Friday 15 February 2019

Brought to you by  Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story

The Institute of Services for the Agricultural and Food Market (ISMEA) has released data indicating that the volumes produced during the current olive oil crop season in Italy have reached record lows, amounting to 185,000 tons (slightly above the 182,000 tons of 2016).
Update on Tasmanian fire threat

Our thoughts have been with Tassie olive growers over the past few weeks, with a number threatened by the ongoing uncontrolled fires burning across the state, so we asked AOA Tasmanian Director Christine Mann for an update on the situation. 
They’re still not completely out of danger, she reports, as fires are still active in the state, but they’ve had some rain at the fire fronts and there are currently multiple interstate fire crews assisting to contain the fires.
We’ve got everything crossed for more rain and complete control of the fires very soon.

Banks are under pressure to immediately stop the "despicable" practice of slapping drought-stricken farmers with hefty penalties for defaulting on their loans. Agriculture Minister David Littleproud has demanded the banks scrap default interest charges for farmers suffering natural disasters, in line with a recommendation from Royal Commissioner Kenneth Hayne.

We hope no olive growers are at this stage but it’s good to see ongoing support for better treatment of Australian farmers.
Got something to sell, or want to buy? You can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertise your unwanted equipment, extra oil - or even your grove. Like Jude, who’s upgrading for larger capacity and selling her meticulously cared-for Oliomio 50. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates.

Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.

Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at

International travellers failing to declare plant and animal matter they bring into Australia will face fines, possible criminal prosecution and/or court proceedings as a new attitude to enforcement is adopted in the Department of Agriculture.

Positive action for our industry, given the risk of Xylella fastidiosa arriving from Europe.
Olives SA Tasting Course – next weekend, book now!
Olives South Australia are holding an EVOO Tasting Course, providing refresher or entry-level training led by master blender Trudie Michels. The course is open to growers, retailers and other industry members, and interested consumers are also welcome to attend.

Where: Royal Banquet Room, Adelaide Showground, Wayville
When: Sunday, 24 February 2019 - 9.00am for 9.30am start to 12.30pm
Cost: $40 per person, including light lunch
RSVP to Michael Johnston on 0419 815 839 by 5pm on Friday, 15 February.
AOA Olive Oil Processing Workshop

The AOA is running an Olive Oil Processing Workshop in April, being held at Boort, Victoria. The comprehensive two-day course covers every aspect of processing quality from the grove to the laboratory, and combines the expertise of international processing consultant Pablo Canamasas and award-winning producers Peter and Marlies Eicher of Salute Oliva. 

What: AOA Olive Oil Processing Workshop
When: Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 April 2019
Where: Boort (Boort Resource & Information Centre/BRIC and Salute Oliva); Accommodation at Boort Lakes Holiday Park.
More detail will be available in coming weeks, so SAVE THE DATE NOW – places are limited and this is one course you won’t want to miss!

Registrations are now open, so BOOK NOW – places are limited and this is one course you don’t want to miss! More information and register here.

This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the Hort Innovation olive research and development levy, co-investment from the Australian Olive Association and contributions from the Australian Government.
One more week until Hunter Olive Association field day

The Hunter Olive Association is holding a field day on Saturday, February 23, run by Col Freeman from local land services. Activities commence at 9am and the venue is 852 Milbrodale Rd, Broke.
Attendees are invited to bring soil samples from their own groves for assessment and management suggestions.
Growers from further afield are most welcome to join their Hunter counterparts. Please register attendance via
OLIVE JAPAN 2019 International Olive Oil Competition                         
Registration is now open for the OLIVE JAPAN 2019 International Olive Oil Competition. Last year’s event saw 30 entries from Australian and New Zealand producers, resulting in eight Gold and 13 Silver medals.
The 2019 edition of the OLIVE JAPAN event includes plans for an official Buyers’ Guidebook to introduce Gold and Premier winners with a product photo and brief description.
  • Deadline for entries is March 25, with online registration here.
  • Results will be announced on April 12 on the competition website.
  • The OLIVE JAPAN SHOW 2019 will be held July19-24, including the awards ceremony on July 21.
For further information visit the competition website.
New Zealand
05-Feb-2019 By Pearly Neo 

Food industry groups in New Zealand are rallying behind a proposed bill that is demanding the introduction of harsher punishment for people who deliberately contaminate/sabotage food. 

Let’s hope that includes ‘contamination’ of EVOO with lower quality and/or other oils.
ONZ gearing up for final round of Focus Grove Field Days – be there and learn!

With the project drawing to a close, the final round of Olives New Zealand Focus Grove Project Field Days is being held in March. These events provide the opportunity for hands-on learning and information sharing on all aspects of grove managements, so don’t miss out on this last chance to look, listen and question. Dates and locations are as follows:
  • Monday 18 - Hawke’s Bay
  • Tuesday 19 - Northland
  • Friday 22 - Wairarapa (followed by AGM, Saturday 23)
  • Monday 25 - Canterbury
  • Tuesday 26 – Nelson.
More information on the Focus Grove Project here.

The EU has filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization, but the short-staffed trade entity faces a massive backlog. Spanish olive producers face an uncertain future with a December 2019 deadline looming.
As American consumers become increasingly aware of the nutritional, social and environmental impact of the food they eat, Alive & Well Probiotic-Rich Organic Olives convey a true hero’s story. Long before today’s burgeoning resurgence of interest in regenerative agricultural practices and the inherent environmental benefits, a closely knit group of family growers tended 70,000 olive trees near the Grecian village of Rovies.

Delegates at last year’s National Conference will no doubt be reminded of South African table olive expert Linda Costa’s inspiring presentation as they read about olives “naturally rich in probiotic, live cultures, antioxidants, and other beneficial substances”.

After negotiations that lasted several years, the olive oil production cooperatives Jaencoop and Olivar de Segura have agreed to merge. The resulting conglomerate will be the second largest producer and distributor of olive oil in the world, after Dcoop in Málaga, Spain, with an average annual turnover of more than €250 million ($286 million).
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
With 2019 now well underway Friday Olive Extracts  (FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,  you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

After a bad harvest, olive farmers and oil producers may not be able to receive compensation. However, small producers have a chance to shine in a depleted field of competitors.
In a Portuguese riff on classic French chocolate mousse, chef João Dias of Montreal’s Ferreira Café swaps out the traditional butter or heavy cream for olive oil and tops the dessert with a sprinkling of fleur de sel.

The secret, Dias says, is “It needs to be crazy good olive oil”. In other words, local EVOO!

About 75 professional and aspiring olive farmers will gather at the Silverado Vineyards Sensory Theater in Davis, California for an olive growing master class hosted by the Olive Center and instructed by several experts.

One of those experts is our own Leandro Ravetti, technical director at Modern Olives.

Food fraud affects many food categories, but stakes are a little higher with olive oil due to potential allergens in substitute ingredients.

We’ve reported on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s work before but couldn’t resist an update, given the great final paragraph of this article. Great advice for consumers – and great for producers.
The Alqueva dam may have thrown a lifeline to some of Alentejo's traditional producers, but nearly 20 years later, it has also brought along new challenges that may prove to be insurmountable.
What's On

17 February
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Margaret River, WA

17-21 February - FIAL at Gulfood - Dubai, UAE

23 February
Hunter Olive Association Field Day – Broke, NSW

18-26 March
Olives New Zealand Focus Grove Project Field Days – various regions, NZ

23 March - Olives New Zealand 2019 Annual General Meeting – Carterton

25 March
Deadline for entries, OLIVE JAPAN 2019 – Tokyo, Japan

1 April
Closing date for entries, Oil China Competition 2019 - Beijing China

16-17 April
AOA Olive Oil Processing Workshop – Boort, Vic

5-10 May – New York International Olive Oil Competition – New York, USA

11-14 May
1st China Training Course of Olive Oil Tasters - Shanghai China

14-16 May
Oil China Expo 2019 + Summit Forum - Shanghai China

19-24 July
OLIVE JAPAN SHOW 2019 – Tokyo, Japan

16-19 October
2019 National Olive Industry Conference & Trade Exhibition – Albury, NSW

9-12 February
World Congress on Oils & Fats – Sydney, Australia

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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