The Monday Memo is the weekly newsletter of the William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications. It is sent to journalism faculty, staff, students and alumni who have requested it. 

J-School Generations recap
Thanks to all of the students, alumni and faculty and staff who attended J-School Generations events last week. Check out a photo gallery here. In the next week or so, organizers will be sending surveys to assess this year's events, so please share your feedback with us to help us improve and expand next year.
J-School alumna Laura Okmin (center) visited with students Emily Natwick (left) and Harold Johnson during J-School Generations on Sept. 28. Okmin also met with a large group of sports media students and was one of the J-Talk speakers.
Faculty and staff
The Office of Marketing Communications invites KU-Lawrence faculty, adjunct faculty, deans, directors and communicators to participate in a free studio portrait event Oct. 11-12. Marketing Communications will email proofs of three to four frames for your consideration and will provide you with a high-resolution copy of the image you select. Two-minute sittings are offered on a walk-in basis from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. in Room 205 of the Wesley Building. Due to limited resources, they are not able to accommodate GTAs, researchers without teaching appointments, and staff.   
Faculty, staff and students with significant international experiences and contributions to international education are invited to apply for membership in Phi Beta Delta national honor society. Applications are due Oct. 12. Get the details and apply here. 
Tom Volek, who retired from the J-School in May as associate dean for undergraduate studies, was awarded the REES faculty service award on Sept. 7. The award was in appreciation of the contributions he has made to the Russian, East European & Eurasian programs and initiatives over the years.
Research and presentations
Assistant Professor Teri Finneman has launched a new podcast, Journalism History, on iTunes as part of her work with the AEJMC History Division. Finneman is attending the American Journalism Historians Association conference this month in Salt Lake City, where she helped organize suffrage anniversary activities and spoke about her research on the anti-suffrage movement and press coverage of first ladies.

A brown bag lunch to discuss research projects for the annual conference of the International Communication Association and other venues will take place Oct. 19 from noon to 1 p.m. in Stauffer-Flint, Room 303.
Student news and opportunities
Ex.C.E.L. award winner

Congratulations to Jose Montoya , a Los Lunas, New Mexico, senior in journalism and sport management, who was selected as a winner of the 28th annual Excellence in Community, Education and Leadership Awards. The winners were announced during halftime of the KU-Oklahoma State Homecoming football game Sept. 29. Montoya is pictured at left with Dr. Matt Smith, KU associate director of bands. Read the news release here.
Text Link
The KU Ice Hockey Club is looking for beat writers. Writers would need to attend games, interview the players and coaches, and write and post a story after each two-game set. This position does get volunteer hours along with being great job experience, and it looks good on a resume. If interested, contact Jimmy Samuels at
The 2019 Carnegie-Knight News21 program is a national reporting initiative at Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, which brings top journalism students from across the country to report and produce in-depth, multimedia projects for major media outlets, including The Washington Post, NBC News and USA Today. Students must be nominated by their program directors. Deadline to apply is Nov. 10. Learn more about the fellowship here.
Apply now for School of Journalism scholarships

Each year, students are eligible to apply for School of Journalism scholarships. All students admitted to the school are encouraged to apply. Students who receive KU renewable scholarships should note that the School of Journalism will likely be funding those scholarships during their junior and senior years. Students receiving renewable scholarships should still apply for journalism scholarships; additional funds may be available. Applications are due Dec. 1, and scholarship recipients will be notified in April 2019. Scholarships are for the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 academic year.  Apply here. (Click the red "Sign In" button at the top, then log in with your KU online ID).
Pretty  Presets for Lightroom is offereing is $500 bi-annual scholarship. Applicants must
research and compose an essay-style Adobe Lightroom tutorial on one of four selected topics. Deadline to apply is Dec. 15. Get more details here. 
Applications are now open for Buff Guy Media's Digital Media Scholarship Program. Students applying for the $1,500 scholarship must answer three questions relating to digital technology. Deadline to enter is Dec. 7. Get more details here.
Internship and job opportunities
J-School job openings

The J-School has two job openings in the student advising office, for an academic advisor and recruitment coordinator. Today is the last day to apply. Learn more here.
Find career and work opportunities on the J-School's jobs and internships web page. You can filter by job or internship and full or part time. And don't forget that our career and outreach coordinator, Steve Rottinghaus, can help you with your search. Some recent opportunities include:

Education reporter, Gannett (Florida)
Integrated marketing solutions consultant, Entravision (Denver, Colorado)
Sports reporter/anchor, KAKE Sports (Wichita, Kansas)
Digital order ambassador, Entravision (Denver, Colorado)

U.S. strategic communications and outreach intern, U.N. Refugee Agency (Washington, D.C.)
Governor's internship program, State of Kansas (Topeka, Kansas)
Social media intern, Blishful Thinking (Kansas City)

See more job and internship opportunities here.

If you have recently accepted a job or internship, please share the news with Steve Rottinghaus, career and outreach coordinator at
Sign up to interview for Pulliam Journalism Fellowship  
A representative from the Pulliam Journalism Fellowship will be at Stauffer-Flint Hall on Oct. 26 to interview juniors, seniors and graduate students enrolled in the J-School as of Nov. 1, 2019. The program is looking for students committed to a career in news journalism after graduation. Pulliam Fellows earn $650 a week for 10 weeks from June 10 to Aug. 16 at either the Indianapolis Star or Arizona Republic. By Oct. 19, interested students should submit a one-page resume and two story clips to Steve Rottinghaus at the J-School Career and Outreach Office at The representative prefers the submissions be a photo copy of the article as it appeared in the print newspaper. Students should note their preferred fellowship job category: news, sports, business, feature or digital media/social media. In-person interviews do not replace the official application process but provide Pulliam Journalism Fellowship judges supplemental information to consider along with the official application. An official online application form can be found at  and should be completed by Nov. 1, 2018.
Virtual Career Fair set for Oct. 17
NPR and PBS stations are hiring editors, social media and digital experts, fundraisers and underwriting sales people, music hosts, videographers, engagement coordinators and event planners. Many of these stations are participating in a free Virtual Career Fair on Oct. 17. The fair, scheduled for 11 a.m.-2 p.m., is an excellent, easy way for students and alums to job shop, make connections, learn about public media, secure follow-up interviews and get on the radar with recruiters for future openings. Learn more here.
Internship Nepal opportunities
Internship Nepal welcomes students from around the world to join dynamic, effective internship programs in Nepal. Students studying journalism, politics, mass communications and photography are encouraged to apply. Learn more here. 
News Engagement Day

News Engagement Day is tomorrow, Oct. 2. Please encourage your friends and social media followers to engage with reputable news outlets and promote understanding about the principles and processes of journalism.
Learn more at

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist to discuss advocacy 
Faculty and students are invited to join Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Sonia Nazario at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 4 at the Reardon Center, 520 Minnesota Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas, for "Telling Readers the Truth Means Being an Advocate Too," a discussion about the intersection between journalism and advocacy.  A bilingual discussion and book signing will follow. The event includes free food and a cash bar. Sponsored by Humanities Kansas, this event is part of Latino Stories of Kansas/Historias Latinas de Kansasa statewide initiative that seeks to deepen the public's knowledge and appreciation of the vital connections between democracy, the humanities, journalism, and an informed citizenry.

Registration for Shadow Day
Nonprofit Connect is hosting Shadow Day 2018 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 26 at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, 4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, Missouri. The event matches college students interested in the nonprofit sector with local nonprofit professionals for a day of learning and networking. This event allows undergraduate and graduate students to experience a workday in their desired profession and helps students develop a variety of connections in the nonprofit community. Student registration fee is $25, including light continental breakfast. The deadline to register is Sept. 21. For more information, contact Branden Haralson at or read this student guide.
Digital Frontiers conference 
The J-School is one of the sponsors of the 2018 Digital Frontiers/IDRH Conference, which is Oct. 4-6 at KU and the Lawrence Public Library. The theme for the 2018 conference is Finding Community in Digital Humanities. Learn more and register here.   
Students invited to SPARK KC conference
Are you curious about advertising? Want to discover what advertising jobs are available? If you answered yes, SPARK KC on Oct. 19 at Johnson County Art and Heritage Center is the event for you. It's a day full of learning about the different advertising roles and time for students to speak with companies. SPARK KC will feature speakers who talk about their experiences in advertising, recruiters who can give you the inside scoop on how to land the job, and young professionals who will share their own career journeys. There will also be time for resume and portfolio reviews with ad agency professionals who can help you navigate the world of advertising. Finally, it will cap off with a career fair so you can hunt for opportunities. The registration fee is $25 by Oct. 7. After that date, the fee is $30. Walk-up registration is $35. Learn more here. 
Alumni update
Melissa Yeager, 2000 J-School graduate, has accepted a position at the Arizona Republic as the consumer travel reporter.
Mark your calendars
Oct. 13-16: Fall break
Oct. 14-16: Kansas Association of Broadcasters Convention, Wichita
Oct. 26: Faculty/staff meeting, 1:30-3 p.m., SF 206 
Nov. 8: J-School Career Fair, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Kansas Room in Kansas Union
Nov. 15: Doughnuts with the Dean, 9-10:30 a.m., Clarkson Gallery
Nov. 16: Montgomery Family Symposium, Adams Alumni Center 
Nov. 21-25: Thanksgiving break
Dec. 7: Stop day
Dec. 7: Faculty/staff meeting, 10:30 a.m.-noon, followed by lunch, Clarkson Gallery
Dec. 14: Last day of finals   
Jan. 21: Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
Jan. 22: First day of spring semester
Feb. 1: Faculty/staff meeting, 1:30-3 p.m., 206 SF  
Feb. 20: KSPA Regional Contest at Kansas Union 
March 7: J-School Career Fair, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Kansas Room, Kansas Union
March 11-17: Spring break
March 22: Faculty/staff meeting, 1:30-3, 206 SF 
April 11: William Allen White Day & Student Scholarship and Awards Ceremony, Ballroom, Kansas Union 
April 12: Burton W. Marvin News Enterprise Awards
May 4: KSPA State Contest at Kansas Union  
May 10: Stop day
May 10: Faculty/staff meeting and lunch, 10:30-noon, Clarkson Gallery 
May 17: Last day of finals
May 18: J-School Recognition Ceremony, 8:30 a.m., Lied Center 

To see all J-School events, go to
University of Kansas | William Allen White School of Journalism & Mass Communications 
785-864-7644 | |
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