely moved in these guys through your message." 
If you would like to have a group of men from your church participate in MOS Connect, please contact Mike.  
MOS 3 - The Journey Continues 

Men of Simplicity (MOS) began in a home gathering in 2009. It has continued and grown every year since then. It has moved from being a local group of men learning to live simply and purely devoted to Christ, to include men over the years from Washington state in Spokane, Wenatchee, Cashmere, Quincy, Soap Lake, Moses Lake, Warden, and Salmon Creek.  In Oregon, men have participated from Gresham, Troutdale, Sandy, and Beaverton.  Thus far, it has been a two year course.  MOS 1 focuses on what it means to live simply and purely devoted to Christ. MOS 2 focuses on Simple Evangelism
and Apologetics.  
The journey continues this year as I am taking 19 guys who have completed MOS 1 & 2 (some multiple times as participants and leaders) on a third year: MOS 3.  Between September 2018 and June 2019, I will be writing and teaching these 19 men the new material.  Please join me in prayer for God's guidance and anointing for this project as these messages will be shared with new groups of men and churches in the coming months and years.  
Gratefully, Mike Thibodeaux  
Two Saved at Spiritual Emphasis Week

Since 2008, Mike has preached at Open Door Christian Academy over 50 different times. In 2013, 2016, and this year, he preached at the school's Spiritual Emphasis Week chapels. Many teens' lives have been impacted and eternally changed in these services. This year two girls made a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Additional students indicated that they were lost but did not make a decision for Christ. Join us in prayer for more to be saved!
5 Decisions at Men's Retreat

Men need time with other men and they need time to focus on God and their relationship with Him. On July 20-22, I preached at the Good Shepherd Community Church (Boring, OR) annual men's retreat in Tygh Valley, OR. There w approximately 200-225 men and their sons in attendance. Zach accompanied me and we had a great time together kicking a soccer ball around, shooting archery, riding a wave runner on the lake, and spending time with other men and their sons.  
Three services were held during the weekend: Friday night, Saturday morning, and Saturday night. It is a special thing to hear the voices of godly men as they sing in worship to the Lord! As I received feedback from the men throughout the weekend, it was evident that God's Spirit was at work through the preaching of the Word. On Saturday night, there were three boys and two men who indicated a decision to trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord. All praise to God!  
Ukrainian Student Camp; 18 Decisions

On August 31 - September 3, my dad took our family to southern Oregon for a youth camp. Being at this camp gave us all a unique experience; for four days we spent time with Ukrainian teens and young adults, some of whom did not know Jesus. On Saturday morning, my Dad preached about how the love of Christ should motivate us to make it our ambition to be pleasing to the Lord. During the invitation time, 15 young people responded by going to talk with an elder about their relationship with Christ. Over the next two messages, 3 more responded, bringing the total to 18. We don't know for sure where those 18 are in their faith journey, but please pray that they would either come to know Jesus as their Savior or, if they already have a relationship with Christ, that their faith would be strengthened. 
- Jordan Thibodeaux
Simplify Your Giving with Recurring Donations 

Simplify your time and your giving with our recurring giving option.  It's convenient and easy.  Set up your donation once and your payment will recur each month.
Many of our donors have been led by the Lord to invest in the Kingdom of God through Simplicity Ministries® on a monthly basis.  This recurring giving option helps our financial partners faithfully follow through with their monthly commitment.   
Click on the "GIVE NOW-(RECURRING)" option in this email or visit our website's Recurring Donation page.   Complete the form on our website, click submit, and you will be redirected to our PayPal portal.  Our online giving is handled securely through PayPal.  Select to use Credit Card, Debit Card or your PayPal account.  Complete the PayPal form, submit and you're done!
Thank you for your consideration of recurring donations!  Because of our financial partners, we are able to serve churches of any size or financial situation, asking only that they cover travel expenses and give a love gift in any amount to the Simplicity Ministries.  In addition, our ministry is able to offer MOS groups to churches at no cost because of the generous donations of our partners who believe in the importance of this ministry to men.
Would you join us?  Your recurring donation would be a significant help to this ministry and greatly appreciated!  Thanks again.
Back row: Michaela, Debbie, Jordan
Front row: Zach and Mike
Upcoming Ministry Events | Our Prayer List
  • Sun & Mon - Men of Simplicity (MOS) - Open Door Baptist in Troutdale, OR, Gresham MOS 1 with North Addison MOS Connect, Driscoll MOS Connect and Salmon Creek MOS Connect at FBC Gresham, OR followed by Gresham MOS 3.
  • Wed - Youth Group - Open Door Baptist Church
  • Sept 30-Oct 3 - First Baptist Church Oxford, AL- Revival

  • Oct 13 - Birchwood Presbyterian Bellingham, WA - Men's Event

  • Oct 21- First Baptist Church Gresham, OR - AM Worship - Preaching

  • Oct 26-28 - El Buen Pastor Baptist Beaverton, OR - Youth Retreat

Visit our website for full schedule, booking info, and scheduling Mike to preach and minister at your church.

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  Simplicity Ministries® | Mike Thibodeaux | 971-219-6964 | P.O. Box 388 Fairview, OR 97024 |