Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Applications open until February 1
There is still time to complete your application for
Summer 2019 and/or Academic Year 2019-2020 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS)
The deadline for application submission is Friday, February 1,
2019, 4:30 pm EST.
**There is still time to enroll in courses to earn FLAS eligibility!! For undergraduate students who are interested in
earning eligibility
for an AY 2019-2020 FLAS Fellowship in Quechua:
- You must enroll in Quechua 5501 (online) for Spring 2019
- You must enroll in Quechua 5502 (online) for Summer 2019
For more information on the fellowship and application, please
2019 Summit of Ohio Latinx Conference
Pueblo Unido: Strength in Community
April 12-14, 2019
Denison University, Granville, OH
You are invited to the 3rd annual Summit of Ohio Latinx (SOL)! The summit was born in 2015 at Denison University when Latinx students, staff, faculty, and allies began to raise questions about the growing Latinx student population at predominantly white institutions in the Midwest. How can we better mentor and equip this population? What issues are they facing on and off campus that we should be aware of? How is their experience on campus impacting their decisions and the choices they make after college? As a result of these conversations, a committee of passionate individuals was formed. They created SOL in hopes of inviting other institutions to unite and discuss ways to learn from each other and make a positive change for future Latinx students.
2019 LCTL Summer Program Lists Now Available
Jessica Delgado Lecture - "The Beata of the Black Habit: Race, Sexuality, and Religious Authority in Late Colonial Mexico"
January 23, 2019 (3:45-5:15 PM)
Where: 168 Dulles Hall
Dr. Jessica Delgado is an Assistant Professor of Religion at Princeton University. Earning her PhD in Latin American History, Dr. Delgado focuses on the history of religion in Latin America- specifically in Mexico in the 17th and 18th centeries, and has research interests in women, gender, sexuality, the Catholic Church in colonial society, race, caste, and religion, and the intersection between social and spiritual status in the early modern world. She recently published first book, Laywomen and the Making of Colonial Catholicism in New Spain, 1630-1780 (May 2018), and is now working on her next book, currently titled The Beata of the Black Habit: Religious and Racial Anxieties in Late Colonial Mexico.
Dr. Delgado will be visiting The Ohio State University campus for her lecture to discuss her latest research and book project. The event is open to the public, so please join us!
María Anastasia Gonzales was a mystic; out of step with the elite religiosity of late eighteenth-century Bourbon reformers, but highly respected in her local community as a beata -a laywoman who lived under vows of celibacy and piety. When the Inquisition compelled her to testify against her former confessor for sexual misconduct, the content of her testimony-and the fact that she experienced ecstatic visions in the middle of it-drew the ire of local clergy and Inquisitors alike. Over the course of a thirteen-year investigation, trial, and post-humus inquisitorial debate, Gonzales got caught in the cross fire between religious authorities and became the focus of elite imperial anxieties. All the while, she insisted on the validity of her own religious experiences in the face of Inquisitors' gendered and racialized depictions of her as arrogant, ignorant, or mentally deficient. This talk examines the extraordinary furor caused by one woman's way of making sense of her confessor's sexual exploitation to explore changes in religious culture, colonial power, and racialized ideologies of gender in late eighteenth-century Mexico.
*Presented by the Departments of Comparative Studies, History, and Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
New ODI Education Abroad in the Dominican Republic
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion in collaboration with the College of Education and Human Ecology is offering a new faculty-led education abroad program in the Dominican Republic. Similar to the Access to Higher Education in Brazil program, the Higher Education in the Dominican Republic: Access, Equity and Opportunity program will introduce our students to how higher education is accessed in the DR, with special attention given to the challenges faced by people from economically disadvantaged communities.
Like ODI's current education abroad program in Brazil, t
he Dominican Republic program will be a transformative experience for ODI scholars. Traveling as a group, they will learn about access and equity challenges in another culture and country-- whereby deepening and expanding perspectives on their own personal and educational journeys. OIA on-line application deadline is April 1, 2019.
DR Information Meetings:
- February 7: 5:00 to 6:00 p.m., Enarson 100
- February 21: 12 noon to 1:00 p.m., Enarson 100
- March 1: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Enarson 160
- March 20: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., Enarson 100
"¿Qué Pasa, Ohio State?" Call for Submissions Spring 2019
¿Qué Pasa, Ohio State?* supports the exchange of information and opportunities for dialogue among all students and faculty regarding Latinx issues across the disciplines. Published semiannually, ¿Qué Pasa, Ohio State? showcases the important work happening in the Latinx community at Ohio State in the form of research essays, event reports, creative works of poetry and fiction, recognition of the professional achievements of alumni, faculty and student profiles, and food reviews. For the spring 2019 issue, we would like to publish creative works of fiction and nonfiction. We are seeking memoirs, short stories, essays, poetry, artwork, etc. that express and discuss Latinx culture and heritage.
Please send submissions to the editor, Reyna Esquivel-King at esquivel-king.1@osu.edu or Yolanda Zepeda, director, at zepeda.3@osu.edu The deadline is Jan. 31, 2019 at 5pm.
*¿Que Pasa, Ohio State? is supported by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Office of Academic Affairs at Ohio State University and operates under the auspices of the OSU Hispanic Oversight Committee.
ACTFL Seeking Raters for the AAPPL Language Testing Program
ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) is seeking raters for the ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency (AAPPL) language testing program (in Spanish and Japanese) who share the commitment to principled language assessment and instruction. AAPPL raters use rubrics based on the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 to make accurate, evidence-based ratings of student performance on two components of the assessment: Interpersonal Listening and Speaking (ILS) and Presentational Writing (PW).
For more information, please click here.
Global Water Contexts
Faculty Research Forum
Friday, February 8, 2019 - 9:00am to 3:00pm (lunch
18th Ave Library Research Commons, 175 West 18th
Avenue Columbus, OH 43201
MESC's (Middle East Studies Center) cross-disciplinary water research project is based on the idea that the Middle East and other world regions may hold unique keys for addressing the global water crisis.We will explore this idea as we discuss potential solutions at the global water crisis at our faculty research forum. Please RSVP and help us build a research community. The forum will familiarize you with current research interests at OSU in departments such as Anthropology, Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering, School of Environment and Natural Resources, and others. Professional educators, grant-writing experts and development professionals will also join us to help secure funding and resources needed for team projects.
Latin American Studies Center Annual Student Conference "Huracán, Tormenta, Storm: Winds of Change"
When: May 2-3, 2019 Where: University of Maryland campus in College Park
Hurricanes are reckonings, unpredictable confrontations between forces, tormentous experiences.These moments demand analyses of how human activity changes the planet - the seas, the skies, the winds, and the rains.This conference is an opportunity for scholars, artists, and activists to examine "Huracán, Tormenta, Storm" from multiple perspectives. Envisioning the winds that transport elements and transform landscapes, we welcome papers that analyze all forms of change across the Americas. How do movements--social, migratory, religious, intellectual, artistic, and environmental--work as winds of change? What are possible approaches for studying catastrophe? How can the non-linear movements that happen in a storm help us to understand the Americas?
The 2019 Call for Papers and Invitation to Participate can be accessed here. Graduate students and advanced undergraduate student submissions from all disciplines are welcome. Abstracts are due March 1, 2019. The conference will include two days of panels, a keynote panel discussion (scholars, activists, and artists), and a music-filled closing reception.
23rd Latin American Social and Public Policy (LASPP)
Conference at the University of Pittsburgh
March 29-30th, 2019
University of Pittsburgh
The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at the University of Pittsburgh welcomes faculty and students to the
23rd Latin American Social and Public Policy (LASPP)
Conference. At the conference, researchers can present their scholarly work related to social and public policy in Latin America. LASPP encourages the organization of panels around problems, rather than disciplines, and welcome submissions from the social sciences, arts, humanities, and cultural studies. The Seventeenth Carmelo Mesa-Lago Distinguished Latin American Social and Public Policy Keynote Speaker is:
Dr. Aníbal Pérez-Liñán (Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame; Editor-in-Chief, Latin American Research Review; and Co-editor, Kellogg Series in Democracy and Development).
South American Cinema: Sunday Movies at the Upper Arlington Public Library
Jan 27, 2 PM: The Club (2015, Chile) Four disgraced priests share a secluded house in the outskirts of La Boca, a small Chilean beach town. The four men are there to discreetly purge their sins and crimes. However, the arrival of a crisis counselor sent by the Catholic Church, after an incident occurs, disrupts their life and their routine. The movie won the Jury Grand Prix at the 65th Berlin International Film Festival, and was Chile's entry in the 88th Academy Awards. NR 98 mins.
Feb 10, 2 PM: Bad Hair (2013) A Venezuelan boy's desire to straighten his curly hair leads to friction between himself and his hard-working mother single mother, eliciting a tidal wave of homophobic panic in her. The film has been praised by critics for its performances and for dealing with many topics ranging from adolescence and parent-child tensions to gender identity and sexuality. Its setting in Venezuelan society also contributes to many of the film's themes. NR 93 mins.
Feb 24, 2 PM: Aquarius (2016, Brazil) Clara, a 65-year-old widow and retired music critic, is the last resident of Aquarius building. She refuses to sell her apartment to a construction company and vows to live in there until she dies after the developer buys all of the units around her. The movie was selected to compete for the Palme d'Or at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. NR146 mins.
Screenings are free. A discussion follows the movie with film scholar Steve Hunt. Upper Arlington Main Library: 2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221 (614) 486-9621 www.ualibrary.org
Summer Seminars Abroad for Spanish Teachers: Uruguay
Program dates: July 9 - 25, 2019
Center for Latin American Studies and the
Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Ohio State announce this year's intensive Summer Seminars Abroad, a 17-day workshop in Spanish linguistics in Montevideo, Uruguay. The purpose of the program is to provide participants with an opportunity to analyze and practice the Spanish language in a natural linguistic and cultural context, and to receive graduate university credit for that experience.
The program is intended primarily for Spanish teachers. Application is open, however, to graduate students from Spanish and other disciplines who have a demonstrated ability in the use of the Spanish language and a need for this type of course. Both native and non-native speakers of Spanish are invited to apply.
BuckIDream Ally Trainings SP19
Learn about the issues and ways that we can support the success of undocumented students at Ohio State.
What challenges do DACA & undocumented students face nationwide? What are the financial, psychological, and educational repercussions of living with undocumented status? What OSU resources are available for DACA and undocumented students? What can I do to support these students? Where can I find more information or resources about this topic?
The workshop will include information on your rights, role-playing for instructors, staff, and students, bystander training, and raising awareness in your social network. Become a member of the OSU BuckIDream Working Group!
K-12 Global Fellowship Program
Join the Area Studies Centers for a four-part Minority Issues Around the World Global Fellowship Program for K-12 teachers!
The K-12 Global Fellowship Program will engage K-12 teachers in a series of four guided readings, lectures, and group discussions over the course of the 2018-19 academic year. K-12 teachers will explore minority issues in
East Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East under the guidance of a regional expert.
Teachers may opt to attend individual sessions, or the whole series. Each participant will receive a contact hour certificate for each session that they attend. Readings will be sent to registered participants two weeks prior to each discussion date below.
Enarson Classroom Building*, Room 160, 10:00AM-12:00PM on the following Saturdays:
- February 9, East Asian Studies Center presents: "Ethnicity in China: Ethnic Minority Cultures in Southwest China" by Dr. Mark Bender, Ohio State U.
- February 16, Center for Latin American Studies presents: "Afro-Brazilian Journeys Towards Freedom" by Dr. Isis Barra Costa, Ohio State U.
- March 23, Middle East Studies Center presents: Topic TBD
*Enarson Classroom Building, 2009 Millikin Rd, Columbus, OH 43210. Parking available in the Tuttle Park Place Garage, 2000 Tuttle Park Pl., Columbus OH 43210. Teachers who attend the whole session will be provided with a paid parking token. |
Mershon Center Research Grants for Faculty and
Graduate Students
Application Deadline: January 25, 2019
Each year, the Mershon Center for International Security Studies holds a competition for Ohio State University faculty and graduate students to apply for grant funds to support research related to international security.
Faculty research and seed grants and graduate student research grants may be used for a variety of research-related purposes including travel, interviews, experiments, surveys, library costs, and more.
Application forms and instructions for all Mershon Center research grants can be found in the
Research Grants section of the Mershon Center website.