Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
The  Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

EDoLA News from December 2017
Volume 11, Issue 11
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
"Nativity Window" at St. John's, Kenner

2017 Christmas Message From Bishop Thompson

The Word by Mary Oliver
How wonderful! I speak of the soul and seven people
rise from their chairs and leave the room, seven others
lean forward to listen. I speak of the body, the spirit,
the mockingbird, the hollyhock, leaves opening in the
rain, music, faith, angels seen at dusk-and seven
more people leave the room and are seen running
down the road. Seven more stay where they are but
make murmurous disruptive sounds. Another seven
hang their heads, feigning disinterest though their
hearts are open, their hope is high that they will hear
the word even again. The word is already, for them,
the song in the forest. They know already how every thing
is better-the dark trees less terrible, the ocean
less hungry-when it comes forth, and looks around
with its crisp and lovely eye, and begins to sing.

From What Do We Know: Poems and Prose Poems (De Capo Press, Cambridge, MA: 2002)

In the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and glory, so the message of the Gospels tells us. The word becomes Word, the baby becomes the Savior. The world is changed to Word. Announcements become real and for some the whole world is lit like a million candles fluttering at once. Who could deny such a moment? Who would not see and be changed? 
Beauty lasts but a fleeting moment but words turn into Word. Our journey is to re-live these moments. One moment we understand and receive the Word and then at other times the Word presents its beauty and we leave the room. One day we lean forward and another we receive a glimpse of Love and we are changed. 
In the beginning was God. Today is God, and tomorrow will be God. This is the gift given to us in the birth of the Child. Some left the room. Some stayed to listen. Some leaned forward and heard the cry and wept with joy.
Blessed Christmas!

Holiday Office Hours

The diocesan office will be closed from Friday, December 22 through Tuesday, January 2 for the Christmas and New Year's holiday.
Upcoming Diocesan Events:

January 8-10
College of Presbyters
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center, Loranger.

January 13 at 4 p.m.
Celebration of the Feast of Blessed Frances Joseph Gaudet
St. Luke's, 1222 N. Dorgenois St., New Orleans.

January 19-21
Emotional Sobriety: A weekend retreat for women who are  or want to be in recovery Solomon Episcopal Conference Center, Loranger.
More information

January 20 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Stewardship Summit
St. Paul's, 6249 Canal Blvd, New Orleans.
More information 

Upcoming Bishop Visitations:  Click here for the schedule
News from The Episcopal Church
Christmas Message from the Presiding Bishop

"Have a blessed Christmas, a wonderful New Year, and go out and make music in the heart of the world," Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry said in his Christmas Message for 2017.

Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps: 
Applications Accepted for 2018-2019 Placements

[December 11, 2017] Young adults (21-30 years old) have an opportunity to transform their own lives while engaging mission and ministry in the Anglican Communion by joining the Young Adult Service Corps. Now, applications are available for 2018-2019 placements in the Young Adult Service Corps, commonly known as YASC.
Currently YASCers are serving throughout the Anglican Communion, working alongside partners in administration, agriculture, communication, development, and education. They are serving in Brazil, Costa Rica, England, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Africa and Tanzania.
Among possible placements for 2018-2019 include (but not limited to) Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, England, Honduras, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Jerusalem, Mexico, Panama, the Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan, and Tanzania.
"The Young Adult Service Corps offers young adults the opportunity to live out their faith in new ways and different contexts," commented Elizabeth Boe, Episcopal Church Mission Personnel Officer. "They commit to spending a year learning from and working, living, and praying with other Episcopal and Anglican communities around the world."
The application for a 2018-2019 placement with additional information and instructions is available here.

The application deadline is Friday, January 12, 2018.
The Rev. David Copley, Director of Global Partnerships and Mission Personnel, noted, "YASC builds on the foundation of faith, knowledge, education, and experience that young adults bring with them when they serve and offers opportunities to be challenged and transformed by being fully present in another part of God's world. Missionary service is first and foremost an act of faith and a way of being Church."
For more information contact Boe at .
YASC blogs available at 
Additional information about YASC and videos available at

# # # #
On the web:
Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps: Applications accepted for 2018-2019 placements

News from Around the Diocese
Follow all the news from around the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana by clicking here.
Ordination of Gina Jenkins and Stephen Shortess to the Sacred Order of Deacons on December 16 at Christ Church Cathedral. 

Clergy Transitions

The Rev. Andrew Thayer was installed rector of Trinity Church, New Orleans, on Wednesday, November 29. View photographs of the service here.

Gina Jenkins was ordained the Sacred Order of Deacons on Saturday, December 16 at Christ Church Cathedral. She will return to complete her last semester of seminary at the University of the South, Sewanee. View photographs of the service here.

Stephen Shortess was ordained the Sacred Order of Deacons on Saturday, December 16 at Christ Church Cathedral. He will return to complete her last semester of seminary at Virginia Theological Seminary. View photographs of the service here.

The Rev. Bobby Hadzor was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests on Monday, December 18 at Trinity Church, New Orleans. He is serving as the chaplain of Trinity Episcopal School and as assistant at St. Augustine's, Metairie. View photographs of the service here.

The Rev. John Tober was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priest on Wednesday, December 20 at Trinity Church, Baton Rouge. He will continue to serve as the curate and chaplain of Trinity Church and School. View photographs of the service here.
Now Available: The Trinity Option: Stories from an Older Rector Who is Still Learning

The Trinity Option: Stories from an Older Rector Who Is Still Learning  is now available in Trinity Treasures for the retail price of $20. In the book the Rev. Hill Riddle and the Rev. Canon William Barnwell tell through stories how, during Hill's 19 years as rector (1984 to 2003), Trinity moved forward to became what it is today: a Beloved Community. On the cover, Trinity's in-house artist, Tim Trapolin, shows just what their Beloved Community looks like.

Alex Hailey, the author of Roots, has said that the most powerful phrase in the English language is "Let me tell you a story." And powerful inspiring stories fill the book.

Trinity Treasurers is located at Trinity Church, 1329 Jackson Ave, New Orleans. 

The Rev. Hill Riddle and Canon William Barnwell are available for book signings and conversation at churches around the diocese. Email if your are interested.
Photo of the Month
Walking in a Winter Wonderland
[Photo from the St. Patrick's, Zachary, Facebook Page]   On December 8, the entire diocese saw a rare and beautiful snowfall. It is reported that several inches fell across the Northshore and Baton Rouge Deaneries, a dusting of snow in the Southwest, and a few flurries in the New Orleans and Jefferson Deaneries. 

There were so many fantastic photographs of the snow. View a roundup of Facebook posts here.

More News on the EDoLA Blog:

The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana | 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115
(504) 895-6634 | |