2018 MFF monthly newsletter
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Shana Tova to our friends and extended family, the Jewish new year 5779 is here. During this time, it is said that G-d takes special note of us, writing us in the Book of Life. Also, Jews reflect on the past year to seek forgiveness for mistakes we made and work to become better people than we were yesterday. Together, we work to improve ourselves just as we work to make the world a better, safer place for all.
This month, we share our latest article on the dangers of media bias, featured in the Jerusalem Post , touching on how outlets including The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times bias against the Jewish people and the state of Israel. For example, in the 1930s and 40s, media outlets neglected their obligation to disseminate truth and intentionally remained silent as Nazi Germany carried out the mass murder of Jews and others in Europe.

We’re also excited to announce the winners of the third annual Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation's “Inspired by Israel” video contest! The award ceremony took place in Jerusalem this past week and the video titled " Brother " a moving portrayal of how children in Israel support the soldiers who keep them safe which won the $8,000 grand prize, with a total of $20,000 in cash prizes was awarded to a total of 18 videos.

This past month, we had the opportunity to welcome the new Club Z chapter to Los Angeles at a very special event at the Museum of Tolerance called: Teens and Zionism, A Love Story .

Lastly, we're proud to feature our partner the International Legal Forum, a global legal hub changing the battle for human rights.

We thank you for all that you do to advance our shared mission. We look forward to partnering with you in the year ahead, as we work together to strengthen America, the State of Israel, the American people, and the Jewish people.

With sincere love and admiration for Israel and the Jewish people,

Gila and Adam Milstein
The Grave Danger of Media Bias
Throughout history, news outlets around the world have failed the Jewish people and slandered the State of Israel. From underreporting the horrors of Holocaust, to spreading lies about Israel, the media’s biases hold great responsibility and power over our society.

Inspired By Israel: Video Contest Winners
More than 40 videos from all over the world including Israel, USA, Canada, the Philippines, Nigeria, and India were submitted to the third annual  Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation  "Inspired by Israel" video contest, which launched this June in partnership with and a total of $20,000 in prizes was given out, including the $8,000 grand prize.

Teens & Zionism, A Love Story: Club Z Event
Adam spoke about the importance of connecting teens to Zionism, as well as our love for Israel on a panel celebrating the launch of the Los Angeles chapter of Club Z, a Zionist youth movement. He joined Jewish Journal Editor-in-Chief David Suissa and Club Z Executive Director Masha Merkulova at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles to discuss how to engage the next generation of Jewish leaders.

Club Z has rapidly grown by meeting a critical need in the San Francisco Bay Area: helping first-generation high school students reconnect with Jewish heritage that was repressed because of anti-Semitism that their parents faced in the former Soviet Union. The organization is now expanding to strengthen the Zionist identity of teenagers in other Jewish communities in Northern California and Los Angeles.

Featured Organization: International Legal Forum
The International Legal Forum (ILF) is a nonprofit, proactive legal hub coordinating the efforts of hundreds of attorneys and activists worldwide in their fight to promote peace and justice in Israel and in the Middle East, as well as tackle human rights violations, terror, the BDS movement, and anti-Israel operations worldwide.
The ILF uniquely functions through a network of lawyers in over 25 countries, creating a broad coalition that operates with legal tools to initiate, integrate, and carry out legal actions in coordination and cooperation across the globe, from a broad strategic perspective.
The ILF goes on the offensive by setting groundbreaking and strategic initiatives, including in Parliaments around the world, changing all levels of legislation as well as litigation meant to better interpret and enforce existing laws and change the reality on the ground.  
Learn more at .

The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation is proud to sponsor this impactful organization.
The Mission of  The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation  ("MFF") is to strengthen the State of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish People, and its special ties with the United States of America; and to ensure the special affinity to the State of Israel of the young and future Jewish generations.