Take your health back from Big Food and Big Pharma
 Need More Energy?
February 2019  

We are about to begin our 2 week cleanse on March 10th. We are psyched! If you're looking to lose weight, have more clarity and energy - here's your ticket.

I don't want you to miss out so I'm going to give you all the information to check it out. If you register by February 20th at midnight you can take advantage of our discount.

Starting March 10th
Must be registered by March 1st
The Energetics of Food

Food can be measured in many ways--not only for its nutrition, but for the experience it gives to you and the energy it creates in your body. You've heard it said "you are what you eat." It is true that food makes up the cells in your body, but have you ever thought it may also impact your relationship to life?

Here are some examples of how food might impact your quality of life. If you are feeling unfocused and want to feel more grounded in your life, try eating root vegetables, which
energetics of food
grow in the ground and provide heartier, more sustainable energy than you would eating a salad. If you are feeling tense and want to lighten up, try adding in more leafy greens, which grow up and outward toward the sun. These foods are cleansing and provide lighter energy for the body. It's good to choose a balance of hearty and light foods, to maintain a delicate balance of focused, yet flexible energy. Read more 

Thought for the Month - 

"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation of all abundance."
                                                                              - Eckhardt Tolle  

I'll be here Saturday  morning, February 23rd at 10:00 am doing a presentation for their members. It is complementary and open to the public. Come on down.....and bring a friend.
25 Park St
Montclair, NJ


**  A deep dive as to what is getting in the way of your success that you may not of thought of.

I've enjoyed spending this time with you and thrilled that you are a part of our community.

To Your Healthy Truth and Happiness,