Performance Management Digest
November 2018
Stay up to date with the latest research and tools from BPM Partners
7 Myths of Consolidation Software
This live webcast will enable you to gather practical advice on what to look for and what questions to ask when evaluating consolidation solutions. Attendees of the live event can earn 1 CPE credit.

Date: December 13th, 2018
Time: 11:00 AM EST

AI and Performance Management
Performance management vendors have been talking up AI for several years, but it failed to gain traction. Whether it is due to the vendors improving their implementation of the technology to deliver real value, or simply cleaning up their messaging, Finance is now sitting up and taking notice.

Maximize the Value of Your Budgeting and Planning System
Is your budgeting and planning system fully addressing current needs? We can help you identify the shortfalls, lay out steps to address the issues,  and determine if your system is actually worth the additional investment. We can also help you and your team understand the alternatives.