The newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
October 2018

Dear CTEWC Friends,
With this issue we are delighted to introduce the members of our newly constituted planning committee. As reported in Sarajevo, Jim Keenan, SJ, Antonio Autiero and Toni Ross have agreed to continue on the planning committee as CTWEC moves into its next generation. Joining them now are Michelle Becka ( Germany ) , Toussaint Kafarhire, SJ, ( Democratic Republic of Congo/Kenya) and Alexandre Martins, MI (Brazil/US). Please join us in welcoming them and thanking them for their service in this capacity.
We are also recruiting a number of new writers for the Forum; those who have agreed thus far include: Aline Kalbian, Jason King, Katherina Klöcker, Gusztáv Kovács, Diego Alonso-Lasheras, SJ, Suzanne Mulligan, Martin Lintner, OSM, Bienvenu Mayemba, SJ, Sigrid Müller, Caroline Ong, RSM, Peter Pojol, SJ, Emily Reimer-Barry, and Andrzej Wodka, CSsR, in addition to the eight writers introduced last month for the new Junior Scholars Forum. If you would like to offer a Forum contribution, please feel free to reach out to your region's facilitator directly.
Eric Genilo, SJ has agreed to facilitate the Asian Forum, and we thank Agnes Brazal for her past service in that regard. María Isabel Gil Espinosa has agreed to facilitate the new Junior Scholars' Forum, for which we are likewise grateful.
In October's Forum, Sharon Bong considers the demands of compassion in light of the pubic caning of women in Malaysia, and Ingeborg Gabriel calls for an encyclical on women in light of persistent gender injustice and the 70th anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Miguel Ángel Sánchez Carlos contextualizes recent lynchings in Mexico, while Thomas Massaro, SJ, elaborates the impact of the "zero tolerance" policy at the US-Mexico border on children and families. Grégoire Catta, SJ reflects upon the viability of "the universal" for the rising generation in today's world and Peter Knox, SJ decries a new debt crisis across Africa. We hope for even more comments on their entries to spur dialogue, thanks to those of you who commented last month.
On our website you can find our new  to formalize the network's expectations in this regard moving forward.
Finally, we mourn the passing of Kevin T. Kelly., who died on September 25 at age 85. His obituary appears below. We also remember the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia and those who are assisting them. 
Kristin Heyer
Shaji George Kochuthara, CMI
Andrea Vicini, SJ

Featured Forum Articles:

Gregoire Catta SJ, 
" Universal?"

Peter Knox SJ, "New Debt Crisis"

Thomas Massaro SJ, "The 'Wound of the Border'"

Kevin Kelly Obituary
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Father Kevin Kelly, who died on 25th September. He was 85 years of age and was in the 61st year of his priesthood. The funeral arrangements are as follows: Vigil Mass : Monday 8th October 7.00 p.m. Requiem Mass: Tuesday 9th October 12 noon Burial at Ainsdale Both Masses will be celebrated at Our Lady of Compassion, Formby. Father Kevin's request, communicated by his family, was that priests would be welcome to attend the funeral liturgies but not to concelebrate. Bishop John Rawsthorne will celebrate the Vigil Mass and Monsignor John Devine the Requiem Mass. __________________________ 
Father Kevin Kelly, who has died aged 85, is probably best remembered for his work as a moral theologian. For over fifty years he grappled, both as teacher and writer, with some of the major moral issues of our time: human conscience, divorce and remarriage, sexual ethics, bioethics, HIV-Aids, etc. He published several books, contributed numerous articles to theological journals and wrote letters to Catholic periodicals. His aim was to develop a compassionate approach to moral theology based on his pastoral experience as a priest; an approach that at times sparked controversy when he diverged from official Catholic teaching. He was a co-founder of the Association of Teachers of Moral Theology (ATMT) in 1967 and in the late 1990s a co-founding member of the International Catholic Theological Coalition for HIV/AIDS Prevention. In 2007, in recognition of his contribution in the field of moral theology, he was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Divinity by Liverpool Hope University. 

Kevin Thomas Patrick Kelly was born in Crosby on 27th June 1933 to Patrick and Winifred Kelly. His early education took place at the parish schools in Crosby and Ainsdale, and then at St Mary's College, Crosby, before he entered the junior seminary, aged fourteen, at St Joseph's College, Upholland. From his later writing it is clear that his priestly formation was not an altogether positive experience, describing it as "...the will of God which came through the voice of authority and the rules of the seminary." Many of the college professors in the 1950s taught rigidly from the manuals of theology, but his enquiring mind was captivated by the more critical approach of priests like Alexander Jones and Tom Worden, both distinguished Scripture scholars. 

Following his ordination at Upholland on 31st May 1958, the young Father Kelly was earmarked by Archbishop Heenan as a replacement for Father Paddy Hanrahan in teaching moral theology at the college. The plan was that he would go to Fribourg University in Switzerland in the autumn of 1958 to begin a licentiate in theology before going on to Rome to complete a doctorate in canon law. He, however, had different ideas and thought that the studies should come the other way round. Thus he completed his licentiate in canon law in one year, and spent the remainder of his time in Fribourg and Rome completing a doctorate in moral theology. Thereafter, he liked to describe himself as a "lapsed, non-practising canon lawyer". The Chancery Archdiocese of Liverpool. 

In 1963 he returned to the archdiocese to become a curate at St Clare's, Liverpool, where his days were busy, not least with parish visiting for four hours on weekday evenings. Having covered his district three times in the first six months he rang Father Jimmy Collins to ask, "What the hell do you talk about when you visit people in their homes?" The reply stuck with him, and he said influenced his moral theology and pastoral practice thereafter: "You don't talk about anything, you listen to people's lives." 

When he returned to Upholland in 1965 to teach moral theology it struck him that, compared to many of the young men in St Clare's parish, who were married, had young children and were holding down a job, the seminarians in front of him had few real responsibilities and were largely treated like minors because of the strict discipline of the seminary. However, he followed the lead of Father Tom Worden, the dean of studies, in trying to reduce the number of formal lectures and moving to a methodology based on research, essay writing and seminars, so that the seminarians could develop a critical approach to their studies. In 1967 he published his doctoral dissertation Conscience: Dictator or Guide? A Study in 17th Century English Protestant Moral Theology. 

With the transfer of the senior seminary to Ushaw in 1975, Kevin Kelly became the first director of the Upholland Northern Institute (UNI), which had been established as a centre for adult Christian education and to provide in-service training for the clergy. After five years, which he described as fruitful and stimulating, he took a seven-month sabbatical. Four months were spent as a visiting fellow of St Edmund's House, Cambridge, a time that laid the foundations for his book Divorce and Second Marriage which was published in 1982. He also spent two months visiting countries in the developing world, notably India, the Philippines and Peru, an experience that he said, "marked him for life." After a thirty-day Ignatian retreat in Dublin he was plunged back into the challenges of parish life. 

He now joined the team ministry in Skelmersdale as its leader. The team of clergy, religious sisters and lay people was well-established so he had to learn quickly, but he came to embrace the collaborative nature of the pastoral work done in that town. After four years, although he enjoyed the parish work, he was increasingly aware that there was not much being written in the UK in the field of moral theology. So in September 1985 he took up a one-year Research Fellowship at Queen's College, Birmingham, an ecumenical establishment to train candidates for ministry. The fruits of his research in this period was Life and Love: Towards a Christian Dialogue on Bioethical Questions published in 1987. When he returned to the archdiocese in 1986 he was determined to combine his parochial experience with the teaching of moral theology. For the next twelve years he combined working in the parish of Our Lady's, Eldon Street, with teaching firstly at Heythrop College in the University of London and then at Liverpool Hope University. His description of this period was that, "Both sides of this 'double life' fed off each other." Significant personal developments for him during this period were his interest in HIV-Aids and his contacts with CAFOD. Three more of his books were published in this period in which he combined parish and teaching duties: New Directions in Moral Theology: The Challenge of Being Human (1992); New Directions in Sexual Ethics: Moral Theology and the Challenge of AIDS (1998) and From a Parish Base: Essays in Moral and Pastoral Theology (1999). 

In 1998 he was appointed parish priest at St Basil and All Saints, Hough Green, where the church was shared with the local Church of England parish. He was able to draw upon his earlier ecumenical experience at Queen's College, Birmingham, as well as the ecumenical contacts he had made through the ATMT. The experience of these years taught him "that the future is ecumenical." 

He retired from parochial ministry in June 2008 and he returned to Liverpool to act as chaplain to the Sisters of Notre Dame at their Woolton Road convent until ill-health forced his move to Formby in the autumn of 2016. However, he still continued to write. His final book 50 Years Receiving Vatican II: A Personal Odyssey (2012), as the title suggests, charts his own journey as priest and moral theologian as the Church developed her theology in the light of Vatican II. It gives great insights into his formative experiences and reminds us that the spirit of critical enquiry awakened in him sixty years previously at Upholland was never extinguished.

In Paradisum deducant eum angeli. 

Aidan Prescott 

Latin American Regional Report
Comunicamos el lanzamiento del sitio web de los Teólogos Moralistas Latinoamericanos de la CTEWC.

( ) El espacio fue creado en Sarajevo, en la reunión de latinoamericanos, con la finalidad de comenzar a poner en red a los teólogos de la región para que puedan cargar sus publicaciones.
En agosto se llevó a cabo el III Congreso Continental de Teología Latinoamericana y Caribeña, organizado por Amerindia y la Maestría en Teología Latinoamericana de la UCA. Bajo el lema "El clamor de los pobres y de la tierra nos interpelan", el evento convocó a más de 600 personas de 27 países para conmemorar los 50 años de la Segunda Conferencia del Episcopado Latinoamericano y Caribeño en Medellín. La reflexión fue guiada por los documentos de Medellín, el camino recorrido por las Iglesias latinoamericanas y el camino aún por recorrer. Durante cuatro días, del 30 de agosto al 2 de septiembre, junto a la memoria creativa de Medellín y de los mayores representantes de la teología de la liberación, como Leonardo Boff, Jon Sobrino y Gustavo Gutiérrez, se leyó la realidad actual de violencia, injusticia y pobreza, reconociendo que los principales temas tratados en Medellín siguen presentes en la realidad de nuestros pueblos y que por eso se vuelve necesario su análisis, actualización y búsqueda de soluciones en las pastorales y en la acción de los cristianos en el mundo. En los cuatro días de reflexión, el clamor de los pobres y de la tierra orientó las diversas actividades: conferencias, testimonios, conversatorios y eventos culturales, todos realizadas con la metodología ya conocida en la teología latinoamericana: ver, juzgar, actuar y celebrar. Los videos de las conferencias y de otros momentos importantes del Congreso están disponibles en el canal en YouTube de la Maestría en Teología Latinoamericana: 

Se realizo el 3 Congreso Internacional de Doctrina Social de la Iglesia en San Pablo, realizado en San Pablo, del 19 al 21 de 2018, organizado por UNISAL, bajo el título de: Direitos Humanos a luz da Doutrina Social da Igreja.

Se realizo la 48 Semana de la Teología, organizada por la SAT (Sociedad Argentina de Teología) en Mendoza, Argentina, entre los días 19 y 23 de Septiembre de 2018. Los teólogos argentinos firmaron una declaratoria de apoyo al papa Francisco.

Los días 19, 20 y 21 de septiembre se llevó a cabo el XIV Simposio Internacional de teología de la Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México, Bajo el tema: "La teología como problema: debates sobre el quehacer teológico latinoamericano a 50 años de Medellín. En el cual dialogaron ponentes y autores latinoamericanos y mexicanos, así como diversas instituciones teológicas locales. Jorge Costadoat (UAH-Chile), Rafael Luciani (UAB-Venezuela), Carlos Schickendantz (UAH-Chile), María Clara Bingemer (PUC-Río de Janeiro), Carlos Mendoza (UIA-México), José de Jesús Legorreta (UIA-México), Ángel Méndez (UIA-México) entre otros ponentes. El Martes 18 de septiembre estuvo dedicado a evaluar la recepción latinoamericana de la teología de los "Signos de los tiempos" a través del método ver-juzgar-actuar de Medellín y la pertinencia de la mediación de las Ciencias Sociales y sus categorías para analizar la realidad actual. Se resalta cómo el método inductivo determinó en gran medida el surgimiento teórico y práctico de la Iglesia de los pobres en Latinoamérica y su formulación en la Teología latinoamericana de la liberación. Ambos serían sin duda su aportes, en cuanto apropiaciones de las perspectivas abiertas por la Gaudium et Spes. Sin embargo, las Comunidades de base han decaído, o directamente han sido destruidas. Tuvieron un desarrollo significativo, pero no masivo. Además, mucho del instrumental socio-analítico utilizado por los obispos en Medellín ha cambiado desde mediados de los 70. Varios conceptos son hoy son cuestionados y al parecer los participantes de la asamblea ignoraron estudios de su tiempo sobre la sexualidad, familias o identidad. El día concluyó con un evento cultural-académico donde se presentó una coreografía titulada "Migajas" por El Dr. Ángel Méndez tras lo cual se tuvo un conversatorio para recapitular ideas de la jornada. El Miércoles 19 de estuvo dedicado al análisis de la categoría "Promoción humana" y sus relaciones con la liberación-salvación y el papel de la Iglesia y de las reflexiones teológicas. De especial interés fue la conferencia matutina donde se expresó cómo la teología necesita reflexionar en la articulación entre identidades, pertenencia y necesaria transformación de la realidad. ¿Realmente las sociedades latinoamericanas se transformaron a partir de los discursos de la Teología de la liberación? El conversatorio vespertino, titulado "Interpelaciones al método en teología desde las víctimas, la globalización y la interculturalidad" Coincidió en afirmar que el método ver-juzgar-actuar ya no parece suficiente. Las teologías en clave decolonial y las de género permiten dar cuenta de la diversidad de identidades y epistemes y que tal vez la historia ha sido sobrevalorada como lugar teológico. Los generadores de los documentos de Medellín fueron teólogos y pastores varones, educados en Europa y sus destinatarios los pobres, una categoría que pretendía ser omniabarcante, pero hoy requiere puntualizaciones. Según Carlos Mendoza, el "aplastamiento" y estallido del sujeto en la posmodernidad por la exclusión y el despojo y la misma resistencia de las víctimas las constituyen como nuevo "locus". Este día finalizó con la presentación del Comentario Bíblico-Teológico latinoamericano sobre Medellín, coeditado por la Universidad Iberoamericana. Pretende ser una recapitulación de los distintos abordajes y conferencias realizados en estos tres días, sobre los documentos de la II Conferencia y que son reeditados en la obra. El tercer y último día, jueves 20 de septiembre tuvo como arranque las espiritualidades a la luz de Medellín, la necesaria Conversión y reforma de la Iglesia en América Latina y el planteamiento de la posibilidad de "Hacer teología desde la exclusión y las víctimas en un contexto posmoderno". A 50 años de Medellín las subjetivaciones en éxodo y diáspora (migrantes en movilidad forzada, familiares de desaparecidos, comunidad LGBTQ, pueblos originarios, mujeres, etc.) han emprendido una resistencia epistémica y espiritual, se convierten en nuevos actores que no están esperando de las iglesias la buena nueva, antes bien quieren entender la fe desde los fragmentos de la historia. Alejandro Humberto Palacios Torres, Seminario de Ética Teológica, Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México.

El Prof. Mg. Pablo A. Blanco participó como conferencista invitado en el panel "Desafíos de la Iglesia Latinoamericana a 50 años del Documento de Medellín (1968)", de la "VI Semana de la Historia", organizada por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). La Semana de la Historia es una actividad académica dirigida a estudiantes, profesores e investigadores, y cuenta cada año con invitados especiales y expertos que, a través de sus disertaciones, aportan nuevos conocimientos a la disciplina.

Enlace a video :
A partir de las obras de poetas contemporáneos, en "Conversatorio: Poéticas del conurbano, un espacio de interferencias", nos proponemos pensar los procesos de deconstrucción de un territorio como el conurbano bonaerense en el plano de los discursos, especialmente como contracara de las formaciones políticas sobre lo decible y lo pensable que desde el poder hegemónico se proponen. En una época de tensiones agudas entre los formadores mediáticos de pensamiento y el sector popular, la poesía interfiere como una piedra en el zapato de quienes promocionan una estigmatización cultural y una demarcación de subjetividades afines al control de los sectores dominantes. El espacio que se abre desde el concepto de conurbano puede ser una puerta hacia miradas heterodoxas, inconformistas, diversas y, sobre todo, una zona de resistencia intelectual. Poetas invitados: María Sueldo Müller, Nina Schiavone, Diego García y Fernando Ayala. Coordinador: Martin A. Biaggini. Martes 13 de noviembre de 18 a 20 hs. Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche. Av. Calchaqui 6200, Florencio Varela, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Sito web
Nuevo libro de Ronaldo Zacharias y María Inés de Castro Millen, Ética Teológica e Dereitos Humanos, SBTM y Editora Santuario, San Pablo, 2018.
1.      Estilo profético de vida: de senhores da fé a servidores da alegria - Humberto Robson de Carvalho
2.      Poder, pobreza e serviço: a formação da identidade do curador ferido - Maria Inês de Castro Millen
3.      Confidencialidade e transparência: a responsabilidade e o compromisso com a verdade - Mário Marcelo Coelho
4.      Vida espiritual: do acompanhamento ao discernimento à qualidade da relação - Sérgio Augusto Baldin Júnior
5.      Formação intelectual: a urgência de superar a douta ignorância - Ronaldo Zacharias
6.      Um só corpo, um só Espírito: qualificando ministros para a unidade dos cristãos - Marcial Maçaneiro
7.      Da duplicidade à integração da sexualidade: formar para relacionamentos de qualidade - Luiz Augusto de Mattos
8.       Do "não" à cultura gay à formação de subculturas gays: um impasse nos ambientes de formação - Edênio Valle
9.      Orientação afetivo-sexual: para além da cultura do "não pergunte, não fale" - Ronaldo Zacharias
10.  Transtornos psicoafetivos na vivência da sexualidade: uma interlocução com a formação para a vida religiosa consagrada e sacerdotal - Eliana Massih
11.  Lidando com o dragão devorador de almas: enfrentando o fenômeno do abuso sexual - Margaret Eletta Guider
12.  Exposição pessoal nas redes sociais: racionalidade, profetismo ou mediocridade? - José Antonio Trasferetti
13.  Desafios da Pastoral Vocacional: despertar, acompanhar, discernir, desenvolver - Dom Leonardo Ulrich Steiner
14.  Formação Permanente: continuamente chamados e provocados - Ronaldo Zacharias

North American Regional Report

At the forefront of the minds of many North American Catholic theological ethicists is the recently released Pennsylvania Grandy Jury report, which horrifically details hundreds of cases of sexual abuse at the hands of priests.  Many of us find ourselves struggling with how to respond in the midst of this crisis, and are working together to address issues raised by the crisis with representatives of the media, at public events, and in our research and writing.  
The College Theology Society's annual meeting in Spring of 2019 addresses the theme "All the Ends of the Earth: Challenge and Celebration of Global Catholicism." This is a great opportunity for attendees of the Sarajevo meeting or any of the other meetings of the CTEWC to bring your scholarship, insights, or networking experiences to a meeting of moral theologians in the US. The convention's announcement is here:  . The "Justice and Peace" section's call is particularly relevant: . The "Ethics" section's call follows: 

This year's convention theme, "All the Ends of the Earth:" Challenges and Celebrations of Global Catholicism, offers an opportunity for globally attuned explorations and applications of theological ethics and moral theology. The Ethics Section calls for paper proposals that thoughtfully and creatively engage this theme and for high quality proposals in any other area of theological ethics and moral theology. Proposals which centrally engage the convention theme or the related theme of global Christianity beyond Catholicism will receive primary consideration.

As the convention's theme correctly notes, Christianity "(f)rom its beginnings...has had a 'global' orientation" and that the history of our faith "has been one of sin and of grace, fraught with miracles and missteps, with triumphs and tragedies, from which we all need to learn, so as to work out a more hopeful future together." The Ethics section seeks papers that engage this mission in new ways. 
The co-chairs also acknowledge the participation of some of our members at the CTEWC (Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church) conference in Sarajevo in July 2018 and welcomes proposals of differing formats (e.g., a panel discussion) to bring insights from that deliberately international network of Catholic ethicists to the CTS meeting.

The ethics section encourages papers that consider:
-the realities of today's waves of refugee movement and life
-borders and boundaries: creating, avoiding, crossing, straddling and otherwise living with them
-migration, immigration, emigration, settlement, "roots," mobilities
-the interplay between the "local" and the "global"
-relationships between the broader authorities and local prerogatives of the global Roman Catholic Church
-implications of the theme's focus for theological anthropology as a central consideration of moral theology
-the moral contours of the Church's own global mission
-moral issues related to non-human forms of life in/on this globe
-moral issues related to how Christianity or Catholicism mixes with or encounters other religions
Papers might delve into questions like: What do we learn about moral theology from globally Catholic perspectives or observation? How does a globally attuned Catholic ethics uniquely describe or evaluate moral issues? How does Catholic ethics uniquely describe or address global issues (like climate change, transnational corporations, human trafficking, public health or food systems)? Where and how does the moral agency of inter/national entities manifest within families? In what ways ought a people of faith in an incarnate God think about the globe, or in what ways might a particularly global people think about the incarnate God? In what ways might the roles of the Pope, Bishops, religious superiors, priests or laity change or need to change, with a greater awareness of the global Church?

Finally, the ethics section invites proposals that attend to the interdisciplinary, ecumenical, or interreligious context of a contemporary ethical inquiry into this theme. Please note: Conference presenters must be members of the College Theology Society, and Ph.D. candidates must be ABD in order to submit a proposal. 
Further information is here: 
h ttp:// 
If you are a CTEWC network member who is not members of the College Theology Society: This is a great opportunity to join and to network at the next meeting! These affordable annual gatherings feature a friendly and fairly casual atmosphere, excellent keynote addresses, and many living and evolving traditions (like the 5K race, and the evening singalong with libations). The CTS is "a professional association of college and university professors. Founded in 1954 as a Roman Catholic organization of lay and religious teachers of undergraduate theology, the CTS today has a membership of over 900 college and university professors throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. While maintaining its roots in the Roman Catholic tradition, the Society is increasingly ecumenical in its membership and concerns."
A message from Mary Jo Iozzio:
Dear Colleagues,
The Ecclesiastical Faculty at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry has an open position in Moral Theology. For those of you who were at the meeting of the CTEWC in Sarajevo, you may have seen the draft announcement of this position. Now it is official.
Information and instructions to apply can also be found at the following link:
Full-Time Position in Moral Theology (Open Rank)
Position Description
The Ecclesiastical Faculty of the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry seeks applicants for a full-time tenured or tenure-track position in moral theology.
Candidates should be prepared to teach courses appropriate for the Master of Divinity and other theology and ministry degree programs at the master's and doctoral level. The courses should cover fundamental moral theology and one or more specific areas of moral theology: e.g., biblical ethics, context-based ethics, environmental ethics, sexual ethics, social ethics, and theological bioethics.
Candidates must be committed to core Catholic teachings and approach their teaching and research with sensitivity to pastoral needs and cultural diversity in interdisciplinary, multi-cultural, and multi-lingual ways. Applicants must demonstrate strong teaching and research ability. Candidates should be willing to contribute to the formation of the diverse student body: Jesuits and other candidates approved for ordination studies, and women and men trained for lay ecclesial ministries and for service rooted in faith. Applicants also should be willing to mentor and advise students writing theses and dissertations to fulfill requirements in the School of Theology and Ministry, particularly its S.T.L. and S.T.D., as well as M.T.S. and Th.M. degrees.
Position Qualifications
To be considered, applicants must hold an earned doctorate in Catholic moral theology or Christian ethics. The possession of, or willingness and eligibility to pursue, a licentiate in sacred theology (STL) is a requisite criterion.
Application Instructions
We will begin reviewing applications after October 15, 2018, though the position will remain open until filled.  
Applications should include:
  • cover letter stating your interest in the position
  • curriculum vitae
  • letters of recommendation from three professional contacts (two academic and one ministerial) .  
Follow this link to begin the application process:
For more information, please contact
Margaret E. Guider, O.S.F., Chair, Ecclesiastical Faculty: [email protected] or
Karen Smith, Academic Services Specialist: [email protected] .
Boston College is a Jesuit, Catholic university that strives to integrate research excellence with a foundational commitment to formative liberal arts education. We encourage applications from candidates who are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic community. Boston College is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of any legally protected category including disability and protected veteran status. To learn more about how BC supports diversity and inclusion throughout the university, please visit the Office for Institutional Diversity at

European Regional Report
Publication "Humanae vitae - die anstößige Enzyklika" by Konrad Hilpert and Sigrid Müller

50 years after its promulgation the reception of Humanae vitae still ranges from vehement rejection to passionate vindication. No other papal text has provoked more controversy than this encyclical by Paul VI, which is - even today - often reduced to the strict prohibition of artificial contraception. For this reason, renowned theologians and social ethicists have decided to critically appraise content and reception of Humanae vitae. The book contains contributions from Antonio Autiero, Christof Breitsameter, Kirsten Danelzik, Stephan Ernst, Stephan Goertz, Konrad Hilpert, Katharina Klöcker, Elmar Kos, Andreas Lob-Hüdepohl, Gerhard Marschütz, Karl-Wilhelm Merks, Sigrid Müller, Ulrich Ruh, Jochen Sautermeister, Walter Schaupp, Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Joachim Schmiedl, Eberhard Schockenhoff, Joachim Wiemeyer and Werner Wolbert.

The Study on Child Abuse within in the Catholic Church in Germany

On September 25th, the German bishops presented together with the responsible researchers the results of the so-called MHG-study. After the analysis of more than 38.000 employee records of all 27 German dioceses, it has become evident that the cases of abuse of minors were and still are not individual incidents but a profound and overall problem within the Catholic Church in Germany. For the period from 1946 to 2014 around 1670 catholic priests, deacons, and male members of orders have been accused in cases of abuse. The number of the mostly very young victims (more than 50% of the victims were under the age of 13) amounts to more than 3600 persons. The estimated number of unrecorded cases, however, seems to be considerably higher. As reasons for these shattering figures the researchers especially pointed out structural problems within the Catholic Church, such as  the celibacy, the homophobic environment, and rigid sexual morality that seems to enforce intrapsychic problems and suppressed or/ and immature sexual inclinations. Furthermore, the conductors of the study heavily criticised the Church´s "clericalism" that not only lead to a disastrous abuse of power and made these crimes possible, but also supported a widespread tendency to cover-up a high number of cases.

Report from the 27th national conference of the Italian Association for Moral Theology

The 27th national conference of ATISM, the Italian Association for Moral Theology, took place at Torino from July 3 to 6, 2018. The issue of the conference was chosen in occasion of the 50th anniversary of the publication of Humanae vitae: "Sexuality, sexual difference, and procreation". The speakers were Giulio Brambilla, Franco Garelli, Anna Bertoni, Carlo Casalone, Gilfredo Marengo, Lucia Vantini, Maurizio Faggioni, Maurizio Chiodi, Giampaolo Dianin, Salvino Leone, and Basilio Petrà.
At the business meeting, Pierdavide Guenzi (Torino), former secretary and vicepresident, was elected president of ATISM and Salvino Leone (Palermo) vicepresident. Salvatore Cipressa (Lecce) was re-elected as secretary.

Photo: Pierdavide Guenzi, new elected president of ATISM 

The Department of Religious Studies at Santa Clara University, a private Jesuit Catholic university in Silicon Valley, invites applications for a tenure track position in theological social ethics to start September 1, 2019. 

Click here for more information.

Call For Papers
The Journal of Moral Theology is looking for papers presented at concurrent sessions of the Third International Conference of the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church, held in Sarajevo 2018.

Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology
Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2018
Theological Education: Challenges

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Send us your announcements, job postings, recent publications, etc. Submit here.

Browse Resources
Check out fellowship, conference announcements, calls for papers, publications, etc.  Visit the resource page.

Kristin Heyer



Jacob McErlean


([email protected])