Not Your Usual Caricature Artist
Volume 7, No. 2
According to Wikipedia, “ team building” has been a corporate buzz term for
some time now, a collective description for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within company teams, often involving collaborative tasks...which might incorporate anything from
\the noble, such as community service, to the silly, such as three-legged team racing.

Anticipated benefits include improved productivity; increased motivation; increased collaboration; encouraged creativity; positive reinforcement and
improved communications.

And then, of course, there’s the intangible but no less significant benefit of
improved employee morale. Or as the Germans might even call it, "gemutlichkeit."

Welcome to the February edition of
Not Your Usual Caricature Artist
from Caricatures by Joel.

Addressing each team member’s desire, and need, to still be recognized as an individual can be addressed in a fun way, with lasting benefits: sit them down
for a uniquely customized drawing of themselves – their very own CARICATURE.

You can arrange either for team members to be drawn “live,” at your team building event…or “remotely,” via photos.

Here are some samples of what I’m talking about : Top right , senior executives from Global Endowment Management; then , clockwise, from the top left, dental technicians at a child's orthodontist practice; the senior executive team at
Duke Energy; the management staff at Lake Shore Media; staffers displaying
the Ugly Christmas Sweaters and woolen caps; more executives from Duke Energy; colleagues at Domtar paper products' outdoor events; staffer at Adkins trucking parts; buds with Movement Mortgage; teammates at the York County Chamber of Commerce; and the crew at Mcintyre and Company Food Distributors.

See you again the first Tuesday of next month for another HR-approved edition of Not Your Usual Caricature Artist.

Joel Kweskin