January 2019, Issue 17
Today at 5:00 pm
is the deadline to apply for the
1st Annual Alma Flor Ada Award en pro de la Justicia Social
See details provided towards the end of this newsletter.
Tired of negativity?

Put some good vibe s
in your day with these
positive , uplifting sites:
Happy New Year 2019!

As we reflect back on 2018, many sad, disappointing, infuriating, and fearful images come to mind: devastating wildfires, homelessness, opioid addiction, border conflict, divisive politics, denigrating immigration policies, separated families, and more.
However, it's important to balance
the negative with the positive, such as the passing of Proposition 58 ,
the launching of Global 2030 ,
the implementation of the English Learner Roadmap , the election of Tony Thurmond as the new State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the expansion of Dual Language Immersion programs and the CA Seal of Biliteracy , to name a few.
Need more positivity, hope,
and optimism in your life?
<<Check out the websites on the left.
New Year's 2019
Legislative Update
January 7, 2019

—California Governor-Elect
—California State Supt. of Public Instruction
—California Legislature
—Legislative Leadership, Committees,
and Sub-Committees

Do you know which CABE-istas attended?
> > > Here's the latest news
about CABE 2019! > > >
Early Registration Deadline
Thursday, January 20 th
Teacher Professional Development Series
March-June 2019!
Is your district experiencing a bilingual teacher shortage? Do you have a bilingual authorization but are not teaching in a bilingual classroom? Do you want to fine-tune your skills to be prepared to teach in a dual language immersion (DLI) classroom in the Fall of 2019? Join CABE's "BEST" Program!
Space is limited to
40 participants.
—Registrations accepted until January 19, 2019
or until capacity is reached.
CABE << Spanish >>
Dual Language Immersion
 Summer Institute
Sharing the news, events, conferences, celebrations, and accomplishments
of CABE Chapters statewide! [Editor's note: There were no submissions this month.]

Chapters Leaders, Send your chapter's highlights for the February issue of CABE Corner to your Regional Representative or to theCABE Corner Editor:
Sponsored by Californians Together
Workshop with 
Lesson Plans on
Family Separation

"Educator Support for
Immigrant and Refugee Students"
Only 1 more date left...
February 4, 2019
Tulare COE
The Center for Equity for English Learners is pleased to announce:

1st Annual  Alma Flor Ada Award
en pro de la Justicia Social

The selected bilingual educator will receive a  $1,000  award
at the 2019 Jornada Pedagógica Conference to be held at
Loyola Marymount University on February 2, 2019. 
Eligibility Criteria :
* Currently practicing bilingual teacher
* Focus on social justice and advocacy for English Learners
* Commitment to professional learning as biliterate/bicultural educator
* Demonstration of family and community engagement
* Demonstrate a minimal of 5-8 years in the profession, as a bilingual teacher
If interested, please, submit the attached application and required documentation to    .
Application Deadline
Friday, January 18, 2019 by 5:00 p.m. 
El Centro por la Equidad para los Aprendices de Inglés
se complace en anunciar el primer anual:

 Premio   Alma Flor Ada
en pro de la Justicia Social

El maestro bilingüe seleccionado recibirá un premio de  $1,000  en la conferencia de la Jornada Pedagógica que se llevará a cabo en la Universidad Loyola Marymount  el 2 de febrero, 2019.
Requisitos para ser elegible:
  • Ejercer actualmente como maestro bilingüe
  • Poseer un mínimo de 5-8 años de experiencia en la enseñanza bilingüe
  • Demostrar un enfoque en la justicia social y el apoyo a los Aprendices de Inglés
  • Demostrar dedicación a su desarrollo profesional como educador bicultural y de biliteracidad
  • Demostrar su compromiso hacia la familia y la comunidad
Los interesados deben enviar  la solicitud aquí adjunta y demás documentos requeridos a .
Fecha Límite
viernes, enero 18, 2019 a las 5:00 p.m.
Comic Corner From there to here and here to there, funny things are everywhere. –Dr. Seuss
Comics retrieved from