INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY this week sees a campaign theme of #pressforprogress to guide and galvanize collective action for gender parity.

Crucially,  research demonstrates that  women's attributes contribute to superior investment outcomes.  Kathy Murphy, president of personal investing at Fidelity says:

"Women have long-term goals, and they stick with the plan." 

LEADERSHAPE GLOBAL'S OWN RESEARCH shows women outscore men significantly in a number of Emotional Intelligence capabilities that relate strongly to Social Awareness and Relationship Management. These capabilities are most closely linked to the requirements of our rapidly changing world and contribute most to higher performance in organisations where more women are on Boards.

In a world that changed relatively slowly, knowledge was power, so it was easy to lead in a paternal way. 
Today, the amount of knowledge for their job that a leader can hold in their heads is below 10% and falling. So a key requirement is the ability to collaborate with team members and draw on combined knowledge.   Read more about this in our recently published article in We Are the City  magazine .

Leading Beyond the Ego - how to become a Transpersonal Leader-  is our latest cutting edge book exploring these concepts and a great deal more for both male and female organisational leaders.  


WE HAVE CREATED this fascinating infographic to show some of the proven financial rewards organisations gain from developing a strong pipeline of women leaders. Click on the image for a larger version.  You can also  download your free copy of our White Paper Women, Naturally Better Leaders for the 21st Century.  

WE TALK A LOT about the business and organisational benefits of 'Transpersonal Leadership'; however, do you want to dig deeper and find out more and how you could apply it in your own practice? LeaderShape Global is delighted to invite you to an exclusive live webinar (running three times) which will be the perfect opportunity to do just that!

Join us for this webinar (sponsored by Routledge and Virginia International University) on our upcoming book, 'LEADING BEYOND THE EGO: How To Become A Transpersonal Leader.'

Click here FFI and webinar registration.

NB: There will be 1-2 day delay once you've booked your place via Eventbrite before you receive your webinar link, as we send the link manually. However, your place is secure once you've booked.

DURING the webinar What is Transpersonal Leadership and HOW can you become a Transpersonal Leader, sponsored by Virginia International University and Routledge, you can obtain a 20% discount on a selection of the publisher's gender and leadership books. 
Webinar hosts are John Knight and Danielle Grant, who along with Greg Young, are authors of the groundbreaking book 'LEADING BEYOND THE EGO: How To Become A Transpersonal Leader.'

Webinar hosts.  
John Knights is Co-founder and Chairman of LeaderShape Global. A former senior international business leader, he is an author, coach, lecturer and thought-leader in leadership development. Read more about John here.

Danielle Grant is a Director of LeaderShape Global. A former senior executive leader in international corporates, she is a thought-leader in blended learning methodologies for leadership development. Read more about Danielle  here.

How can I contact the organiser with any questions?   Danielle Grant:
YOUR COPY OF OUR CUTTING EDGE LEADERSHIP MANUAL IS NOW AVAILABLE  for pre-order   or your local Amazon online store
O ur  NEW   book  "Leading Beyond the Ego; How to Become a Transpersonal Leader"  - is to be released 9th  March  2018.     
Traditional leadership styles of the past are underperforming in a world of continuous transformation. Those that recognise this and learn how to lead beyond their ego will become emotionally intelligent and ethical leaders who are able to build strong, collaborative relationships, and create a caring, sustainable and performance-enhancing environment.    An essential read for current and aspiring organisational leaders, HR professionals, executive coaches and mentors, Leading Beyond the Ego is a vital point of reference for anyone in a leadership position and who wants to embrace this new world and Transpersonal Leadership.

LeaderShape Global Ltd is a UK-based organisation with a 
global culture that operates without borders. 

UK Head Office: +44 330 323 0275  
Twitter: @LeaderShapeUK 
LinkedIn: Transpersonal Leadership

Take a look at the range of our globally and nationally based clients here
Or please pass this newsletter on to colleagues who may benefit from our leadership development work.

Greg Young, 
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