Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 120 - October 2018

Hope you are having a great fall and will enjoy fun times this Halloween. My mom loved fall colors and they always make me think of her. It's hard to believe she was killed four years ago in a car wreck. The passing of my good friend, Marcia Jones' mother, brought it all back to me. If you are missing your mother as we go into the holiday season, as I am, let's try to focus on happy memories and traditions. In fact, when I use these plates, that I know my mom would have loved, I will pretend she is with me, and in a way perhaps she is! Happy October, Debbie
One of the best things I ever did was to take my mom to Scotland. She had always wanted to  go and when she stood beside the Greyfriars Bobby statue and we visited the gravesite, she was teary-eyed for the story of a dog who loved his master so much he slept on his grave for fourteen years. I'm so grateful we were able to make that trip together.
How fun to see my newest Mermaid Tales book in this Simon and Schuster newsletter! It's awesome to be featured beside such fun books.
Via Las Vegas!
I flew into Las Vegas to visit the nearby Henderson schools and what an amazing trip it was! I received the key to the city, visited schools that had their own RAINFOREST and SILVER MINES! The school system, the public library system, and businesses all unite to make author visits an annual thing for their schools. Such dedication to literacy and all types of learning is incredible! Here's a bit about the program.The Clark County school system is growing so fast, they are looking for new teachers. Last year they opened four elementary schools! So, if you're looking to relocate, Nevada might just be for you!
Favorites from Social Media:
Book Festivals are so cool! I got to meet Nick Bruel,
Will Hillenbrand and a host of other wonderful writers at the Books by the Bank Festival. My next festival is the  Kentucky Book Fair on November 17th. Check out all the fun authors
who will be there and I hope to see you!
     The Kentucky Humanities Council is sending children's authors out to schools that are under-served and might never have the opportunity for an author visit. I'm delighted to be able to visit two eastern KY schools through the kindness of the  Elsa Heisel Sule Foundation. Each child who attends will receive a free book as well! The program is called K BF School Days. I believe it is to be an annual event and if you're school fits, I hope you'll apply for 2019.
My fingers are ready for this Saturday's book signing at the Book Market at the Tanger Outlets in Sevierville, TN. If you're in the area, I hope you'll stop by.  A bunch of us kooky area authors are dressing up in crazy costumes. Guess what I'll be? The event is from 11-3:00!
If you've ever wanted an author to visit your school, here's an opportunity to have it happen for free. November 1 through April 15th schools can apply for the Amber Brown Grant, given every year by the Society of Children's Book Writer's and Illustrators in memory of Paula Danziger. Schools can use the grant to invite any any author!

Debbie Dadey, Author |