-January 2019 Milstein Family Foundation Monthly Newsletter-
Dear Friends,

Antisemitism is on the rise in the U.S. and globally - antisemitic incidents are showing a significant increase year after year.

We cannot stand by and allow hate to continue against the Jewish community and the American people. What can we do to stop it? How can we fight back? We must not only try to understand antisemitism, but also work to actively stop it by going on the offense.

In this newsletter, you will learn more about this vital issue through Adam’s recent op-ed in the Jerusalem Post, the philantropreneurs of the Impact Forum, and the AMCHA Initiative.

We are sharing our support for pro-Israel organizations, assisting the US-Israel alliance through effective initiatives making a significant impact, and showcasing articles that explain how to stand up against hate.

We hope that our message resonates with you so that we can proudly stand together and fight back with courage.

With sincere love and admiration for the State of Israel and the Jewish people,

Gila and Adam Milstein
Antisemitism is Anti-American
Please read Adam's latest op-ed published in the Jerusalem Post
Antisemites, whether on the far right, on the far left, or among the radical Islamists, hate Jews for different reasons. However, and most importantly, their hatred is a threat to the core values of American society: democracy, free speech, and freedom of religion. We cannot sit idly by in the face of this imminent threat.

To combat these radical movements, we must use all legal resources at our disposal to research, analyze, document and act against extremist individuals and organizations that pose serious dangers to our community. It’s time we stop being passive and risk-averse. We should go on offense and join forces with other allies to combat this evil at all costs.
What did you think about this op-ed? We value your opinion!
I do not think threat of antisemitism is anti-American.
I agree with you and am ready to join the fight.
The Impact Forum
Led by a local group of philanthropreneurs, the Impact Forum is an exclusive Los Angeles-based network of pro-Israel philanthropists who support each other's initiatives and empower nonprofits with an annual budget of under $2 million and specific projects of larger organizations that do exception work in fighting antisemitism and strengthening the State of Israel and the U.S.-Israel alliance.

The Impact Forum events are held every six weeks in Los Angeles. It is a platform for the members to present themselves and their personal philanthropic missions and for nonprofit organizations to present their work and unique achievements. Our members commit to contribute $10,000 annually to presenting organizations they like. The members' personal connection and commitment to these small but huge-impact pro-Israel nonprofits are vital to the success of their work.

If you would like to join us at the next Impact Forum, please reply to this email expressing your interest.
Featured Organization: AMCHA Initiative
AMCHA Initiative  was founded by two University of California faculty who in 2010 saw firsthand what was happening to Jewish students on campus. They launched AMCHA to work within the university system -- directly with university leaders and faculty -- and throughout the university-stakeholder community, mobilizing legislators, parents, alumni, students and activists to combat rising anti-Semitism.
The organization is most well known for leading the successful campaign that resulted in the  University of California becoming the first school to commit to treating anti-Semitism in all its forms, including anti-Semitic anti-Zionism, as all other forms of discrimination.
As an organization run by academics, AMCHA conducts numerous in-depth  research  analyses on anti-Semitic activity and trends each year that it shares with legislators and university leaders. Its  2018 annual report revealed that Israel-related anti-Semitism was considerably more likely to contribute to a hostile campus for Jewish students than classic forms.
The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation is proud to sponsor this impactful organization.