The Monthly Newsletter of
St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
689 Sugartown Road, Malvern, PA 19355
The Rev. Kevin Dellaria, Rector
Our Vision:
We aspire to be a growing community, worshiping together, celebrating our diversity & lay ministries, and offering God's healing love to all people.
Our Mission:
We seek to foster spiritual growth & renewal while spreading God's message of love, healing and peace.
Safety and Security: Simple Ways You Can Help
by Fr. Kevin
Dear Friends in Christ,
Just a few days ago, on the morning of Saturday, October 26th, our nation was yet again shaken by an act of mass violence through the shooting death of eleven of our Jewish brothers and sisters at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. As is now well known, it was terrorism done in the name of hate, and forged with the hammer of the suspicion, fear and anger that continues to infect our nation. There was nothing - no part of this evil - that in any way reflects the love of God in Jesus Christ. Anti-Semitism, white supremacy, racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia, etc. - all the ways that humans attempt to isolate, exclude and distance others from ourselves - are lies, pure and simple. They are representative of the very earliest sins found in scripture, which are demonstrated in separation from God and from one another (Genesis 3).
The theology of these acts notwithstanding, however, as a community of faith there are practical realities of this current age to which we must attend. We must do our part to attend to the reasonable safety of all who come through our doors, whether they are parishioners or guests. Above all, we seek an environment here, at our facilities, where individuals and families are welcomed, cherished, and invited to grow in faith.
Hopefully by now you have read some of the articles and reports published over the last few months by our Safety & Security Committee, led by Shirley and Everett Warren. The committee's work in this area continues, and progress is made on a nearly weekly basis. Later in this newsletter, in fact, you can read a list of recommendations that are the product of these many months of study. But there are things you can do to help; modest roles you can play to help improve the safety and security of our parish.
First, consider volunteering as a Greeter or Usher.
On any given Sunday, Greeters and Ushers welcome our visitors and watch over the congregation before, during and after worship. They are present to guide foot traffic and monitor seating, to attend to someone in need during the service, and also to watch for potential problems or disruptions. Greeters and Ushers are some of our most fundamentally important positions on Sunday mornings, and at the same time they are easy ways to get involved and help the parish. Training for Greetings and Ushers will take place on Saturday, December 8.
Second, complete the necessary background checks and trainings
to work with children in the parish. Why this? There are a number of reasons. Above all, you become another set of trained eyes and ears to help protect our children. This lends to the overall safety of our parish. Furthermore, your compliance makes you more available for ministry in the parish. The more cleared and trained adults we have, the more capacity we have to faithfully administer the Gospel to young people. Additionally, you having your clearances puts positive peer-pressure on others to do the same. That rising tide will raise all our boats, once again making St. Francis a safer, more watchful place.
Third, get involved.
Find a place of ministry at St. Francis. Come talk to me, or talk to another member, about your gifts, talents and dreams for ministry. What committees interest you? What kind of service would you like to do? The more active parishioners we have, whether that be in worship, education, fellowship, outreach, administration, etc., the more wisdom and insight becomes available to the rest of us. As a former pastor of mind was fond of saying, "Everybody in the Body is somebody and everybody in the Body has a body ministry." Find yours.
Finally, know the Faith.
Make it a point to be a growing Disciple of Jesus Christ. How will this help? Because the events of this past weekend (and the week before that, and the week before that) show us that we have a world full of lies, envy, anger, hatred and violence. And this world needs people who will stand against such things with love and healing. That IS the story of God told in the totality of the Scriptures. That IS the faith of Jesus Christ. As we read in the First Epistle of St. Peter:
Do not fear what they fear, and do not be intimidated, but in your
hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be ready to make your defense
to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is
in you; yet do it with gentleness and reverence
. - 1 Peter 3:14-16
Fr. Kevin
Safety and Security Committee - November Update
Purpose of Committee: Create, review and implement a comprehensive Security and Emergency plan for St. Francis Church; develop reasonable measures of safety and actions to help mitigate weaknesses the congregation, staff and guests may encounter.
Since our last update to the congregation in June, the Safety and Security Committee has had regular meetings collaborating and working with outside advisors and consultants, including the Willistown Police, to do security risk assessment of the church and to determine vulnerabilities. The Committee looked at key areas such as the overall facility, Parish Office, church school, communications (internal and external) and current church policies and procedures. The below recommendations were reviewed with the Vestry in September.
Installation of video intercom; CCTV system and access control
- Outside perimeter cameras
- Access control on parking lot main entry door.
- Access control monitor to be located and controlled from the Parish Office
- Distribution of personalized key FOB for selected parishioners
- Installation of new parking lot main entry door
- Purchase of an automated external defibrillator (AED)
- For emergency purposes, all external doors should be numbered (clockwise)
- External numbers should be large and reflective for easy identification by first responders
- Internal numbers smaller, but readable by the congregation
- Develop a one-sheet easy to follow emergency guide for church leaders and congregation
- Develop emergency procedures plan for the Parish Office
- Conduct emergency drills to educate congregation on what to do in case of an emergency
- Conduct training for Ushers, Greeters, Church schoolteachers, Parish Staff and the congregation
Cost and Funding
- Estimated cost for CCTV, access control and cameras is approximately $36K.
- AED cost is $1.4K
- The cost of new entry door still to be determined
Funding Ideas
- Apply for Homeland Security grant specific to faith-based community. The grant application process could potentially take up to two years with no guarantee that we will get the funding. Grant research process has already started.
- Explore other funding options, etc.
Tangible things that have been done or will be done by December 2018
- AED is purchased and is installed.
- AED, hands-on CPR and security training scheduled for December 8 for greeters, ushers and church schoolteachers.
- Numbering of external doors will be done by year-end
- All fire extinguishers are included on the church layout map.
The Committee will continue to update the congregation on a regular basis, but in the meantime if you have any questions, ideas for funding or suggestions, please contact one of the Committee members:
Ned Conway, Sharon Fernandes, Scott Lewis, Sherri Lewis, Shirley Warren, Everett Warren and Greg Morganweck
Time Change!
Don't forget to change your clocks Saturday, November 3 before you go to bed!
Fall back one hour!!
Parish O
ffice Closures
Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23 for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Tuesday, November 27 and Wednesday, November 28 for the Clergy Conference.
Submitting Weekly Announcements
When submitting blurbs for the insert in the Sunday leaflet, please keep them short and to the point, preferably four lines or less. This helps make room for other announcements. Full-length announcements can be posted in the weekly Parish News that is emailed on Fridays, and the monthly newsletter.
Thank you for your cooperation with this request.
Introduction to the Spiritual Journey
The Rector's Study on spirituality continues on Tuesday, November 6 at 3:30 pm., with the conclusion of the series on the "Three-Fold Path" of Spiritual Growth. All are welcome at any time. The study will then take a 3-week break (Nov. 13, 20 & 27) before resuming on December 4 with a look at the topic of "Practice as a Virtue". All are welcome!
Churchyard Cemetery Service of Remembrance
A service of prayer and remembrance will be held at Noon on Thursday,
November 1, for those buried in our Churchyard Cemetery. No names need be submitted for this service. Please join us for this brief service as we honor those entrusted to our care.
St. Clares Wreath and Poinsettia Sale
It's time again for the St. Clares Wreath and Poinsettia Sale! Order forms are available in the Narthex or on the church website (look under the "For Members" section of the home page).
Orders must be returned with payment by November 4. Checks should be made payable to
St. Francis-in-the-Fields
with the notation "St. Clares Flower Sale" on the memo line. Orders can be mailed to the church, placed in the St. Clares folder outside the church office, or given to Carolyn Grillo or Susan Callahan.
All the proceeds from the fundraiser go to parish needs or community outreach projects.
Your purchase will be available for pickup in the Undercroft at church on Saturday, December 5 between 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM
Newcomers Classes
If you have been visiting St. Francis and are considering making this your church home, I invite you to attend one of two information sessions. On Sunday,
November 4 and Sunday, December 2, Father Kevin and I will meet with anyone who would like to know more about St. Francis after the 10:00 a.m. service in the upstairs library. The sessions will begin approximately 15 minutes after the service concludes and will last about an hour.
(The content of the sessions is identical, so there's no need to attend both.)
The information sessions provide an opportunity to meet with me and Father Kevin Dellaria to learn about the history, programs and ministries of St. Francis.
Those who would like to make St. Francis their church home are invited to attend our Service of Welcome during the 10:00 service on Sunday, December 9, and be recognized at the coffee hour immediately following.
If you are interested in attending one of the information sessions or in joining St. Francis, please contact me by phone at (610) 724-0954, by email at
dculver@btcmarketing.com - or see me after any 10:00 service.
David Culver
Gardens Clean-up
Calling all green and brown thumbs! Come help us put the gardens at St. Francis to bed for the winter and prepare them for a beautiful spring. Sunday,
November 4 after the 10:00 service.
Food and drinks will be provided - if you have tools such as rakes, tarps, hand trowels and gloves please bring them! This is a family affair!
All those participating are allowed to wear jeans to church!
For more information contact Laura Petersen
ljpetersenpa@gmail.com, 610-348-1132. We look forward to seeing you.
High School Youth Group Happenings
Look what we did in October!
October 13-14
St. Francis Lock in Night at the church! After some fun activities and movie watching everyone crawled in to their sleeping bags and spent the night in the church. Then it was up bright and early for the 8am service.
October 26
High School YG invited the Middle School YG to join them in a friendly competition at Hurricane Hills Flashlight Night Corn Maze. HS took their victory lap and then went back in to find the MS group!
And here's what's coming up . . .
November 4
WAWA Hoagie Coupon Sale begins $4 each-these make great stocking stuffers and helps support the mission trip.
November 11
Shopping competition for Thanksgiving Meals-more details to come!
December 2
St. Francis Christmas Ornament Sale begins!
December 23
Save the date-Christmas Caroling!
Middle School Youth Group Report
The Middle School Youth Group is a ministry for members in 6th through 8th grade, and meets on scheduled Sunday evenings from 5:30 to 7:00 at St. Francis. Brian Foster and Fr. Kevin serve as leaders, with others like Cindy Claffey filling in when needed. This year (September 2018 - May 2019), the group is exploring the Prayer of St. Francis by looking at a different phrase of the prayer each time we meet. Activities, games, study and conversation are all a part of our work. At our first meeting we looked at the phrase, "Lord, make us instruments of your peace," and make chalk drawings of peace in the parking lot. Every meeting is something new! If you or your child are in this age group, they are welcome to join this motley bunch!
Brown Bag Lunch
We welcome George Ehrgott, guest speaker, to the
November Brown Bag Lunch. George worked as an Aerospace Engineer for GE and Lockheed Martin from 1961 through 1998 on various weather, earth observation, scientific and global positioning satellites (GPS). He retired at the end of 1998 and travelled around the world with his wife, Judy. They visited six of seven Continents - North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia before Judy passed away in 2014. He hopes to visit the eight Continent - Antarctica in 2020. He lives in Chester County since 1961, has four children and nine grandchildren.
George will be sharing pictures of his 33-day cruise aboard the 1070 passenger cruise ship "'Crystal Serenity" through the Northwest Passage. Below is a "blurb" about his trip with more to come on November 6.
"Starting in Anchorage/Seward, Alaska, we went down around the Aleutian Islands Chain and up the west coast of Alaska through the Bering Sea to Nome. Going around Point Barrow, we sailed east across the north coast of Canada with stops at several small towns and Victoria Strait. Continuing through Peel Sound and Bellot Strait, we stopped at
Beechey Island (one of the National Historic Sites of Canada),
and sailed through Crocker Bay and Sam Ford Fiord. We then crossed the Davis Strait (the Northern End of Iceberg Alley) and headed south along the west coast of Greenland, before crossing the Labrador Sea and down the coast of Nova Scotia. Then down the east coast of the United States, finally ending in New York City."
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, November 6 Noon - 1PM. Yes, it is Election Day, but you will be out in plenty of time to do your civic duty.
Any questions, please contact Shirley Warren at
. Thanks again for supporting this wonderful ministry.
BBL Summary - West Chester Food Cupboard
The new season of the Brown Bag Lunch opened on Tuesday, October 2 with 28 people in attendance. Joe Fratinardo, President of West Chester Food Cupboard, gave an informative presentation about the organization, its mission and the services they provide.
The organization has a simple message:
Key highlights from Joe's presentation are:
- West Chester Food Cupboard is an all-volunteer organization with no paid staff
- Organization provides a variety of fresh and non-perishable healthy food items to West Chester School District residents in need
- Organization serves approximately 600 households each month (1,200 registered)
- Organization provides approximately two weeks' worth of groceries free of charge each month
- Each individual in the household receives approximately 50 pounds of food a month.
- Total food provided to all clients in a year is 1 million pounds.
- Organization relies on the support of the local community - they provide the labor and the community provides the means with cash and food donations
- Because no one should go hungry!
Thank you for supporting this wonderful ministry. We look forward to seeing you on
Tuesday, November 6 with our speaker, George Ehrgott.
... to George Stone and Carole Hughes, who tied the knot on October 27 during a service of marriage at St. Francis, officiated by Fr. Kevin. George and Carol are relatively new to St. Francis, but are looking forward to getting involved. When you see George and Carole, wish them well on their new life together!
Lisa D'Annunzio and Zac Jones will be joined in Holy Matrimony on Friday, November 9, at a service officiated by Fr. Kevin. Please keep Zac and Lisa in your prayers as the day draws near.
Altar Guild Meeting - Saturday, November 10 - 9 AM
Vestry Meeting
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at 7 PM
Book Group
Friday, November 16, 7:30,
Snow in August, by Pete Hamill.
Brooklyn, 1947. The war veterans have come home. An eleven-year-old Irish Catholic boy named Michael Devlin has just made friends with a lonely rabbi from Prague.
Cookie Walk - December 1
St. Francis-In-the-Fields is having a Cookie Walk on Saturday, December 1 from 9-11 am. This is not a cookie exchange so come enjoy some treats even if you don't bake.
Here's how the Cookie Walk works: Parishioners make cookies to donate on Friday, November 30. Then anyone who comes on Saturday, December 1st will get a box to "walk around the undercroft and fill with cookies for a flat fee of $25.00.
All proceeds will go towards the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County. Any variety of cookies, bars, or balls, are welcome!
Please consider making several dozen, label them, and add a note if they are allergen free in some way (e.g. no wheat, egg, or nuts). Making cookies ahead of time and freezing them is encouraged. Frozen cookies can be stored in the undercroft kitchen freezer while space is available. What a great way to save time and share with family and friends during Advent, while also donating to a worthy cause.
Please sign up in the Narthex to make some of your own delicious cookies and then come early on December 1st to fill your box.
Please contact Michelle Samet with questions or to volunteer to help on December 1.
Wreath/Swag Decorating Workshop/Party
Please join us
December 2 from 4 - 6 p.m. for a very fun and low key way to welcome in the Christmas season. No real craft experience needed. Bring a wreath of your choice and we will provide the decorations, tools, ideas and guidance.
This year, if you would like to make a swag instead of, or in addition to a wreath, we will have greens for those as well.
Food, drink and fun always accompany this event. Friends of parishioners are always welcome.
Look for a sign up sheet in the Narthex. Questions? Contact Laura Petersen.
Ljpetersenpa@gmail.com 610-348-1132.
Art & Music Festival Save the Date
The 2019 St. Francis Art & Music Festival will take place Friday, February 22 through Sunday, February 24. The event will include an Artist Preview Party on Friday night, Musical Revue and Reception Saturday afternoon and an Open Gallery on Sunday. Stay tuned for more information.
Backpack Project Gifts Needed For
Our Brother's Place
Members of the St. Francis parish family are again being asked to remember the homeless people who seek shelter and a way to improve their lives at
Our Brother's Place, a unit of the
Bethesda Project in Philadelphia, as you do your Christmas shopping. St. Francis has supported this very important outreach program for over 25 years, and the needs of those who are helped are as great as they have ever been.
Personal articles most needed include: backpacks or duffel bags, winter jackets and rain ponchos
(all size Large or Extra-large), flannel shirts, sweaters, sweat pants and sweat shirts, underwear (especiallylong-johns), warm socks, knitcaps, scarves, gloves or mittens, and sneakers
(size 9 to 12). Also needed are towels, deodorant, anti-bacterial soap, canned coffee and sugar packets, as well as cleaning supplies such as liquid dishwashing detergent, Pine Sol with lemon, bleach and liquid toilet bowl cleaner.
PLEASE DO NOT WRAP GIFTS! A collection bin will be placed in the Narthex beginning Sunday, November 18. The
deadline for bringing your Backpack Project gifts to the Church is Sunday, December 16. If you would like more information regarding this very meaningful Christmas outreach project, please contact Jim Borum at 484-467-4133 (cell) or borumsea@msn.com
Many thanks!
Acolyte Program - Fall 2018
New acolytes welcome!!
Fall is the time when the Acolyte Ministry welcomes new team members. If you are in grades 3 to 12 and would like to join the Acolyte Team, please contact Dr. Brooks, Mr. Warren or Mr. Vanasse after church or by phone or email. We have a great group of acolytes that serve the parish each and every Sunday at the 10 AM service and are always looking for more members. Training and mentoring are provided! Serving as an acolyte is a great way for young people to serve God, the parish and their community. It is also a good way to get involved in parish life and to even start developing leadership skills. If you have been wanting to get involved in the Acolyte program, now is the time to join! We would love to have you be part of the team.
Acolyte Training.
Acolyte training for all new and current acolytes will take place in the church right after the 10:00 AM service on all Sundays through December 2, 2018; there is no training on November 25, 2018. Training will last for about 45 minutes each Sunday. Training is a not just for new acolytes. We want current acolytes of all ages and experience to attend training sessions to brush up on their skills, take on new duties and to help train the new and younger acolytes. This is another opportunity to serve!
Thank you to all for your support.
Mr. Warren - 610-692-4677; eowarre@verizon.net
Dr. Brooks - 610-692-0988; david.patrick.brooks@gmail.com
M. Vanasse - 610-429-3781; hsvanasse@verizon.net
Bible Study
The weekly Lectionary Bible Study is on Wednesdays at 10 am, followed by Holy Eucharist at 11:15. At most meetings, this group discusses the lessons for the upcoming Sunday. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Church Farm
The Church Farm School yearly clothing collection is collecting the following for their Griffin Closet this year. Please consider giving to this important cause that supports the students who attend CFS. Belts: Sizes 36, 38, 40; Blazers; Dress shoes & Casual shoes, all sizes.
Please place shoes and belts in the covered grey bin provided in the undercroft under the coats and then blazers can be hung with my name or CFS on them.
We will be collecting in October and November. Thank you and please direct questions to Caralee Crary, caraleegraduate@gmail.com.
Donate Your Time and Talent
Want to get personally involved? If you are over the age of 18 and want to donate your time and talent to the 100% volunteer team at the West Chester Food Cupboard, please email Charlotte Cain at wcfood@gmail.com.
Money and food is welcome too, because no one should go hungry.
Thank you!
431 S. Bolmar Street, West Chester, PA 19382
Altar Flowers
Did you know that you can dedicate the Sunday Altar Flowers in honor of a friend or family member, in remembrance of a loved one, or for some other special recognition? Altar Flower dedications are just $50.00, and helps provide a fresh arrangement each week. The form for dedicating Altar Flowers can be found on our parish website at:
Sunday Lessons
If you would like to read the lessons for Sunday, click on the link below.
Lectionary Page
Fieldnotes Deadline - December
The deadline for the December Fieldnotes is
Monday, November 19!.