See what's happening at Grace this week
August 27, 2020
This is a quick reminder of what is happening at Grace this week in Worship and in ways to connect and serve in the next seven days.
Grace Happenings
A Note From Pastor Joanna Mitchell
Dear Grace Friends,

Yesterday (August 26th) marked my one year anniversary at Grace Lutheran. What a year it has been! If you had shown me this picture on my first day and said, “this will make sense in a year,” I would have pondered if we were using some sort of special theme for VBS where we are "masked for Jesus." Or "don't let people see you living your faith." But no, the picture make sense for a whole lot of other reasons.

What I do know is that in this year, as surprising as it has been, I have experienced the love of God through this community of people (yes the staff, but the Grace community at large!). We are indeed united to do important things by following Jesus who calls us by name, knows us completely and sends us out to transform the world. Yes, even in a pandemic and yes, even more so in these difficult political times. Our God is one who works through difficulty and uses people like you and me to bring about communal change. I am so thankful to be on this journey with all of you.

Thank you for your support care and for the ways you live out your faith. I have seen God working in and through you.

Have I mentioned you look fabulous in your mask? Oh and you have a little something on your face.
Pastor Joanna Mitchell
A Message from The Reopen Team

Dear Grace,

This Sunday marks the first Sunday that we are open for indoor worship. The Reopen Team has been working hard (meeting weekly) as we discern the right path forward for our community. Our desire is to help as many people to worship, in the way that feels safest and most comfortable for them. Therefore, we are committed to providing online worship opportunities into our future. We also will continue parking lot worship as long as we can into the fall. Finally, we will have limited indoor opportunities as well.

Indoor Activities at Grace:
In an effort to provide for the health and well-being of those who worship with us, we have developed a matrix to guide us regarding the appropriate levels of people to have in our worship space. The matrix will also to guide us if and when we might need to move back to distance only worship.

We are using the school matrix from the state of Minnesota and the numbers for Anoka County to determine the number of cases per 10,000 people. 
·        10-20 cases 20% capacity of our sanctuary- 60 sign ups.
·        20-30 cases per 15% capacity of our sanctuary 40 sign-ups
·        30-50 cases 10% capacity for our sanctuary 35 people sign-ups.
·        50+ Virtual only.

Masks are required at ALL indoor events.

Protect others by staying home if you are sick:
If you have a fever, or a cough, sore throat, fatigue, body aches, new loss of taste or smell feel sick in any way, or are awaiting COVID test results, please stay home.

Parameters for Large Group Gatherings:
Large group gatherings should be limited to ½ hour in length. We do need you to sign-up in advance for indoor in-person worship, so that we can maintain records and limit the number of people in our worship space. These numbers will also be used for funerals, baptisms, and any other large group activity in our sanctuary. 

Small Groups:
The Reopen Team has also developed a map of all our rooms and designated the size of a small group that can gather in that space. This will allow for us to have bible studies and small groups in-person if they desire. Small group gathering times are limited to 1 ½ hours.

All Events: 
Food and beverages will not be served at indoor events at this time. 

Mitigating Risk:
We know from listening to the leading epidemiologist that the primary way that COVID-19 is spread is through aerosols, which means it is important that we sit physically distanced from each other and we also do whatever we can to decrease the amount of air that is circulating. However, as many precautions as we might take in order to stop the spread of COVID-19, anyone who is choosing to attend an indoor activity is taking a risk. 

If you end up testing positive for the virus after you have attended an indoor activity at Grace, we do ask that you let the church office know as soon as possible. We will protect your privacy but will also need to inform small groups or others in close contact of their exposure. 

We especially urge those who are 65 and older to be cautious. We know that church is a vital aspect of your life and are so thankful for your faithfulness. God’s Spirit does not rest in the church building but in all of us. God is with you as you worship in your home and in your neighborhood. You are a part of the vulnerable population and your healthy and wellness matters greatly to all of us. If there are other ways, we can help nourish you in faith, please reach out and let us know. 

Thank you for your patience and for bearing with us as we navigate these next steps. Please keep the staff and Grace Community in your prayers.

The Reopen Team:
Pastor Joanna Mitchell, President Chad Hadler, Frances Fernandez, Ann Lange, Lori Ackerson, Mike Schaaff and Dave Trapp
Ministry Moment

Life's circumstances sometimes require us to think of new and creative ways to accomplish our objectives, something we can all attest to - especially these past several months! On Sunday, August 16, we took a new approach to Grace’s Family Table Meal. Since we can’t yet open the Fellowship Hall to those who would typically come for this monthly event, we decided to serve guests via “drive-up” style!

A huge THANK YOU to the team of Grace volunteers who made this happen! They purchased, prepared, and served a delicious lasagna dinner (complete with salad, bread sticks, carrots, fruit cup, cookie and bottle of water!) to those who drove up to the doors of the church between 5:30 and 6:30 PM. Since this was the very first time we tried this approach, we weren’t sure how many to expect! We served a total of 14 meals-to-go to guests, and another dozen meals were given to members of Grace. 

Our next Family Table Drive Up will be on Sunday, Sept. 20, which also coincides with God’s Work, Our Hands weekend! This is a wonderful way to serve our neighbors! If you’re interested in helping, please contact Debbie Jorgens at 763-421-6520 or

Outdoor Worship on Saturdays at 5:00 pm: Join us for outdoor worship on Saturday nights. We will gather on the lawn in front of the church. Please bring a blanket or a chair to sit on. We will use speakers for you to hear. We will not be broadcasting Saturday Night Worship on the radio.

Parking Lot Worship on Sundays at 9:00 am: We invite you to B.Y.O.L.C. (Bring Your Own Lawn Chair) and leave your car for Parking Lot Worship! The first two rows of the parking lot are reserved for people to sit in their lawn chairs while assuring social distancing (6 feet or more apart). 
Young families are invited to sit on the grass and use the sidewalk to keep their kids physically distanced and safe. We have chalk for your kids to use during worship.

In case of rain, we encourage you to stay in your cars.

If you are going to get out of your car for outdoor worship, we ask that you park in the back of the parking lot or in the dental office, so that those in their cars can have a better view of worship. If you need to park closer and still want to get out of your car, please use the parking for people with disabilities, or speak to a parking attendant who will direct you on where to park. 

Staying in your car:
If you would like to stay in your car, you are invited to do so and tune in on the radio on 91.7. Parking lot attendants will park you behind our lawn chairs to give you the best possible view. 

Following worship there will be a chance to mingle outside with each other. We do ask if you decide to converse with people after worship that you please wear a mask.

Indoor Worship on Sundays at 10:30 am:
Join us for Indoor Worship Sundays at 10:30 am. Reservations are required as seating is limited to 60 people or less. To reserve your spot click on the Sign Up Genius button below, call the church office at 763-421-6520 or email Kris Miller at Masks are required.
Other Items of Importance:
  • We will be having Communion on 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month.
  • Each week, we are trying new things and experimenting to improve our worshiping experience. We recognize that there will be things that go well and parts that need to be changed. Thank you for your input and patience.
  • All of the worship formats are dependent on current and trending COVID-19 levels.
  • Beginning September 5/6, our outdoor worship services will be Saturdays at 5:00 pm and Sundays at 8:45 am. PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE. Indoor services will continue at 10:30 am. (Reservations are required for the indoor service and seating is limited to 60 people or less. Reserve you spot on Sign Up Genius, call the church office at 763-421-6520 or e-mail Kris Miller at
  • Please wear masks and abide by social distancing recommendations.
We Need You!!
We Need You! Our wonderful amazing Grace Members! With the addition of Sunday Indoor Worship at 10:30 am, to the outdoor worships on Saturday at 5:00 pm and Sundays at 9:00 am, we are in need of additional volunteers. Ushers are needed at all services and communion servers are needed on the 1st and 3rd week-ends of each month. If you are comfortable helping, please contact Kris Miller in the church office at or 763-421-6520.
Flu Shot Clinic
There will be a Flu Shot Clinic here at Grace in the Fellowship Hall on Thursday, September 10, 9:00 am – 11:00 am. Joel and Becky Anderson from Grace, as well as Walgreen’s and the Lion’s Club are sponsoring.

Bible Study

Join us for Thursday Morning Zoom Bible Study at 10 am with Pastor Joanna (or the Sunday preacher).
Join us on Thursday mornings at 10 am for a bible study. Bring your bibles, yourselves and your questions. If you don’t have a bible, bring your phone or your computer and we will navigate through bible gateway to help you find the scripture.

The Sunday scriptures that we will be studying over the next couple of weeks:
Aug. 27th: Esther 3:1-11, 7:1-10
Sept. 3rd: Genesis 2:4b-7, 15-17
Sept. 13th: Genesis 3:1-8

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking the link below.
New Update From Rakai

Hopefully, you read the Grace4Rakai Update by Scott Christensen in the August/September edition of Grace Notes. (If not, I encourage you to do so!) And now, we have another update to share with you! This time it’s from Richard Mutaawe, our partner in Rakai, Uganda. Please take the time to watch this wonderful video! You’ll learn what a difference your special gifts have made in helping with their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and you’ll see the building-in-progress of the new ACT High School! Thanks be to God for all the good and life-giving things happening in Rakai! And thanks to all of you who have offered your prayers and financial support!
Noisy Offerings

All Noisy Offerings received until August 30th will be given to the ACBC Food Shelf in Anoka. While donations of food are appreciated, financial contributions are especially important right now because this allows ACBC to be more strategic in what they purchase. We’ve also learned that ACBC has an outreach program which currently delivers groceries on a monthly basis to approximately 70 low-income people. The cost is roughly $25.00 per person (for food, delivery, and administrative costs). The need is great, as in addition to those who are currently being served by this program, there are another 30 people on a waiting list.

Thank you for continuing to contribute your Noisy Offerings! So far this month we have raised close to $500!! You are making a tangible difference in the lives of people in need!

God of mercy, we pray for those who are struggling with cancer, dementia, or any other disease. Provide them with peace and resilience for the days ahead. We give thanks for care givers and pray they might be strengthened in their service. We pray as our world continues to search for answers that those diagnosed with coronavirus find the medical interventions they need. We pray for doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians and pathologists, scientists, and researchers, all who give of themselves daily in the fight against this virus. Today we pray especially for Stephanie Smith, Jessica, Elsie Weisenberger, Shannan Gautschi, Arden Kirkendall, John Malecha, Carroll Potter, Joe Bailey, Julie Swedberg, Christopher Sluis, Kathy Lovik, Judi Wold, and Zachary Elsenpeter.  Lord hear our prayer.
God of comfort, we pray for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Today we pray especially for Bill & Becky Gerlach & family upon the death of Becky’s mother, Dotty White; Jim & Maydelle Fennick upon the death of Jim’s sister, Wilda Hogg. Surround them with your love and comfort them with the promise of the resurrection. Lord hear our prayer.
New Virtual Service Availability

Throughout everything we will continue to provide worship online. We will begin streaming worship this week through Grace's YouTube account. Worship will be live at 5:00 pm on Saturday night and at 9:00 am on Sunday morning. It will also be saved so if you are not able to join us at that time you can worship later through Grace's YouTube channel.
Zoom Sunday Fellowship Gathering 

We will not have our 10:30 am Sunday Fellowship Gathering on Zoom this Sunday, August 30th. We will resume Sunday Fellowship Gathering on Zoom at 9:30 am (Note Time Change due to Service Time changes) on Sunday, September 6th.
Consider electronic giving on GraceLink. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceLink logo below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceLink. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Registration Now for

To minimize the spread of COVID-19 and out of love and concern for our church family and community, please follow all practice and procedures as directed by the State of Minnesota.
Links to Grace Lutheran's YouTube Channel
Virtual Worship will be posted online at:

We hope that you will join us at a time that works best for you.