Global Great Commission Network - Network Update.

Global Great Commission Network Update
November 2018  Newsletter # 22

The Tokyo Declaration acknowledges that, " Missions is no longer the predominant domain of Western Christianity. The preponderance of mission activity today is being engaged by Majority World Christians outside of the West.  Christ's ambassadors are coming from everywhere around the world and going to anywhere and everywhere in the world.  We rejoice that today's mission force is global in composition, bearing a diversity of thought, practice and resources that enriches and energizes Christ's global Cause as never before."  [Quoted from  Our Passion]
Per the first following article, the Global Great Commission Network (GGCN) leadership is seeking proactively to model this global perspective.  Are you available or do you know of others who could help in GGCN leadership roles?
A second article provides an update to the GGCN online Discipleship Survey tool that we encourage you to use and perhaps adapt for your needs.

GGCN Leaders Needed
It has been eight years since the Tokyo 2010 Global Mission Consultation and the writing of the Tokyo Declaration.  As we review and update the vision of the Global Great Commission Network (GGCN), we want to communicate about leadership opportunities and in the Global Great Commission Network. We have made some progress in identifying regional GGCN leaders.  We want to do much more.  We also want to look forward proactively about the makeup of the Global Steering Team. We need more participation of "Majority World Christians".  This has been a goal from the beginning of GGCN, and we want to aggressively work to see that become more of a reality.
Some of you reading this letter are qualified and could fill a vital role in the leadership of GGCN.  The Global Steering Team wants to expand with new members that will increase the role of non-western leaders.  Although we needed to start somewhere, it is time for some next steps.  More regional and country steering team members and leaders are needed as well.
If you are interested in filling a leadership role in the GGCN, including regional and global leadership responsibilities, please let us know at [email protected] so we can investigate the possibilities together. There are strictly volunteer positions with varying time commitments.  For consideration, an application process would be pursued.  Applicants must be able to meet their own expenses of serving, including occasional travel.
Discipleship Survey

Another early goal of the Global Great Commission network was the development of an online Discipleship Survey.  It has taken us until now to make this a functional tool, but it is now fully operational and can be accessed at  We encourage you to check this out, receive your automated feedback report, and give us any further feedback or suggestions.  We are ready as well to provide this for a church or any other group.  Let us know!

The GGCN Our Passion statement reads in part, "We conclude that the present day mission task is so large and complex that no one church, agency, national missions movement, or regional mission block can take it on alone or independently.  It is imperative that we commit ourselves to intentionally forming strategic relationships, not only with those to whom we are similar, but with those who represent the diverse activities associated with mission.  We exist to encourage these relationships and to foster them whenever possible." 

We are working hard to encourage just such relationships and cooperation. Connect is one of those tools. Check out this online networking tool at  We are working hard as well to encourage the sharing of resources.  Together, the task  is obtainable!!!

David Hupp, for the GGCN Global Steering Team
Global Great Commission Network | [email protected] |