Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time to spend with your family. I love eating moist, succulent roasted turkey with gravy, stuffing and creamy mashed potatoes. Sharing a wonderful meal with friends and family is a blessing. Be sure to thank Jesus for all of your blessings this Thanksgiving.

Not only should you thank Him for blessings, but, lean on Him, ask Him about any hardships and problems you're having. Remember to talk to Jesus and try not to worry about all of the stresses of life. Worry will consume you, weigh you down.

Like a lot of folks, I worry a lot, but, I'm learning to work through my worries by praying to the Lord Almighty!

Jeremiah 29:12-13; "Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
Christmas Cookie Kisses is on sale for 99 cents! Our box set will remain on sale through Thanksgiving weekend. After that, the price will go up so, grab your copy today!

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