Sociopolitical Satire of American Yiddish Music
Friday night Shabbat, February 22
Shabbat day and Saturday evening, February 23 
The bite of Lenny Bruce, the satire of Tom Lehrer, the irreverence of Mel Brooks, and the poignancy of Abel Meeropol, the political wit of Jon Stewart and the dreams of Yip Harburg all are connected to the Yiddish songs and satire of our immigrant family.
Jane Peppler lets us know how the rebellious and iconoclastic spirit, the sense of social responsibility and concern that we call Jewish was the culture of those who came to America.
And now we are learning that it did not die, it is living to 120. Be part of it this weekend.
Jane Peppler is the premiere collector and performer of these topical and provocative songs that capture the spirit that so powerfully reveal what is behind the American Jewish community we are today.
We are having a program at Aitz Hayim over Shabbat and will join with The Chicago YIVO Society and the Workmen's Circle for a program on Saturday evening in Ravenswood, in the city.
On Shabbat, we invite you to join us for songs at Friday night services, Shabbat dinner and songs and stories after dinner.
On Saturday, Jane will enhance services and perform again after kiddush lunch, and on Saturday evening in a joint program with the Workman's Circle and The Chicago YIVO Society, Jane will perform in Ravenswood.  

This is the schedule:
Friday evening, February 22 at 6:30 PM
in the Tross Family Education Center
at North Shore Congregation Israel
1185 Sheridan Road, Glencoe
Please let us know today if you're coming for Kabbalat Shabbat dinner and what parve side dish or dessert you wish to share, enough for 10-12 people.
Email your reservations to: [email protected]  
Dinner is $20 per person. 
Saturday, February 23 at 10 AM, Shabbat services followed by kiddush lunch. (Same location as above) 
Saturday evening, February 23, 7:30 PM at Sketchpads, 
4700 N. Ravenswood, Suite B, Chicago (entrance on Leland Ave.)
An urban concert cosponsored by The Chicago YIVO Society and Workmen's Circle. Please let us know if you plan on attending this concert. [email protected] 

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email address: [email protected] 

mailing address: 1185 Sheridan Rd., Glencoe, IL 60022   

phone: 847-835-3232