February 1st 10am

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RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - February 1, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

The Cabal have several false flag attacks planned to derail the transition.

However, the Cabal are completely surrounded by the Alliance.

Surrounded economically, politically, and militarily (air, ground, sea, and space).

Their entire system can be dismantled instantaneously along with any nation's government that decides to side with them.

Any false flag attack attempts will be foiled and will result in their demise.

Thank you Pinkroses


Bruce: Welcome Everybody to the Big Call tonight. Intel really came in strong today. It is still coming in strong. I will tell you this. We did get confirmation that the Tier 3s were completed. We got that mid morning that the Tier 3s were all finished, all paid out. The stagnation period that was of 12 to 18 hours was completed.

That allowed them to go forward onto Tier 4As. Those are the groups that are based out west that we have talked about in the past, core groups, various group, you know what I am talking about, Fines and Penalties, all of that. That was started today and that is in the first phrase of payout now as of this afternoon. That is really positive.

That is showing that those particular accounts and I just got word they have completed those, they have paid out those. That should be available to see in their accounts. I do not know if they are available now, but should be available by tomorrow, and I would think it would have the ability to fund tomorrow. There seems to be a little settling in that period even those transactions are ledger to ledger transfers which are in the same bank.

By Simon Black
And I’ve identified three other risks I think could be just as damaging (and, unfortunately, are just as certain)…

The Four Biggest Threats to Your Freedom and Wealth in 2019
And SIX Steps you can take right now to protect yourself

At the beginning of each year, I sit down and think about the biggest themes (or risks) that could hurt you this year (both in terms of your freedom and your finances).

Given everything happening today, you may be surprised I was able to whittle the list down to just four…

By Simon Black

Crippling taxes, limits to private property ownership and the destruction of the dollar are coming… and that’s the best case

“The disparity of fortune between the rich and the poor had reached its height, so that the city seemed to be in a dangerous condition, and no other means for freeing it from disturbances… seemed possible but despotic power.”  – Plutarch, a Greek biographer, 594 B.C.

By Pete The Planner January 25, 2019

Fragility. It’s the word, concept, feeling I can’t escape this week. Our financial lives are incredibly fragile. No matter our level of preparation, forces significantly outside of our control can rewrite the stories we’ve worked so hard to pen.

It began to sink-in on the day millions of Americans opened their paycheck, only to see zeros staring back them. 

Spending Happily
By Ross Menke | January 27, 2019

IN THE GRAND scheme of things, money is just a tool and net worth is just a number. We shouldn’t work solely to make more money. Instead, our goal should be to use that money to create as happy a life as we possibly can.

In their book Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending, Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton explore this idea. How can we best use money to buy happiness? Dunn and Norton offer five key suggestions.

By J.D. Roth  January 31 2019

In a recent article in The Atlantic, Joe Pinsker shared some thoughts on why many ultrarich people aren't satisfied with their wealth.

There seem to be two reasons.

First, people tend to ask themselves: Am I doing better than I was before? Do I have more today than I did yesterday? “All the way up the income-wealth spectrum,” one researcher told Pinsker, “basically everyone says [they'd need] two or three times as much” to be perfectly happy. It's the hedonic treadmill in action.