Dalmath Associates, Inc. (585) 586-6650
Amanda Antinore  (585) 729-7533
Finalists Announced for 8th Annual 2018 Reshaping Rochester Awards
Winners will be announced at Awards Luncheon November 8. Tickets are on sale now.
ROCHESTER, NY October 29, 2018 The  Community Design Center Rochester announced today that 10 finalists have been selected for the 2018 Reshaping Rochester Betty Strasenburgh and Robert Macon Awards. Nominations were made by the public. 

The 8th Annual Reshaping Rochester Awards recognize exemplary projects and initiatives in the nine-county Finger Lakes region that make a positive impact on people, neighborhoods and communities. 

Winners of the Strasenburgh and Macon awards along with winners of the Joni Monroe Award, which are selected by the CDC Rochester Board of Directors, will be announced at this year's Reshaping Rochester Awards luncheon on Thursday, November 8, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Harro East Ballroom, 155 North Chestnut St. Rochester.

Individual tickets   are $55, and tables of 8 are $500. Balcony seating available for $15 per ticket (does not include lunch). All tickets are on sale now in advance only, not available at the door, until November 1 or until sold out and may be ordered online or by calling 585-271-0520.  Last year's awards luncheon sold out.

Albert Paley will deliver the luncheon's Urban Observations keynote presentation. 
Finalist for the Betty Strasenburgh Award for Activism
Named in honor of the longtime Rochester activist and philanthropist, this award recognizes civic spirit, persistence and determination in turning a vision into reality.
  • Coalition of Cobb’s Hill for creating a platform which allows the community to interact with the administration in order to bring new, more viable and ecologically-friendly development to the City.
  • Little Italy for envisioning a plan to create a historic district that will utilize the experience of the past to inform and create a better future for the Lyell Avenue Gateway Community.
  • Michael Tomb and Marcia Zach for their contribution of unique solutions to provide safer neighborhoods in the south wedge by rehabilitating forgotten playgrounds and providing traffic calming measures in the form of boulevart.
  • Sophie Paillard Eklin for her vision and commitment to create a sense of community to the city of Geneva and the surrounding area.
Finalist for the Robert Macon Award for Urban Innovation
This award honors the late architect Robert Macon's contributions to the Rochester area. Bob is remembered for his civic contributions and transformative projects that spanned a 30-year career. Eligible projects may be new designs or reuses of existing structures.
  • Access 390 for creating a gateway to the City of Rochester through the use of urban design elements for an improved visual experience.
  • Newberry Place – freshLAB for rehabilitation of the JJ Newberry retailer and the creation of local revenue through it’s “restaurant incubator” concept in Batavia.
  • Inner Loop East Transformation Project for the contribution of unique solutions to strengthen downtown Rochester’s core, improving the walkability and urban fabric.
  • Sterling on Main for revitalizing the Village of Fairport through a mixed use residential building.
  • Stevens Memorial Community Library for renovating the exterior and interior of the library along with providing a new ADA accessible entry.
  • Wedgepoints Apartments for designing affordable housing in the South wedge with the intent of providing social equity by achieving a healthy density through maximizing social, economic and cultural interaction.
The third award, the Joni Monroe Award , is nominated by the CDC Rochester Board of Directors, in honor of the founder and former CDC Rochester executive director. It recognizes efforts that advance the enhancement and vibrancy of the public realm.

About the Speaker
Albert Paley, an active artist for over 40 years at his studio in Rochester, New
York, is the first metal sculptor to receive the coveted Institute Honors awarded
by the American Institute of Architects, the AIA’s highest award to a nonarchitect. “The allure of Paley’s art comes through its intrinsic sense of
integration of art and architecture,” as one noted architect stated. Paley,
Distinguished Professor, holds an Endowed Chair at the College of Imaging Arts and Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology.

Commissioned by both public institutions and private corporations, Paley has
completed more than 50 site-specific works. Some notable examples are the
Portal Gates for the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC, Synergy, a ceremonial archway in Philadelphia, the Portal Gates for the New York State Senate Chambers in Albany, Sentinel, a monumental plaza sculpture for Rochester Institute of Technology, as well as a 65-foot sculpture for the entry court of Bausch and Lomb’s headquarters in Rochester, NY. Recently completed works include three sculptures for the National Harbor development near Washington DC, a 130’ long archway named Animals Always for the St. Louis Zoo, a gate for the Cleveland Botanical Gardens in Cleveland, OH, a sculptural relief for Wellington Place, Toronto, Canada, Threshold, a sculpture for the Corporate Headquarters of Klein Steel, Rochester, NY, and Transformation, a ceremonial entranceway for Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.

Pieces by Albert Paley can be found in the permanent collections of many major museums including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

Broadly published and an international lecturer, Paley received both his BFA and MFA from the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia. He received honorary
doctorates from the University of Rochester in 1989, the State University of New York at Brockport in 1996, St. Lawrence University, in Canton, New York in 1997, and the University of Gothenburg, in Sweden in 2012.


CDC Rochester  is the Rochester region's only non-profit, citizen-driven organization dedicated to promoting healthy, sustainable communities by encouraging quality design and thoughtful use of built and natural resources. Its design professionals, planners, and citizens serve as a collaborative resource providing design guidance and recommendations. CDCR organizes the annual Reshaping Rochester Series and Awards. CDCR has worked with neighborhoods and communities such as Corn Hill, Maplewood/Dewey, PLEX, Joseph Avenue, Upper Monroe, Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood, Marketview Heights, the Town of Pittsford, Town of Brighton, Lima, Penn Yan and more.
