February 7, 2019
This Week in Church School
Keeping you informed of the latest news and activities from
Church School at the Church of St. Michael and St. George
Church School Update
Here's what is happening in Church School this Sunday, February 10, and in the weeks ahead :

Preschool I and II, PreKindergarten, Kindergarten
Valentine's Day is about more than cards and candy. Students learn about St. Valentine and how the tradition of giving Valentine cards began.

First Grade
Does Jesus really feed a crowd with five loaves of bread and two fishes? First grade students learn about the Feeding of the 5,000.

Second Grade
Moses comes down from Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments and finds the Israelites worshipping a Golden Calf. How does Moses respond? What does God want to do to the Israelites? The Golden Calf is the final story in the Moses project. The following Sunday second grade students will prepare for their Moses project presentation in the Chapel service on February 24.

Third Grade
Third grade students have been learning about Jesus, from his birth through his baptism. On Sunday during Chapel Service they will present their project about the Early Years of Jesus. Parents are invited to attend at 9:15 am. In class, the students will learn about St. Valentine.

Fourth and Fifth Grades
Fourth and fifth grade students discuss the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Who are our neighbors? How can we practice the same mercy that the Good Samaritan showed?
Kindergarten Performs
Watch the video above to see the Kindergarten class perform Jesus's first miracle, the Wedding at Cana during Chapel last Sunday. They did a fantastic job bringing the story to life for the rest of the Church School students.
Fourth Grade Outreach Opportunity
Students in fourth grade are invited to serve breakfast at Gateway 180 on Sunday, February 10. A group of CSMSG parishioners has been providing this service for the shelter for more than 25 years and twice a year invites fourth or fifth grade students to join.

Student participants will meet on the playground at 6:30 am to carpool to the shelter. Breakfast is served at 7 am and afterward the fourth grade students may distribute the Valentine's Day bags they made during Church School last Sunday to children at the shelter. Parents are welcome, but not required, to attend. Participants will return to church at 8:30 am. Casual attire is recommended. Please RSVP by emailing Jane Fisher.
Family Outreach Event February 24
Join us for sandwich making and socializing on Sunday, February 24, immediately following Church School services and classes. Parents and families will work together in the gym to assemble sandwiches for Gateway 180. Pizza lunch will be served. Cost is $20 per family to help offset the cost of pizza and sandwich supplies. Please RSVP so we may get a accurate headcount for pizza and supplies. Families may pay online or at the door.
Parent Link Programs
Wonderful Wednesdays: An Inherited Faith
What does Jesus look like? Why do people die? Children often ask parents challenging questions about faith. Learn how to discuss these questions and more with your children during Parent Link's Wonderful Wednesday classes featuring Amy Bertschausen, the executive director of Care and Counseling. The fourth session is on February 12 and the program continues weekly through February 20. Each Wednesday begins with dinner at 5:30 pm and class from 6 to 7:30 pm. Come to all sessions or as many classes as your schedule allows. Childcare is available but advance notice is required no later than the Monday prior by noon. Register by emailing Marty Chapman.

Faithful Generations Adult Sunday School
Faithful Generations is a group of parents and grandparents who gather to support the faithful growth of our families. The class meets each Sunday in the Wydown Meeting Room following the 9:15 am service. The group begins 2019 by reading the book Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren. All are welcome to join this discussion of challenges and successes in parenting with faith.

For more information and to subscribe to the Parent Link newsletter, visit www.csmsg.org.
Register for Church School Online
Register your children for Church School for the 2018-19 school year online using the link below.
Please complete the form with your child's name and parent contact information. You will need to complete the form for each child enrolling in Church School. Click ADD to register additional children.

Does Your Child Have Allergies?
Food is an important part of our Church School curriculum. Please let us know if your child has any food allergies. Children in preschool through first grade made name tags with parent contact information. You may write your child's allergies on his or her name tag so all teachers and high school assistants may readily see this information. Additionally, we will include this information in the class buckets. Please email Jane Fisher with information about your chid's food allergies.
February Calendar
The Church School calendar is now available online or as a printable document for your convenience. You may subscribe to the Church School calendar online by clicking on the RSS/iCal button in the upper lefthand corner.
Contact Us
Jane Fisher
Director of Children's Education
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
Amy Zimmerman
Assistant Director of Children's Education
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
Church School | The Church of St. Michael & St. George | 314.721.1502 | www.csmsg.org