Cozy Up with Friends and Family this Winter.

Dashing December Days
The jolliest of months is upon us and we have a fun-filled calendar planned! Take a look at our activities and check out these tips for a happy holiday season:
  • How to Visit a Loved One
  • Tips to Lessen Your Holiday Stress
  • Winter Wit
Read on...
Frosty Fun :

Take a peek at the abundant and exciting activities planned for our residents this  month. Click below to see the full calendar of events.

Dates You'll Want to Remember: 
  • December 17 at 4 pm - Caregiver Support Group Meeting
Visiting a Loved One with Dementia

In this season of family celebrations, you may be planning a visit with a loved one with dementia.  We have found some suggestions for how to make your visits more rewarding. 

Preparation can make that visit even more enjoyable. Here is some advice for how best to communicate and engage with someone with dementia.
  • Do not worry if your loved one does not remember you or remember recent events. 
  • Assist recall; bringing family photos or their favorite keepsake can be great conversation starters. 
  • Check out the community's activity calendar and schedule your visit around a fun event.
  • Patience is key. It is common that your loved one may repeat themselves, when this occurs, it is best to respond to the question or statement as if it is the first time.
  • Your loved one may have times when they are upset or agitated during your visit. Do not correct or argue. It is best to validate their feeling and acknowledge their frustration. Then, redirect attention to something positive. Turning negatives into positives can help prevent arguments and agitation.
  • Eye contact, a gentle touch and a warm smile can go a long way. 
Preparation can make that visit even more enjoyable. To read more about preparing for your visit click the link below:

Keeping Cool (Lessen Stress) 
for the Holidays

A caregiver's heath is just as important as everyone involved with dementia. Make sure you take the right steps to stay ahead and minimize stress. Use these suggestions to make sure you enjoy the holidays more and stress less.
Plan Ahead
If you know there will be a lot going on during the holidays, be sure to plan accordingly. Get help with grocery runs, baking, or other tasks to prevent any last minute stress.
Reach Out for Help
It is okay to ask for help when caring for someone with dementia. Ask for help from your peers or family members. Here's the trick: be specific. Prepare a grocery list and ask a friend to pick up your items when they go to the market. It will save you time and let them feel needed.
Adult day care, in-home care, and respite services can offer a much needed break for the caregiver as well as the one with dementia.
Let it Go
Give yourself a break and don't try to tackle too much. If you aren't able to get to everything on your to do list, that's okay. Celebrate your accomplishments and forgive yourself for not doing it all. You are more apt to enjoy the holidays when you are relaxed.
We also found some more advice to lessen stress from the Mayo Clinic. Click on the link below.

Winter Wit

Evergreen + berries
"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold." ~ Aristotle

Q: What do women use to stay young looking in the Arctic? 
A: Cold cream. 

Q: Why was the snowman sad? 
A: Cause he had a meltdown.

Q: What do you call a reindeer with no eyes? 
A: I have no eye deer.

Q: What did the big furry hat say to the warm woolly scarf? 
A: "You hang around while I go on ahead."

Q: What do you call a snowman with a six pack? 
A: An abdominal snowman.
'Tis the season to be freezin'

Snow much fun!
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ActivCare at Brittany House  |  5401 E. Centralia Street  |  Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 246-9690  |