February 1, 2019

February 1, 2019

The Young Authors Conference (YAC) is an exceptional writing conference held at Bethel University. What is YAC? "Students in grades 4-8 are invited to a daylong writing extravaganza where they will spend their day practicing their own writing while learning from local authors, songwriters, illustrators, poets, and screenwriters. Students will learn the power of the well- written word and the way in which it can inform, inspire and transform."  Please find more information at: http://www.successbeyond.org/YAC.html
We would like our 4th grade students at PSI to have an opportunity to attend this year if they are interested. (Please note a hard copy is being sent home in backpacks today). We have reserved 70 spots for Friday, March 22. If you child is interested in attending, here is what he/she needs to do:
  • Write a simple essay stating why he/she would like to attend the Young Authors Conference. Essays should showcase their writing effort (content, mechanics, etc.).
  • Submit essay to Sra. Scheid by February 6. Finished essays can be placed in the envelope outside room 227 or can be shared via Google Docs or emailed to: scheid.kara@apps.slpschools.org. Electronic submissions should be titled: YAC2019, Name, and Initial of Teacher e.g YAC2019JaneSmithN
  • The cost of the YAC is $53. PSI will cover a portion of the trip and transportation. Families will pay $37 to attend. Scholarships are available for this opportunity.   Please contact Sr. Maslowski about scholarship information.
  • There is a need for a few parent chaperones. Please contact scheid.kara@slpschools.org if interested.
  • If your child is participating you will receive a permission slip and request for payment in early February.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Thank you,
Kara Scheid
Literacy Coach
Teacher on Special Assignment