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Uncle Sam Wants YOU
A. INTRODUCTION ... after a summer break we're back with a weekly Bible Study. I try to keep the email recaps short, with bullet points highlighting the teaching and conversation from my in-person Bible studies. Last year we did the first half of LUKE. Luke is one of the four "Gospels" (Gospel means "Good News") that tell us the life and teachings of Jesus. Luke was a Greek physician, a companion of St. Paul's, and a student of Jesus' history. In Luke 1:3 he writes, "I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning... to write an orderly account". From last year's study (Luke 1-9) we went from the Christmas story to the development of Jesus' public ministry: the gathering of disciples, the working of miracles, and the telling of the parables and teachings. As we begin this year, Jesus is well-established, popular, growing in influence - and attracting opposition.
B. TODAY... Luke 10:1-19.
C. SUMMARY. In addition to Jesus' 12 disciples there were many followers, as shown by this story. He sends out 72 followers, 2x2, to practice evangelism. Their first order of business is to completely trust in God, as evidenced by the order that they take no money, clothes, or provisions. Second, they should look for a receptive audience. If people welcome you, fine; if not, don't beat your head against a brick wall. Third, do what Jesus did: heal the sick and preach the essence of God' love through Christ. After stern warnings against those who reject these followers, they go off... and succeed! "Even the demons submit to us in your name," they report to Jesus. Jesus affirms this transfer of "authority", spiritual power and ability, into their lives.
  1. How the heck did Christianity become anything? Start with a charismatic leader, Jesus. Clearly, there was something about him: style, presence, courage, determination. Even though he had no credentials he had what people described as "authority". Next, his words and actions touched people exactly where they were, naturally and supernaturally. We can explain it, or explain it away, however we want. But people felt one way before they encountered Jesus and felt a better way after. Soon he had a movement around him. There was a core (the 12 disciples) plus a groundswell. Thousands heard him teach. People sought him off. People followed. The following was at various levels: some nodded in agreement or said out loud "he's right". Others, like these 72, publicly aligned themselves with Jesus, submitted to training, put it into practice. My view is all this began to pay off the Monday after Easter. That incredible, impossible story of resurrection forced all those with any contact with Jesus to stop/think/remember/evaluate. And some to commit. So this Christianity 101 Basic Training was a big deal.
2. COURAGE. The 72 are told to "heal the sick" and preach "the kingdom of God is at hand" (vs. 9). In other words, test their own faith in word and deed. The preaching part is easier: you have a conviction, you share it. We do that all the time. Whether it is Jesus' saving grace on the cross or a favorite product, if we believe in it enough we can find the gumption to tell others. But Jesus raised the dead, cleansed the lepers, exorcised demons, and physically healed blind and bleeding and paralyzed people. Are we expected to do the same? Or at least try? Is this practicum for those 72 applicable to us? ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th I am preaching about PRAYER in all it's forms and hopes and disappointments. The short answer is "yes". We still try to "heal the sick" in every way possible. We don't give up on anyone with anything. Prayer and healing, sickness and death - they are all a mystery, no doubt. But if you were in church on Labor Day Sunday you heard Bill Jennings (hospital CEO) and Simone Wu Moran (herbalist and traditional healer) make the same point: faith, healing, medicine, prayer, and science are all on the same team, gifts from God to be put to work.


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