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GrassRoots Meats Newsletter   February  2019
Snow, Snow, and More Snow 

It's been a great year for snow at the ranch. We are ever so grateful for every flake!

To the east

To the west

Allan used the tractor to make a sled hill for the grandkids.
Charlee (7) and Reece (12)

Bella (7), our daredevil
Teeg (4)

The Tale of Two Fences
Allan took these pictures to tell the tale of two fences
Oil company fence
Rancher's fence

January Projects  
Sourdough starter

Making kefir
Finished kefir, with a blend of berries
I was very busy in January creating all kinds of good things to eat and drink. Kefir is easy to make and so very good for you. I keep the grains in the refer so I am ready to make it whenever I have extra milk.
I also keep sourdough starter on hand all the time. It makes the BEST bread, even what I make in the bread machine.

I saw a recipe in Mother Earth News this past month for kvass which I found very interesting. 

The kvass here was made from stale sourdough bread. Thought I would give it a try, and Allan and I liked it very much. I hope to make it on a regular basis.

I am really getting into the fermenting and hope to do lots of veggies this summer. It is so good for your digestive system, and truly promotes good health. 

Had this very ugly pumpkin which we all loved. I dried the seeds so we can plant them next year.

I cut it in half, cooked the meat, and put up quite a few pints of pumpkin. Also made some delicious pumpkin muffins with some sprouted wheat. Ymmmmm.

After I took the pumpkin out I dried the two halves and am making bowls. Thinking I will probably put pine cones in one and use it on the front porch. The other I might use at Farmer's Market.

February 3rd Class 

Hope you can join us for our sprouted wheat class on Saturday. I put the recipe on the website so if you can't join us, you can still learn to make the pancakes. 
Because you are using the whole grain and then packing in more nutrition by sprouting it, we have found that the pancakes are way more satisfying. You don't get the carb high/low feeling later and they really stick with you for a long time, making it a very healthy breakfast. 
Pair them with an egg and some breakfast sausage for a great protein boost. Real maple syrup is an excellent way to top these pancakes!

So if you have been getting this newsletter for any length of time you are fully aware how proud we were of our granddaughter, Taylor, and her long run of basketball achievements. Well, now our 16 year old grandson, Kyler (#20), a sophomore at Pagosa Springs High School, is playing varsity ball. He got to start his first game this past weekend. We are so VERY proud of him. He played well, and helped them to an important win over Montezuma/Cortez on Saturday. 

If you have watched the slideshow on our website, that is Kyler on the 4 wheeler, taken quite a few years ago.
Happy Birthday, Eva!

My good friend, Eva Johnson (bottom middle), just celebrated her 90th birthday on Wednesday. This is my bible study group celebrating her special day with a luncheon. Eva is 90 going on 80. She is the poster child of perfect health, attributed to her good eating habits and exercise program. 

May you have many more years of good health and happiness, Eva!
Ground Hog Day  SPECIAL

2 Chuck Roasts
2 Rump Roasts
2 Sirloin Tip Roasts
4 pounds Sirloin Tip Steaks
5 pounds Short Ribs
2 packages Beef Breakfast Sausage
2 packages Beef Italian Sausage
10 pounds Ground Beef

A total of 40 pounds of meat!

Over $300 value!

Sale Price

Add just $30 more to your order and get an additional 10% OFF

(net price about $6 per pound)

In Closing . . .   
We are finally having a real winter and loving every minute of it. The snow is starting to melt and we are headed into the mud season, but we keep reminding ourselves that it is a blessing in every way. I have given up keeping the floors clean.

The remodel on our house continues, slow but sure. It is looking great, but too soon for pictures. We are not in a hurry (good thing) and are looking forward to the house looking a lot better. Once the outside in finished we hope to start on the inside, but that will be awhile. Patience. In the end I do believe we will be very glad we took our time, because as we go we get lots of good ideas that we can implement along the way.

Hope you are having a good winter as well. Pretty cold in some parts of the country. Those of you living in the hotter summer areas should consider stocking up now since the shipping is a lot less expensive when we don't have to use dry ice.

Give somebody a big hug on the 14th. A little love goes a long way.
Lois & Allan

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