2017 Flight School Operators Conference Again Offers Attendees Helpful Information for Flight Training Operations and Sets Path for Next Year for FSANA 
The 2017 Flight School Operators Conference in Houston, Texas continued and expanded on the yearly event that brings flight school operators and industry professionals together to discuss best practices, current concerns, and trends in the business of flight training.

Sessions over the conference days were relevant to Flight Schools of all sizes, with speakers sharing information and insight on a broad spectrum of topics including marketing, utilizing social media, insurance clarification and TSA's security update.

Involvement at the event was broad spectrum across the aviation community, including airlines who are actively beginning to engage with the association in an effort to continue to develop pipelines of pilot supply for their operations. Piedmont Airlines generously sponsored the Tuesday evening dinner, something FSANA and the attendees appreciate as they show their continued support of FSANA and the flight training community!

Attendees had an opportunity to attend break out workshops at the conference, something that continues to be one of the highlights of the annual conference, where they were able to share directly with each other best practices beyond just the sessions where speakers spoke to conference attendees.

Some of the main topics of discussion at this year's conference included growing issues with availability in some markets of pilot practical tests, CFI shortages, teaching glass panel vs. steam gauges, marketing to prospective students, and student retention.

Vern Moyer (L) congratulating Chris Erlanson during the 8th annual flight school conference
Chris Erlanson, President of Nashville Flight Training in Nashville, TN was awarded the "Moyer Leadership Award", named after Vern Moyer,  long time aviation leader and the first FSANA chairman.

Chris was recognized for his can do attitude. Chris operates a relatively new and growing flight training school and makes himself available to help FSANA and the industry.

Old Republic Aerospace was recognized as a FSANA "Charter" Partner.
The company was one of the first suppliers to  support FSANA and the trade associations mission.

Over 45 students from Sterling Aviation High School and the Aviation Institute of Maintenance in Houston joined the conference attendees. They had the opportunity to sit in on the professional sessions and visit with supply chain vendors including many regional airlines. 
If you missed this year's conference, we certainly hope you will take the opportunity to join us next year!  
Mario Andretti 
Mario Andretti Named Honorary Chairman of New FSANA Learn to Fly Month Initiative
Learn to Fly Month is a new annual campaign focusing on the entire month of May. FSANA expects this exciting new initiative to reach international proportions within a few short years. With time, we see public response creating a "Black Friday" effect on the entire flight training industry. 

It was announced Wednesday during the 8th Annual Flight School Operators Conference that Mario Andretti will be Learn to Fly Month's Honorary Chairman. As Honorary Chairman, Andretti is rallying for flight schools across the country, FSANA members or not, to jump at the chance to engage their local communities with their facilities and services. As a yearly initiative, the long-term success of Learn to Fly Month will be beneficial for all who make their career in the aviation and aerospace industry.

During the month of May 2017, flight schools are encouraged to promote their own Learn to Fly Month programs for the public that may include open houses, family aviation days, introductory ground schools, local air tours and all things related to attracting non-aviators to come out to their airport/heliport to participate. By establishing a month-long window, flight schools are afforded plenty of flexibility within their programs and schedules to promote learning to fly, coupled with public aviation and aerospace awareness.

FSANA is in the process of assembling a Learn to Fly Month toolkit. Available on FSANA's website, it will include artwork and other resources. An expanded toolkit will be emailed to FSANA members.

Learn to Fly Month will help increase a dwindling U.S. civil pilot population and engage non-aviators to explore the wonders of flight along with the aviation and aerospace industry.

Through FSANA's media networking efforts, the projected audience reach for the campaign is expected to be in the millions. A majority of the promotion will target non-aviation markets.

FSANA invites all flight schools and others in the industry, including the supply chain and trade associations, to be involved. To find out how to participate, call Debbie Sparks at 561-767-6826 or send an email to
CFI Boot Camp ad
FSANA's Ambassador Jessica Cox Visits Houston and Talks with Attendees about Getting Done What You Set Your Mind To During Lunch Session at 2017 Flight School Operators Conference
In a special session during lunch on the second day of the 2017 Flight School Operators Conference, attendees had the opportunity to hear from the multi-talented and accomplished motivational speaker, Jessica Cox.
Jessica is FSANA's Ambassador and continues to spread the word that people can do whatever they set their eyes on.

During the Thursday luncheon, Jessica invited over 45 students to come up front and join her while she shared some of her wisdom and talents. She made it clear that the word can't should not exist and that it is a barrier builder which holds people back.

Her return was welcomed by all attendees and she is like family.  A spokesperson who is an example of not taking no for an example, she helps put into perspective for anyone interested that flying as a career or a hobby is not something that ever has to be out of reach, just that sometimes challenges must be overcome.

Jessica will be helping to build upon the recently launched  "Learn to Fly Month" which is in May. 
To learn more about Jessica Cox, please visit  

FSANA and Airlines Collaborate
FSANA has been working to build bridges with the Part 121 Airlines in the United States. Many flight schools have looked at the Regional carriers as rivals who were out to hire their CFI's. While this is the case to some degree, it can also be an advantage that flight training providers can leverage when providing training to their own customers.

Changes over the past years increased the FAA hiring minimums, stopping airlines from hiring instructors at some of the extreme low hour points that occurred at some points, but with a shortage of pilots present, many instructors who meet minimums are quickly targeted for hiring by both regional and mainline airlines. The fact that flight instruction is one of the fastest ways to build flight time is not new and makes these individuals good targets to find new pilots for airlines.

As FSANA and the airlines continue to develop relationships, we are confident there there will be many positive outcomes for flight training providers.. Bob Rockmaker, FSANA President noted "that together with our airline friends and associates, we will collectively help to increase the overall pilot population which in turn will create a larger pool of candidates for the airlines".

FSANA is confident that expansion of relationships between flight training providers and the jobs that their customers are seeking when their training is completed can help increase a businesses ability to attract new customers when they can show job placement potential when a customer completes training. This pipeline approach has historically been targeted by airlines at collegiate and/or university training programs, but as FSANA works with these partners, we are seeing strong potential to allow this targeting to reach to academy or local FBO style flight training providers.
Regal Aviation Insurance ad

FAA Issues Draft Advisory Circular for Part 141 Training  

The FAA recently issued a draft advisory circular that is now open for comment that concerns FAR Part 141 training.

FSANA encourages flight training providers who are engaged in the provision or are considering becoming Part 141 training providers to review this document and provide comments to the FAA if there are any areas of concerns with the changes that are proposed.

The draft advisory circular  is now available at

Comments are due to the FAA no later than April 3, 2017.

Simhawk Simhawk Continues to Make it Easier to Buy Flight Simulator Time and Training with Course Functionality

Flight School Association of North America Conference, Houston, TX - 
February 14, 2017

Simhawk Inc., the global flight simulator marketplace, announced that it has added new functionality allowing buyers to request training courses, such as initial, recurrent, or special certification courses, in addition to hourly simulator time. This new capability makes it easier for buyers to use Simhawk to find and book courses provided by the growing number of approved training organizations around the world.

"We're on a mission to make it easier for people to find and buy simulator time and training around the world. This new functionality, which is one of many planned enhancements, provides buyers, that are looking for approved training courses, the simplicity and one stop shopping that buyers of hourly simulator time have had when using Simhawk" said Chris Weinberg, CEO of Simhawk. "Whether someone is looking for hourly simulator time, initial or recurrent training, or programs such as ATP CTP or airline transition training, Simhawk can now meet all of their needs."

Simhawk users will now see a separate option to request courses in addition to the option to request simulator time. The new course request process allows buyers to specify training, schedule, and budget requirements in four easy steps, and it accommodates up to twenty four course slots in a single request.

After buyers submit requests, Simhawk searches its growing network of simulator operators and training providers, which now includes over 1,000 simulators and training devices, for availability and pricing. Simhawk makes it easy by identifying all available training options and allowing the buyer to select the one that best fits their requirements.

About Simhawk

Simhawk is a global flight simulator marketplace that matches buyers and sellers of flight simulator time. Customers that need to buy simulator time or training services can find the best available options, without having to contact multiple providers. Simhawk also provides simulator operators and training service providers with a cost effective way of selling excess capacity and availability to a global network of customers.

For more information about Simhawk, please visit About Simhawk or How it Works.

tel: (802) 858-4188 x 1000

Be Recognized as a FSANA Supporting Partner

FSANA is a dynamic trade association that represents the interests of flight training providers. Our members are motivated and successful business operators that provide flight training in the United States and foreign countries. Your company, or a company you know, is encouraged to support FSANA in its achievements by becoming a "Partner." 
FSANA's core platforms include:
  • Helping flight training businesses operate successfully and profitably;
  • Increasing the pilot population;
  • Working with other aviation and aerospace industry associations and companies to promote quality flight training pipeline development;
  • Providing programs and services that will assist FSANA members to better serve their customers and local communities;
  • Promoting best practices in the flight training community;
  • Reducing the general aviation incident and accident rates;
  • Engaging both youth and adults to explore aviation and aerospace.
For their part, FSANA Partners receive year-round brand exposure in both print and electronic platforms in multiple channels and a host of other benefits.  To learn more, please contact Debbie Sparks , vice president, at or 561-767-6826. 

Flight School Seeking Investment Capital
An  established  and successful Part 61 and 141 flight school is seeking $1M-3M investment capital for new enterprise start-up. Qualified parties please call 863-327-6880.
* * * 
Cessna 210 for Sale
1961 Cessna 210 with 4700 TT/919 SMOH
King KLN 90B, Argus 5000, Narco NCS 812, King KMA 24, Autopilot, upgraded landing gear. Always hangared, interior clean and intact, logs available in PDF, AD on prop - $29,000. Contact Ron at 847-909-5357 or 
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