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Technical Communique 
 February 14, 2019                                                               TC-19001

BASIS International Ltd. has made available a new standalone version of their License Manager (BLM) for PRO/5® and Visual PRO/5® installations.

The release comes in response to the changes brought about by Oracle's changes to Java - a component of the BASIS installer. The new BLM supports both Oracle's Java 11 and OpenJDK 11 and is compatible with all older versions of BASIS interpreters that require a BLM and extends the existing robust perpetual license fail-safe features.

We encourage all PRO/5 and Visual PRO/5 installations
to upgrade to the latest no cost BLM


JavaOracle's Java Updates
BASIS is providing a smooth path forward for its customers in order to accommodate Oracle's changes to Java used in the BLM installer. As you probably know, the last public (free) critical security patch update of Java 8 is now available. Future updates and patches require an annual fee-based support contract with Oracle. The new BASIS installer supports both Oracle's Java 11 and the no-cost OpenJDK 11.  

The new BLM is available as a stand-alone download either by selecting the Product "BLM" on the BASIS products download page at or directly from the BASIS License Manager Download page at
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