An Invitation
The Order of the Daughters of the King

Do you recognize this cross? Do you have one tucked away somewhere? If your answer is ‘yes,’ then we want to hear from you--because this means you are already a Daughter. But if you’re not a Daughter and are a woman feeling called to a deeper spiritual life, we invite you to consider this opportunity.

Begun during a women’s Bible study in 1885 on New York’s Upper East Side, the Order has grown to an international body of women within the Anglican tradition, the Roman Catholic Church, or any church in communion with the See of Canterbury. The re-instituted chapter at Bethesda joins the nearly 6,000 chapters worldwide in its dedication to a deeper spiritual commitment for faithful, prayerful women.

It is in this spirit of love and service that we are re-establishing our chapter at Bethesda to continue this mission of faithful women. This is an amazing opportunity for women to continue to explore their personal spiritual journey while enjoying the spiritual companionship with other women on the same path.

The community of Daughters is a Christian order rather than an organization because Daughters commit to a religious Rule of Life. This Rule of Life includes a commitment to daily prayer, to service, and to evangelism, and each Daughter and Chapter prayerfully considers how each of those is fulfilled.

With joyful hearts we invite all baptized and confirmed women of Bethesda to prayerfully consider becoming a Daughter. An informational gathering will occur during the Sunday Forum on February 3 rd . Following this first meeting, we will gather for five Sundays at forum time for training and preparation to take vows on March 17 th .

We invite you to learn more about the Daughters by visiting the Order’s website at or by contacting Debbie Schram or Georgie Skover by email at  We look forward to hearing from professed Daughters as well as all those interested in knowing more.

Debbie Shram
Georgie Skover
Suzanne Crawford
The Rev. Dr. Cecily Titcomb, Chaplain