The Athletes Connected Newsletter: February 2019

Each quarter we share updates surrounding our program and other student-athlete mental health initiatives. This issue features a new video about a former student-athlete who competed as a non-binary person, a self-help piece about ways to manage negative thoughts, as well as news from across the country in the student-athlete mental health space.
Athletes Connected Updates
The Latest Video: G Ryan's Story

"There wasn't one clear, direct path to feeling like my best self.
It took time, a lot of trial and error, and a willingness to ask for help,
even when I wasn't exactly sure what I needed."
- G Ryan

G Ryan shares their mental health journey as a non-binary person who swam on the U-M women's team. They experienced negative body image in a way that hasn't been talked about much - through gender dysphoria.  [ Watch ]
12 Thoughts Bringing You Down...  (and How You 
Can Correct Them)

Many of us slip into patterns of thinking that make us feel unsure of our abilities. Athletes Connected MSW intern, Rachel Amity, writes about how you can reframe these thoughts in a two-part series. [ Part 1 | Part 2 ]
Restorative Yoga Returns for Winter 2019

Winter has returned and so have our restorative yoga sessions. The session are geared to relax the mind and body. They started on January 23 and will be available on an alternating weekly schedule until April 17. Student-athletes should check their emails and text messages for signing up.  [ Learn More ]
Athlete Mental Health In the News
Spotlight: Other Student-Athlete Mental Health Initiatives
Power 5 Conferences Vote Unanimously to Provide Mental Health Services

Power 5 conferences are making a statement on the importance of mental health by requiring each of its schools to make mental health services and resources available for student-athletes.   [ Read More ]
Duke Women's Basketball Holds "Mental Wealth Day"     

In partnership with The JED Foundation, Duke University CAPS, and the NBA, the "Mental Wealth Day" featured mental health workshops, videos, and sharing of real life stories from current and former athletes prior to the rivalry game against Syracuse. 
Athletes Connected is a partnership between the University of Michigan Depression Center, School of Public Health, and Athletic Department.