the safe home journal

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Tips to Keep Your Home Safe for All

July 2020
Are You Staying Safe?

With the current situation we are experiencing, this means we are all staying in our homes, so now more than ever it is important to remain independent and safe at home. 

We are still installing and servicing our clients and can be reached either by email or phone.  If it is necessary for one of our technicians to visit your home in person, you can rest assured our staff will observe strict hygiene protocols.  Some of these include:

  1. Avoiding any physical person-to-person contact (such as handshakes)
  2. Observing social distancing - staying at least 6 feet away from you and recommend if possible, for you to be in another room while we are there.
  3. Regularly washing our hands and using hand sanitizer products.
  4. Using PPE equipment such as face masks, gloves and booties.
  5. Cleaning equipment before and after we service or install it.
  6. If any technician or staff member experiences any symptoms, they are told to self-isolate immediately and contact their physician.
If you are a client and your equipment develops a fault, please call our office as there is a good chance that it can be rectified remotely using the digital diagnostic display that is standard on all stairlift and elevators.

If you wish to visit our office, please call and schedule an appointment.  We are wearing our masks and require all visitors to also wear theirs.  We are social distancing, limiting customer traffic, cleaning and sanitizing constantly.  

We are here to help you stay safe in your home.  It is also more important than ever to be able to be there for our clients - old and new - and help them with whatever they need from us to remain in their homes. 

How can we help you?
Linda & Bill Bohmbach

The Americans With Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990. The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. The ADA is divided into five titles (or sections) that relate to different areas of public life.
Progress on the New Center

When COVID forced  RI Elder Info to cancel the in-person Calling All Veterans Day, many people reached out saying they had a need right now for information and resources. It became apparent that the community can't wait until 2021 to hold Calling All Veterans Day. 
RI Elder Info will be live-streaming Virtual Calling All Veterans Day on August 6th , 10-12 on the RI Elder Info Facebook page  and YouTube channel
Their fabulous speaker line-up of subject matter experts can be found on their Calling All Veterans Day page. The information provided will be helpful for Veterans, their families, and the community.

Reflections from an ADA Generation 
Rebecca Cokley | TEDx University of Rochester

Reflections from an ADA Generation | Rebecca Cokley | TEDxUniversityofRochester

Linda & Bill Bohmbach

Home Healthsmithâ„¢ provides in-home solutions that allow you to maintain your level of comfort without compromising your health and safety. 

Visit our website  to learn more. 

Toll Free 1.855.HHSMITH (1.885.447.6484)

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