Practicing Presence:
Journeying Inward Through the Labyrinth
with Veriditas Faculty Maggie Perrone
12 April, Mary and Joseph Retreat Center in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Veriditas Approved Qualifying Workshop.

As you journey these days through a cacophony of news, rapidly changing cycles of information and pulls on your time, let yourself take a pause. Spend a day learning to deepen your sense of living in the present moment using the labyrinth as a tool. The practice of presence helps one stay mindful of that which is right in front of you. Take a day to listen to your inner ear, practice feeling your way through instead of simply reacting to the events of your life, quiet your mind and walk; noticing, being and attending to where you are in the present moment.

Fee $50 Earlybird before April 2, 2018, then $55
To register, please contact Marlene Velazquez, Hospitality Coordinator
Facilitator Training
with Maggie Perrone
13-14 April
The goal of Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator Training is to prepare people to introduce others to the labyrinth in an articulate, professional and effective way.The training addresses meditative walking in a variety of settings, with a variety of different populations. It is focused primarily on the Eleven Circuit Medieval Labyrinth but is inclusive of all forms.

Walking the labyrinth is being embraced as a spiritual practice throughout the Western world mostly because of Veriditas trained facilitators. The Veriditas Facilitator Training -- which began in 1997 -- remains the most rigorous and comprehensive training offered.  
Mary and Joseph Retreat Center in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Veriditas | 707-283-0373 | 707-783-0372 | |