February 19, 2019
"When the Emperor of Japan Becomes Emeritus"
Great ideas and conversations over lunch!
February 26, 2019
12:00 - 2:00 pm
Faculty House

Barbara Ruch
Prof Emerita, Japanese Literature and Cultural History; Ongoing Director; Japanese Cultural Heritage Initiatives, Columbia University
Two months from now, in April 2019, in an unprecedented development and to the consternation of the Japanese government, Japan’s most beloved Emperor, Akihito (b.1933-; r.1989-), will at last, after nine years of waiting, be granted his wish to retire from the throne and to cede it to his son, the Crown Prince. Come learn about this from one of Columbia's outstanding authorities on Japan.
EPIC Conversation with Ruth Fischbach, Prof Emerita Bioethics
Fischbach has been in the forefront of modern concepts of informed consent and of the systems and tests that every researcher and clinician involved in human subjects now must adhere to. Join us for a fascinating conversation between Fischbach and EPIC president Jeanne Stellman about ethics and humanism in medicine.

(Visit Prof Fischbach's profile)
March 12, 2019
12:00 - 2:00 pm
Faculty House
Graduate Scholar 1st Thursday Talk
Wagner's Influence on Turn-of-the-Century European Novelists
Jennifer Gillespie Rhodes, PhD
describes her current book project.

March 7, 2019
12:00 - 2:00 pm
Faculty House
Buffet Luncheon
EPIC Yoga February 21, 28
Professor Emerita Virginia Papaioannou , a registered teacher with the Yoga Alliance, continues to lead EPIC Yoga.

No prior experience is required to join. Yoga can benefit people at all levels of physical training and health, but it is always wise to consult with a physician before undertaking any new exercise regime. Modifications will be offered to any participants with specific limitations arising from recovery from injury, arthritis, limited movement, or other causes.

Two one-hour classes are offered each week.

The 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. class practices breathing techniques and moves through some basic yoga poses, concentrating on alignment, balance, and flexibility. Those with experience move more deeply into the poses.

From 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. , we practice gentle/chair yoga, which is ideal for those of more limited mobility or flexibility. Classes include breathing, stretching, and yoga poses, done either seated in a chair or standing. No yoga mats are required for this class.

Need more info: email Lalla Grimes.
Do you have any questions about EPIC? Contact us .