Christ Episcopal Church
Weekly E-News for December 8,  2019  

Please note! If you don't see two columns, you are missing half of the news!
Open in a browser by clicking as indicated in the eNews heading.

Mission Statement
Christ Episcopal Church is a diverse, inclusive  community  that encounters God and serves others in the City of Poughkeepsie, the nation, and the world.

We believe that social justice requires work, people deserve to be celebrated,
and faith is a journey.

We are inspired to grow through the sacraments, scripture, the beauty and power of worship and the rich traditions of our Church.

Rector 's Message
Dear Friends,
  There is something profoundly prayerful about creating a church budget. Densie Quis and I have spent many hours already this year crunching the numbers for Christ Church in 2020. We sit together in the library with pages of data, a laptop computer, and a pen and pad of paper for follow-up. There are few lines that have not been discussed, reviewed and tinkered with.  
 December 8,  2019
Adv ent 2

8:00 am - Spoken E ucharist  

9:00 am - Family Service with
Communion and Guitar

10:30 am - Choral Eucharist

Hot Breakfast this Sunday 9:15 to 10:15 in the NCR

Rector's Message Continued
It is another way to see the church. How much money we spend on water, cleaning supplies, paint, and toner may not tell the whole story of our ministry in Poughkeepsie but it is surely a part of it. Our task is to maximize the dollars that you pledge - to neither waste money on things that are unnecessary or to scrimp on areas that are important.
We are in the midst of a multi-year financial project to reduce our dependence upon the endowment from $100,000 in 2017 to $50,000 a year (or about 5% of the endowment) in 2023. This year we successfully cut $10,000 from our expenses and in 2020 we will need to find an additional $10,000 for a total of $20,000 in reductions. This can come from an increase in income or from savings on expenses, or a combination of both.
This year, we expect to find much of our savings from adjustments we have made to the way we heat our building. In the Spring, we brought in an energy consultant who examined the way we are heating our building. Throughout the summer and fall we have been implementing his suggestions. We have installed "smart" thermostats in our sanctuary and in the NCR. These make sure that we heat those areas as efficiently as possible. In addition, we have had the boiler rewired so that we use its power more efficiently.
Denise and I have come to the last $10,000 or so in the budget. The truth is, there is not much more work we can do for now. We are waiting for the stewardship campaign to end. If you ever wonder if your pledge matters in a church this size , it really does.   The difference in whether we are able to give the staff a small raise this year or if we need to cut programs really comes down to the number and generosity of pledges that we receive in the next ten days.
I want you to know this because I want you to know how hard we are working behind the scenes to make sure that Christ Church can continue to do all the things that we do. From excellent music to the homeless shelter; from hosting the AIDS quilt to building houses for Habitat for Humanity - Christ Church has a unique role to play in the City of Poughkeepsie and WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT to continue the important work that we do.
If you have already pledged, thank you. If you have not made a pledge, please consider making a commitment to Christ Church this week. There will be additional pledge cards available in church this week. It truly takes every one of us, giving what we can, to make Christ Church the amazing and vibrant community that it is.

In Faith,

 Christmas Gift Bags
Every year during the Christmas season, Christ Church gives holiday gift bags to the Vassar students who are part of our choir, and to our homebound parishioners.

Members of the congregation donate gift items and then the Christmas bags are assembled by the Fellowship Committee and shared with the recipients. Suggested items include candy, cookies, tea, hot chocolate, gift cards, a Christmas ornament,  mugs, stationary, poetry books and religious items. A collection box is on the table in the front of the church for your donations. We will assemble the gift bags on Saturday, December 16 and present them to the students the next day, and to the homebound during that week.

Thank you in advance for your support of this extension of Christmas blessing!

St. Paul's Food Pantry
The cooler temperatures of autumn call for soups and stews. Perennially popular items include beef stew, chicken noodle soup, and vegetable soup.

Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.
 Volunteers Needed
Greeters : We need you: frie n dly  faces to greet those who come into Christ Church on Sundays. Training provided, no experience needed! Contact: 

Coffee Hour: Volunteers are needed to assist with Coffee Hour. Please sign-up on the Fellowship poster just outside the NCR entrance.  Help is needed for both hosting and food providers.  Your help is greatly appreciated.
We want to be with you in times of need.
Christ Church offers a Prayer Tree, and a variety of pastoral care ministries. If you are ill or unable to attend church, please call the church office at (845) 452-8220 so your information can be given to those who can best assist you. 

In an emergency, please call Rev. Susan Fortunato directly. 
 From the Outreach Committee
Thanks to the Christ Church team that worked on Saturday, November 30th on the Habitat for Humanity Faith Build House in Wappingers Falls. Team members include Cathy Baer; Alice Bunnell; Fred Bunnell; Harvey Flad; Glen Whitefield; Heather Whitefield; and Susan Whitefield. We appreciate their hard work and support of this outreach project.

Follow the link below for the Dutchess County Interfaith Council's calendar of outreach opportunities in our area:

 Notes on Stewardship from the Finance Committee
As we approach a time of prayerful and thoughtful consideration of our giving for next year, we want to share with you our approach to being good stewards of your gifts and pledges. The Finance Committee chaired by Mary Bish, with members Harvey Flad, Clare Graham, Jennifer Hammond-King, Patrick Henry, Diane Jablonski, and Jean-Marie Perry, and Treasurer Denise Quis, meets monthly to review our financial status and provide recommendations to the Vestry. We routinely question expenses, work with individual committee chairs to provide information to them on their budget and spending, and evaluate our overall financial position on a continuing basis.

The costs of maintaining a facility the age and size of Christ Church are substantial, not to mention utilities and insurance. We have a wonderful staff that we want to compensate fairly, and there are all the programs that we provide not just to the parish but to the community at large. Of course, this requires that choices be made constantly, balancing our resources against the needs of the parish members and the facility. 

The Finance Committee is one of those "unseen" committees that works diligently, faithfully, and in communion with God to make the right choices for the use of the gifts that you so generously give. You can make our job easier by giving generously to the 2020 Stewardship Campaign. The Finance Committee thanks you!
 2019 Pledge Statements
The Christ Church Treasurer, Denise Quis, will hand out 2019 Pledge Statements on Sunday, November 24. Mary Bish will hand out the remaining statements on December 1.

Thank you again for pledging in 2019!
Get Ready for the Holidays
Christ Church notecards will be on sale on Sundays, starting November 10th.

 Please see Marge Bliss.

Contact Us

If you would like to have an event listed here and/or in the bulletin, please contact:  


                  Website Home Page 

               Susan's Sermon Archive 

                Parish Google Calendar 

              Sponsored Music Event

er Camp 
Diocese of New York
               Episcopal Diocese of NY 

                   Episcopal Church
The CEC e-News offers up-to-date info and announcements about upcoming events.  Contact the office with announcements and news that might be incorporated into this publication.