Don't miss the latest developments and news in Crystallography and Cryo-EM.
A Plate's View of Earth, Leading Crystallization Tools,
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A Crystallization Plate's View from the ISS
Modular In Situ-1™'s view of earth. (Photo Credit: NASA)
Astronaut Alex Gerst setting up crystallization experiments aboard the ISS. (Photo Credit: NASA)
While a lot of exciting developments happen at MiTeGen, this one is tough to beat. Our new modular In Situ-1 crystallization plate floating aboard the International Space Station with the earth as a background!
"Interesting findings in @ActaCrystDon using sound pulses to solve the crystal-harvesting bottleneck. Findings show crystals can be acoustically harvested from slightly modified MiTeGen In Situ-1 crystallization plates. #crystallography"