Behavior Goes Where Reinforcement Flows:
Using the Matching Law to Understand Behavior
Manipulating Choice through Behavioral Economics
Workshop Description

Part I:   Children are frequently faced with choice about how to behave. Do I brush my teeth or run away from mom? Do I ask for a snack or scream and point? Adults often wonder why a child may engage in one behavior more often than another. The answer is likely related to the Matching Law. The Matching Law indicates that a child will usually choose the behavior that has a higher rate of reinforcement. This means that, by carefully considering rates of reinforcement, parents and professionals can directly impact behavior without punishment. This presentation will outline a description of the Matching Law, provide “real life” examples, and recommended intervention strategies.

Part II:   Behavioral economics involves the use of basic economic concepts and principles to predict, control, and analyze behavior in choice situations. Practitioners will learn how to view and manipulate response ratio as price for a commodity or putative reinforcer. In addition, practitioners will learn about substitutability, complementary, and independent commodities and other variables of a token economy system. framework. 

Learning Objectives:
  • Participants will be able to define the matching law.
  • Participants will be able to compare rates of reinforcement to predict behavior patterns.
  • Participants will be able to name at least 3 intervention strategies and identify strengths and limitations of each.
  • Participants will be able to relate behavioral economics to the matching law.
  • Participants will be able to describe methods to manipulate response ratios as price for reinforcers.
Friday, November 9, 2018
Melville Marriott Long Island
1350 Walt Whitman Road
Melville, NY 11747
10:00 am-2:00 pm
Contact   :
Monica Nichols
(631) 473-4284 ext. 119
New York Therapy Placement Services, Inc. active providers and parents receiving services through NYTPS Inc. are eligible to attend at a discounted rate. For this discount code, please email:
Lauren Kryzak  obtained her Doctoral degree in Learning Processes and Behavior Analysis from the Graduate Center of CUNY. She has provided ABA services for learners for 10 years and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. She has worked with learners, ages 2-21 years, across home, school, and community-based settings to address social-communication skills, along with daily living skills. She is published in peer-reviewed journals, including  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, and Developmental Neurorehabilitation.
Celia L. Heyman  is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. She has been providing behavior analytic services to learners ranging from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12. Ms. Heyman has experience conducting functional behavior assessments, implementation of Behavior Intervention Plans, social skills groups, sibling support groups, and various teaching procedures such as Discrete Trial Instructions and Natural Environment Teaching. As a clinician, Ms. Heyman has provided training to professional staff and families as well as providing tutoring services to individuals preparing for the national credential in behavior analysis.
   Disclosure Information:

The speaker for this event receives a speaker fee for this engagement.
There are no non-financial disclosures.
Course Completion for ASHA CEU's: 
Participants will receive a certificate of completion including ASHA CEU Credit Hours. Successful completion for full CEU's requires attendance for the entire course, and meeting the contact hours, and completing course evaluation. 
Special Accommodations/Accessibility:
New York Therapy Placement Services welcomes participants with disabilities. Please contact Monica Nichols at (631)473-4284 or   to discuss disability accommodations needed to participate fully in this event. 
Refund/Cancellation Policy:
Tuition will be refunded less a $5.00 processing fee, if written notification is received by New York Therapy Placement Services up to two weeks prior to the workshop. Two weeks to 48 hours prior to the workshop date 50%; 48 hours prior to workshop, no refund would be available. 
Complaint Policy:
We respect your input, for concerns or complaints during the registration process, during the event, or after the course please contact us at  or call the office at (631)473-4284 .