August 2020
 Ingleside Therapeutic Massage & Yoga • 415 Ingleside St., Route 5
Holoyoke, MA 01040 • Phone: 413-536-9682
Staying Awake and Aware
"Baby Stepping"

I have been enjoying being out in nature each day during this pandemic time. The beauty of nature provides such joy and peace for all of us. Immersing ourselves in nature is such a relief from the fear, anxiety and exhaustion of COVID19. I enjoy the beauty of the birds and various animals in my excursions. There are beautiful blue herons like the one pictured here at our local reservoir. I marvel at its elegance and grace. The herons are amazing examples of being alert, aware and awake. While bike riding or walking, I have witnessed the herons serenely standing in the same position for 30-45 minutes.

Sometimes when I'm out in nature, I can be distracted by my thoughts and miss out on the marvels that appear. Nature reminds me to stay awake and aware so I don't miss out on the sweet beauties like this precious deer standing patiently or this dear squirrel carrying the nut so carefully up a tree.

Sometimes the pandemic can fill us with such anxiety, despair, fear and exhaustion. It can cause us to feel depressed, overwhelmed and stuck. It is so important that we be gentle, loving and compassionate with ourselves and others. Staying awake and aware helps us to notice where our minds go and stay present to our mental and emotional states. The practices of yoga, breath practices and meditation train us to live with awareness and to stay awake. Also, these practices help us to notice when we fall asleep and are on autopilot. The more aware we are of our breath, the more aware we will be in our life. Our breath only lives in one time zone-the present!

Remember the fabulous movie "What about Bob," from 1991? (If you have not seen it, or it has been awhile, I recommend checking it out. It has some valuable messages and it is a very funny movie.) One of the messages is "to view our day in baby steps." When I find myself feeling anxious and/or overwhelmed with regard to all the uncertainty of the virus and the state of our lives, I remind myself to take baby steps, that's all, "just take it one step at a time," as Bob is advised to do. As we have all learned so poignantly during the last several months, our lives and plans will shift and change depending on the state of our world. We can choose to keep coming back to each moment as skillfully as we can, rather than be preoccupied about the future.

Also, may we be curious and observe how we talk to ourselves. What are the messages you tell yourself daily? In the movie, it is suggested that Bob repeat to himself: "I feel good. I feel great. I feel wonderful." Now you may not resonate with this mantra but we can pick a mantra that will help ground and shift us when we get overwhelmed with fear, anxiety and despair. We can think of a mantra as a phrase that protects and to remind us that we are never alone, that there is sacred energy always present within each of us and every living thing to guide and comfort us. It could be
"I am Safe," or "All is Well" or "Let Go and Let Be." The point is to repeat a phrase or phrases to ourselves to bring us back to the present moment and the gift of our sacred breath and wholeness.

Come join us for self-care, support and guidance; come "baby-stepping" with us for some yoga, meditation, massage and craniosacral treatments! Lets keep our focus on where we are now rather than on what we didn't do yesterday or last week or month. May we support each other on our journey of staying awake, living with awareness and choosing NOT to go back to sleep in our waking lives.

Speaking of baby steps, we are Delighted to introduce our newest member of our family and future Yogi, our great nephew Matteo! He was born today. The baby of our beloved niece Kelly and her husband Claudio. He is indeed a Divine Blessing and a Radiant Light. We are so, so Grateful.
Offerings to Support you to stay Awake and live with Awareness

John is seeing clients for massage, cranisosacral treatments and lymph drainage treatments. John is taking all necessary precautions as set by the American Massage Therapy Association and MA State Board of Health to ensure your safety.We will be following recommended protocols, hand washing, wearing masks, taking your temperature, etc... John will also schedule extra time in between clients to complete a thorough cleaning of surfaces and table.

Please call, text or book online. You can call or text John at 413-204-1078. Please Click Here to book online.

Massage and/or CranioSacral Treatments

1.0 hour Massage or Craniosacral Treatment:$100.00;

1.5 Hour Massage or Craniosacral Treatment:$120.00

Or purchase a 5-pack of treatments & get additional treatment Free!:

  • Buy 5 Massages &/or Craniosacral Treatments
(1.0 hour each-$500.00)-get additional one Free!

  • Buy 5 Massages &/or Craniosacral Treatments
  • (1.5 hours each ($600.00)-get additional one Free!
Outside Yoga Classes at Holyoke Boathouse AND Online!

Come join us for yoga and meditation classes on the deck of the Holyoke Boathouse outside AND livestream on Zoom simultaneously!

At the boathouse, each mat is at least six feet away from another mat.

Please contact J at or text J at 413-313-5769 if you would like to join class at boathouse or online classes.

Join our livestream online classes from the comfort of your home!

Regular Yogis: Bring a family member or friend to class & enjoy one free class off your next class package purchase!!
Online Private and Semi-Private
Yoga Sessions

Online private and semiprivate yoga sessions are NOW available in person OR online via Zoom. Private or semi-private yoga and meditation sessions are a healing practice for you and your friends and/or family member(s).

"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the door sill
Where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep."

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Anaïs Nin